Facebook Photo Upload iPhone Integration Issue - iphone

I am using FacebookAgent by Amanapps. It is a nice little wrapper for Facebook integration in iPhone apps. So far everything is peachy. But I noticed that when I upload a photo to my account, Facebook does not automatically publish it to the wall, instead Facebook puts it on hold and I need to goto See All Photos and approve them first.
Is there any way I can bypass this "approval" method. I feel it is ridiculous since upon logging in, the user has already give consent to the "app" to post the photo.
Thanks in advance for any insights.

Ok, anyway, I had to move away from FacebookAgent since in latest FB SDK, FacebookAgent is no longer updated. I ended up coding my own Facebook usage in the app using latest SDK with SSO. I even wrote a tutorial for it, for those who'd like to know how to do it please visit: http://xcodenoobies.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-to-upload-photo-and-update-status.html


Show Facebook wall on website

Is there a way to show your facebook wall on a website? I have been looking for days and all I can find is methods of showing ones OWN messages. Im looking for something(script/code) that will show the complete wall including what friends are posting. Is this even possible or is it prohibited by Facebook? I did search there 'developers api site' but couldnt find an anwser to this.
It's possible but you need to build your own custom version as officially facebook doesn't provide any pre-built plugins or code.
You'll have to code a lot of back-end and front-end stuffs. If you're really interested in building something like that, you might wanna consider looking at this script Facebook Wall Script 3.0 with PHP and Jquery
If you want to save time, you might buy that script, do the necessary changes and integrate facebook graph API so it shows data from your fb profile, but if you want build more advance version and have lot of time, then you can build a custom version from scratch.
i don't see the point of show your facebook wall on a website since can have that easily by pointing the user back to your facebook account.
i would suggest you to display a facebook page plugin instead as you can earn some like and it is free of charge.
could you let me know why you want to do that?

Does Sharekit still work?

When I try and use Facebook with Sharekit, it pops up the login dialog, I fill in my credentials and then it just disapears (it does this in the sample project as well) Am I doing something wrong? Or is Sharekit just defunked? If so, any viable alternatives?
Yes it does. And it gets better - there is a new repo on github, which aims to bring it alive again, from the flood of various forks.
I'm using ShareKit on a current project. The Facebook integration performs this way sometimes, but I don't think it has anything to do with the library. Remember that the Facebook dialog is hosted by Facebook. It may have to do with a temporary hiccup on their end.
Sharekit still works. I love it and it saved me a ton of time. It absolutely works.
I have experienced this issue as well.
There is a bug with the sharekit when the user signing in has already authorized your app to access their facebook account.
If I go into facebook -> account settings -> apps and remove my app from the list of apps. I do not experience this bug the very next time I have to sign in to facebook through the sharekit.
I am working on a solution, as long as time permits!

Uploading a photo to facebook in Windows phone 7

I am not finding any concrete api or reference about uploading a photo to facebook in windows phone 7.I have tried with the latest c# sdk from http://facebooksdk.codeplex.com.
But no luck.Appreciate if you could help me..
This question seems to come up time and time again. See here and here. I wish Facebook would make it easier :)
The last time I looked at working with the Facebook SDK it wasn't possible to post a local photo to the user's wall; you had to have the photo hosted online somewhere already. However you can post to the user's photos section.
There is a forum post on the App Hub that gives the code for doing this. I think the Facebook C# SDK supports WP7, but I'm not sure if it will simplify this process any further.

iOS Facebook Integration

I am working on simple facebook integration that allows users to post high scores to their wall. The way doodlejump handles this is my inspiration. I have it functioning, but it's not very clean and I'm not sure what to do.
I followed the instructions at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/mobile to get up and running. One of the first things it has you do it call [facebook authorize:nil delegate:self]. After that you can call [facebook dialog:#"feed" andParams:params andDelegate:self] to make a post to the users wall. I have two issues with this.
First, when you call authorize it exits your app as that is facebook's new desired methodology as part of "One Single Sign-On" (OSS). That ok, what isn't ok is that my app is doing this even if the user is already signed on. I do not see a way to check if the user is already signed on.
The second issue is that it exits my app to authorize my app to post something to facebook. It seems acceptable to exit the app to sign on to facebook. Most users will have already done this, so no big deal. But my app should not have to exit just to get user authorization to post something. DoodleJump doesn't do that but I'm not sure how.
I tried digging through old posts but the SDK has changed so a lot of them are no longer valid. Thanks.
Based on the latest Facebook SDK (located at Github) and it's example I have determined that this is the expected behavior.
It is built around the new fangled "fast app switching" so it looks like that is just what happens.
A little lame imo but if that's what Facebook engineers have determined to be the optimal process then so be it.
I was having the same problem. Turned out it was because I hadn't set the URL Schemas in info.plist Where it says to fut fbYOUR_APP_ID make sure that you do this how they say. Your plist file should say something like fb12345 and then it will identify that the user has logged in correctly. offline_access will then work as a result
Might not be the answer you are looking for, but the app 'Hipstamatic' connects with facebook for photo upload (which I assume/hope is a similar process as wall posting) from within itself.
It could be worth seeing if they would be able to guide you if you sent the devs an e-mail?
I think they solve this issue by calling an iframe of sorts within the app, connecting the app to facebook and performing facebook activities, then closing once complete.
Hope this helps!
What permissions are you requesting? If you don't ask for offline_access the framework will make the user log in each time.
You can also try ShareKit
It's an open source library for iOS to share links, images and more. It's very simple and also works with Twitter and other social networks.
The site also contains some video tutorial and some code examples to integrate the Facebook API, Check this

Publish picture to Facebook from my iphone app

Who can explain step by stem how to publish on the Facebook user account pictures and albums from my iPhone app?
I know about FB iPhone sdk, but cannot understand the whole process.
1. Should I register application on the FB?
2. Can I publish my local pics, or must use links on the previously published pics on hosts like yfrog.com.
Yes, implementing FB iPhone SDK for the first time is subject for a book...
Have you seen this video?
It's a little outdated, but it was a good help for me to begin understanding the whole process...
As for question 2., I believe you can upload and publish the picture to FB user account, if you request the appropriate permissions.
You can also try ShareKit: http://www.getsharekit.com/
It makes things real easy :)