xcode 4 - Date picker - iphone

is there a way to have the date picker smaller or with different size?
I have been trying to make it small programatically but it seems like there is no luck.
any help?

no you cannot
if you want you may customize your own date picker using pickerview
Date picker is not customizable.

If you have lots of time you could create your own UIView object (with your custom background) with one (or more, better if configurable) UITableView scrolling-paged inside (and other object, like the light blue indicator) and show this UIView inside a UIActionSheet (you will get animation in/out for free).
It's not a easy solution, but it is.
If you'll create this component, any code released open source is really appreciated.


How to create an Custom picker?? Or

I need to create an app that contains something like this image:
When the user changes the label it should change an image above..
There is more option after the number "24", like a picker.
I have the idea to implement an picker in horizontal mode, but I don t now how to change the design of it to be like the image (without the effect well).
Any one have an idea how to do that, or something that works like this???
use UIScrollView
You can't alter a UIPickerView object much so you should consider a rotated UITableView object. More than subclass, you will need to build a composite view that basically mirrors some of the methods of the UITableView object. And you will have to add appropriate methods that handle the selected value.

How to make a UItextField with a UIPickerView

i wanto to make somethink like this http://tinypic.com/r/33m8vmo/7 . I want to know if it's just a UItextField with a picture in the right or not ?
and my second question is why i don't have this in my interface builder ? http://tinypic.com/r/121txd5/7 i just have this http://tinypic.com/r/34dgah0/7 ?
Help me please , i'm a newbie :(
Again it is pretty close to this one. You will have to set the desired view (in that example, it was the UIDatePicker instance) as a text field's input view. Take a look at the example in the answer and you can model UIPickerView instance to be the input view in a similar fashion.
As for the second question, the control you want is a Cocoa control and not a Cocoa Touch control. You will have them available when developing for mac.

Manipulate UIPickerView to have single rows

Does anyone understand how Apple manipulated the regular UIPickerView to look like the image below? Instead of two rows, I only need one in the middle. If anyone can point me in the right direction or show me a tutorial I'd really appreciate it.
Try making a narrow picker view.
Set it atop an image view.
Fill the image view with a screenshot of the picker background.

Is it possible to 're-skin' the IOS Date Picker?

I require a custom date picker, essentially just want to remove the graphics in the IOS version but retain the 3 column date scroll. Does it need to be re-built from scratch (all research points to yes) , or is it possible to just disable or swap the images.
I haven't tried it myself, but maybe you could just add a UIImageView above the datepicker with a transparent section for the scrolling sections to show through.
Change UIPickerView background check adam's answer there relating to picker views.
I have altered those before for a picker, so the datepicker might be similar.
I don't think you can change the images of a UIDatePicker. UIPickerView you can, but as you say, you would lose a lot of functionality.

picker in place of buttons

What do people do in this scenario
- Lets say you have a screen with 7-8 buttons, so instead of displaying 7 buttons in a screen which looks ugly, what other options do you receommend. Picker is one option, similar rto date picker, we can display one picker with 1 column which displays all button texts. Any recommendations on using other controls.
I have a black background, so putting a picker might not be a good option.
Thanks for any help
UITableView could be a good option
I think the picker is the most ridiculous looking control that Apple has ever created. I would go with Daniel's idea and use a UITableView. If you find that you rather like the picker functionality, just throw a UITableView into a UIScrollView. It will look ten times better.