Open MWPhotoBrowser with a link and loop - iphone

I'm fairly new at iOS development so please forgive my ignorance.
I have web view with a search form, sending request to display different pages depending on the search query. When displaying a selected page I want to have a normal html link at the top which will give the user the possibility to display all images available using the very nice MWPhotoBrowser.
So somehow I need to tell Xcode to open MWPhotoBrowser using a link and when this link is pressed send a variable to MWPhotoBrowser and in that viewController somehow loop through a my
Is this the best way to do this and is it even possible? I have searched as much as possible but I'm not sure what to look for so I would really appreciate if you could point me in the right direction.

Judging from this link at github project it should be fine.


How to create a custom button, specifically the exact button from Facebook sign up

First of all, go to Facebook. Then make sure you're not logged in. When you log out of Facebook it will bring you to the log in/sign up page. At the bottom of the Sign Up section, after the user has filled out their information, there is a green button with rounded edges that says "Sign Up".
What I want is to create that exact button on my form in Visual Basic. I've been trying to create a form that looks almost exactly like the Facebook sign up page, just a little different. I have a lot to do still. But so far, this is what I have: (Sorry I can't upload pictures in my posts here yet, requires 10 reputation points. Soon enough though. For now, I have to upload the pictures to tinypic, then get the url and post it here.)
The button I made was very difficult for me to make, I had to go on YouTube to find out how to make a rounded button, and it looks horrible, absolutely horrible. I cannot use a button looking like that. You can see the pixels! :(
So what I'm trying to learn is how to make a button that looks exactly like the Facebook sign up button. Any suggestions? And please, don't just give me the code to do it. Explain it a little so I know what I'm doing exactly. I don't want to just take code and put it in my program and be done with it. I want to know what I'm doing. Thank you very much for reading my question and for lending a hand. I appreciate any and all help. Have a wonderful day. hope this helps you out . you should download a few vb pdf's from google that will help you a lot to get the basics .
Solved my own problem.
Use a picture box instead of a button. Double click the picture box and add the code as if you were for a button. For example, when you click my picture box it opens form2. Because I put in the button_click section.
Hooray for figuring it out on my own! Took me long enough. Two days..

Is it possible to get the page number and line number in iPhone

Is it possible to get the page number and line number of particular text from doc/rtf/pdf in iPhone sdk?
Can QLPreviewController or UIDocumentInteractionController be of any help?
I am trying to create something like iAnnotate,Sente. Application where in user will be able to select some text and can add comments for selected text.
I have gone through the fastpdfkit api's which seems the only api which can be of some help.
Can you guys guide me in the right direction.
Go with this link, it will help you for PDF reader and you can see there how I am doing total page and current page.
If you're looking at doing this with PDF, RTF and DOC it might be best to approach it in a different way as they are all very different formats.
Instead - if you consider attaching comments to an area of the page as opposed to a specific text selection then all you need to know about the document is which page you're looking at. A much easier task. Then you get the user to 'drag out' a comments box for an area of that page. Think of them more like sticky-notes.
This way you can add comments to images as well as text and it allows a much more flexible system for support of other file formats in the future.
I realise this isn't I direct answer to the question, but thought it relevant enough to post.

HTML pages in iPhone apps. Where to start?

I'm looking to create a small reference app. It has a UItabBar and 4 views that each load a UITableView which can be drilled down to display, essentially a page of information and pictures, like a book.
If I want to make the page a little more stylised than just using labels and image views, the common consensus seems to be to create HTML pages and load them in a web view.
Being new to this, please could someone give me some direction on where to even begin with this? As I understand it, I essentially need to develop a web page with a text editor, and then what? Actualy upload online and create a public website? It's a little confusing, and as I'm not a developer, a little disheartening to think I'll now have to learn HTML as well as Obj-C to create a simple app.
I'm sure there are some great tools or alternatives out there and if someone could recommend such avenues I'd be incredibly grateful.
Kind regards,
If you want to display HTML pages in a UIWebView you can store them in your bundle and display them from there (so no need to put the pages online). It is best though to stick with the UI controls that Apple provides you with. If you need more customization try subclassing some of the standard controls.
If you customize your UI too much it will just confuse the user and degrade their experience.

iPhone app, help pages, multiple pages, quick to develop?

I need to provide some help for my app. I'm going to have some info buttons on some screens.
Initially I'd like them to be directed to the exact help page, but I'd like them then to be able to navigate to other pages in the help system.
What should I use, I'm looking for something quick to develop and quick to modify.
I'm thinking local html pages perhaps ?
Any examples / advice
I think the best way to do this is using a UIWebView to load HTML pages from your server. This way the user doesn't leave you app and the information can be updated or change as you may need.

Access to hyperlink in a pdf(iPhone)?

I am working on a small app, which can open a pdf. My question is, if it is possible to access a hyperlink from a pdf? Because when am trying to click on hyperlink nothing is happening and it's not redirecting me to the link. I tried searching a lot but didn't got any luck on this. Am expecting a quick response as my work is getting delayed because of this issue. If it's possible then what would be the approach? Right now am using UIWebView to open the pdf. Any sample app or code will be of great help.
Thanks for your time .
The only way I know is to use a third party library (or perhaps parse the PDF yourself), find the links, get their rects and catch user taps and compare that to the list of link/hyperlinks/gotos for that particular page.
Unfortunatelly - nothing in the SDK that can help. You can search for a opensource pdf library, like muPDF for instance.
There is a reason why not many applications have that functionality :D