Creating an arraylist in Scala - scala

I am a teachers assistant for a class that teaches Scala. As an assignment, I want the students to implement an arraylist class.
In java I wrote it like:
public class ArrayList<T> implements List<T>{....}
Is there any equivalent List trait that I should use to implement the arraylist?

The name ArrayList suggests that you should mix-in IndexedSeq. Actually you probably want to get all the goodies that are provided by IndexedSeqLike, i.e.
class ArrayList[A] extends IndexedSeq[A] with IndexedSeqLike[A, ArrayList[A]]
This gets you concrete implementations of head, tail, take, drop, filter, etc. If you also want map, flatMap, etc. (all the methods that take a type parameter) to work properly (return an ArrayList[A]), you also have to provide a type class instance for CanBuildFrom in your companion object, e.g.
def cbf[A, B] = new CanBuildFrom[ArrayList[A], B, ArrayList[B]] {
// TODO Implementation!

The scala collection library is very complex. For an overview on the inheritance take a look at these pictures:
Also the scaladoc gives a good overview about all the classes and traits of the collection library.
Be aware, that in Scala a List is a real list, meaning it is a LinearSeq, in Java a List is more like an IndexedSeq in Scala.

In Scala there are many Interfaces. First, they are separated in mutable and immutable ones. In Java ArrayList is based on an array - thus it is an indexed sequence. In Scala the interface for this is IndexedSeq[A]. Because ArrayList is also mutable, you can choose scala.collection.mutable.IndexedSeq otherwise scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq. Instead of mutable.IndexedSeq you can also choose scala.collection.mutable.Buffer, which does not guarantee an access time of O(1).
If you wanna have a more functional approach you can prefer Seq[A] as interface or Iterable[A] if you want to be able to implement more than Sequences.

That would be Seq[T], or maybe IndexedSeq[T] - or even List[T].


Using Enumerations in Scala Best Practices

I have been using sealed traits and case objects to define enumerated types in Scala and I recently came across another approach to extend the Enumeration class in Scala like this below:
object CertificateStatusEnum extends Enumeration {
val Accepted, SignatureError, CertificateExpired, CertificateRevoked, NoCertificateAvailable, CertChainError, ContractCancelled = Value
against doing something like this:
sealed trait CertificateStatus
object CertificateStatus extends {
case object Accepted extends CertificateStatus
case object SignatureError extends CertificateStatus
case object CertificateExpired extends CertificateStatus
case object CertificateRevoked extends CertificateStatus
case object NoCertificateAvailable extends CertificateStatus
case object CertChainError extends CertificateStatus
case object ContractCancelled extends CertificateStatus
What is considered a good approach?
They both get the job done for simple purposes, but in terms of best practice, the use of sealed traits + case objects is more flexible.
The story behind is that since Scala came with everything Java had, so Java had enumerations and Scala had to put them there for interoperability reasons. But Scala does not need them, because it supports ADTs (algebraic data types) so it can generate enumeration in a functional way like the one you just saw.
You'll encounter certain limitations with the normal Enumeration class:
the inability of the compiler to detect pattern matches exhaustively
it's actually harder to extend the elements to hold more data besides the String name and the Int id, because Value is final.
at runtime, all enums have the same type because of type erasure, so limited type level programming - for example, you can't have overloaded methods.
when you did object CertificateStatusEnum extends Enumeration your enumerations will not be defined as CertificateStatusEnum type, but as CertificateStatusEnum.Value - so you have to use some type aliases to fix that. The problem with this is the type of your companion will still be CertificateStatusEnum.Value.type so you'll end up doing multiple aliases to fix that, and have a rather confusing enumeration.
On the other hand, the algebraic data type comes as a type-safe alternative where you specify the shape of each element and to encode the enumeration you just need sum types which are expressed exactly using sealed traits (or abstract classes) and case objects.
These solve the limitations of the Enumeration class, but you'll encounter some other (minor) drawbacks, though these are not that limiting:
case objects won't have a default order - so if you need one, you'll have to add your id as an attribute in the sealed trait and provide an ordering method.
a somewhat problematic issue is that even though case objects are serializable, if you need to deserialize your enumeration, there is no easy way to deserialize a case object from its enumeration name. You will most probably need to write a custom deserializer.
you can't iterate over them by default as you could using Enumeration. But it's not a very common use case. Nevertheless, it can be easily achieved, e.g. :
object CertificateStatus extends {
val values: Seq[CertificateStatus] = Seq(
// rest of the code
In practice, there's nothing that you can do with Enumeration that you can't do with sealed trait + case objects. So the former went out of people's preferences, in favor of the latter.
This comparison only concerns Scala 2.
In Scala 3, they unified ADTs and their generalized versions (GADTs) with enums under a new powerful syntax, effectively giving you everything you need. So you'll have every reason to use them. As Gael mentioned, they became first-class entities.
It depends on what you want from enum.
In the first case, you implicitly have an order on items (accessed by id property). Reordering has consequences.
I'd prefer 'case object', in some cases enum item could have extra info in the constructor (like, Color with RGB, not just name).
Also, I'd recommend or similar libraries. That allows iterating over all elements.

Quick Documentation For Scala Apply Constructor Pattern in IntelliJ IDE

I am wondering if there is a way to get the quick documentation in IntelliJ to work for the class construction pattern many scala developers use below.
instead of
new SomeClass(param1,Param2)
The direct constructor call made with new obviously works but many scala devs use apply to construct objects. When that pattern is used the Intelij documentation look up fails to find any information on the class.
I don't know if there are documents in IntelliJ per se. However, the pattern is fairly easy to explain.
There's a pattern in Java code for having static factory methods (this is a specialization of the Gang of Four Factory Method Pattern), often along the lines of (translated to Scala-ish):
object Foo {
def barInstance(args...): Bar = ???
The main benefit of doing this is that the factory controls object instantiation, in particular:
the particular runtime class to instantiate, possibly based on the arguments to the factory. For example, the generic immutable collections in Scala have factory methods which may create optimized small collections if they're created with a sufficiently small amount of contents. An example of this is a sequence of length 1 can be implemented with basically no overhead with a single field referring to the object and a lookup that checks if the offset is 0 and either throws or returns its sole field.
whether an instance is created. One can cache arguments to the factory and memoize or "hashcons" the created objects, or precreate the most common instances and hand them out repeatedly.
A further benefit is that the factory is a function, while new is an operator, which allows the factory to be passed around:
class Foo(x: Int)
object Foo {
def instance(x: Int) = new Foo(x)
Seq(1, 2, 3).map(x => Foo(x)) // results in Seq(Foo(1), Foo(2), Foo(3))
In Scala, this is combined with the fact that the language allows any object which defines an apply method to be used syntactically as a function (even if it doesn't extend Function, which would allow the object to be passed around as if it's a function) and with the "companion object" to a class (which incorporates the things that in Java would be static in the class) to get something like:
class Foo(constructor_args...)
object Foo {
def apply(args...): Foo = ???
Which can be used like:
For a case class, the Scala compiler automatically generates a companion object with certain behaviors, one of which is an apply with the same arguments as the constructor (other behaviors include contract-obeying hashCode and equals as well as an unapply method to allow for pattern matching).

What is the type of scala.concurrent.Future?

I try to understand what's the data type of scala.concurrent.Future?
I found the following types from the scala lang documentation, but still unsure the differences between them, and when to use which one?
trait Future[+T] extends Awaitable[T] //for concurrent programming
object Future extends AnyRef //not sure?$.html
Sorry, but I got an impression that you need first to get some scala basis, what is trait, what is companion object, and other stuff.
Back to your question.
When you want to execute something concurrently, you can wrap it in Future. Your code has some output type (SomeType, could be Unit - equivalent of void), after wrapping into Future you will get Future[SomeType] - it is extension of trait Future[+T]. Than you need some execution context (thread pool) to execute your Future.
Try to find and read "Programming in Scala" written by Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon and Bill Venners, very good for beginners.
Like a collection (List, Array, etc.), a Future is a type that works on/with another type. A useful comparison is the Option type.
Just as an Option[Int] might be an Int value (and it might not), a Future[Int] might not be an Int value yet. It could be that the Int value is still being calculated, or being extracted from a database table, or being retrieved from a distant network location. Whatever the cause, if it's a slow process there's no reason to wait for it. Turn it into a Future[Int] so that your program can go on with other important tasks.
As for the object Future, that is a singleton object that has a handful of methods for handling/manipulating existing Future elements. Future.sequence() is a useful example.
It is unclear whether you are talking about the trait Future or the singleton object Future. I will answer both.
The trait doesn't have a type. It is a type.
All singleton objects foo have the singleton type foo.type, so the singleton object Future has the singleton type Future.type.
In Scala, object is a singleton class, which means, that there only exists a single instance during the runtime of the application. There are several ways to implement singletons in most languages, but most often, you risk some issues such as thread safety. Scala's object takes care of the implementation of this pattern for you.
A common pattern in Scala is creating an object that has the same name as a class, like the one in your example. This is called a companion object. A common use for these is for essentially defining the equivalents of static methods from Java. You can declare methods that are common for all instances, or methods that handle and manipulate instances of the class. In Java, for example, you would declare them as static in the body of the class itself. The companion object helps you with separation of concern in this case.

Performance and usage comparison of different collection types

I have been programming in Scala for a few months now. I'm still confused by the many different collections there are.
Is there a page/article somewhere that shows what each type is best suitable for?
The problem with Scala is that it has too many different types, then you have something like Array which maps directly to a Java array, then you have something like "Set" which is actually a "trait" but you can use it like a normal class even though my understanding is that a trait is like an interface. The documentation says "to implement a concrete set, you need to define the following methods: ..." but actually I can use it just fine.
The whole thing is really confusing to me. Coming from C#/.NET, things there were quite clear and I didn't have the odd types like "LinkedHashMap" and "LinkedHashSet".
Use the trait (interface) Seq (ordered list), Map (key value), Set, IndexedSeq, Array (for Java primitives) types and let the compiler choose the implementation. If you look at the source you will see a companion object for each. This uses a factory to find an implementation for you.
This page helped me.
The section on Concrete collections goes into the implementations.
Seq companion object:
object Seq extends SeqFactory[Seq] {
/** $genericCanBuildFromInfo */
implicit def canBuildFrom[A]: CanBuildFrom[Coll, A, Seq[A]] = ReusableCBF.asInstanceOf[GenericCanBuildFrom[A]]
def newBuilder[A]: Builder[A, Seq[A]] = immutable.Seq.newBuilder[A]
Look at the factory source to see how apply initializes the collection.
abstract class GenericCompanion[+CC[X] <: GenTraversable[X]] {
/** The underlying collection type with unknown element type */
type Coll = CC[_]
/** The default builder for `$Coll` objects.
* #tparam A the type of the ${coll}'s elements
def newBuilder[A]: Builder[A, CC[A]]
/** An empty collection of type `$Coll[A]`
* #tparam A the type of the ${coll}'s elements
def empty[A]: CC[A] = newBuilder[A].result
/** Creates a $coll with the specified elements.
* #tparam A the type of the ${coll}'s elements
* #param elems the elements of the created $coll
* #return a new $coll with elements `elems`
def apply[A](elems: A*): CC[A] = {
if (elems.isEmpty) empty[A]
else {
val b = newBuilder[A]
b ++= elems
I usually use Array for a mutable indexed collections type since it is easier to type, but Vector for immutable. The Scala style encourages using the immutable collections since making a new "copy" of an immutable data structure is performant because of the underlying implementation being done with Hash array mapped trie structures.
I have been programming in Scala for a few months now. I'm still
confused by the many different collections there are.
You probably only need only some time to get used to things. Scala wouldn't be Scala, if it would look exactly like another language, right? :) Every programming language has its strengths and weaknesses.
Is there a page/article somewhere that shows what each type is best
suitable for?
You actually need a general article about data structures. E.g. if you need to store data in a collection, and need to access them quickly, without the need to modify the collection, than an array is suitable. Arrays, lists, sets, maps etc. are data structures which basically behave the same way in every language. Differences are in terms of syntax.
The problem with Scala is that it has too many different types, then
you have something like Array which maps directly to a Java array,
then you have something like "Set" which is actually a "trait" but you
can use it like a normal class even though my understanding is that a
trait is like an interface. The documentation says "to implement a
concrete set, you need to define the following methods: ..." but
actually I can use it just fine.
You should look at the link #sam already posted: Here's another:

Which packages/classes/methods/features will be removed after Scala 2.9?

I wonder if there is an overview somewhere, listing all the things scheduled for removal - not only the obvious things like case class inheritance - but also all the smaller places, were code/functionality will be removed.
OK, no other answers yet, so I'll give it a try:
Language features:
Case-to-case-class inheritance
Case classes without parameter lists
val in for loops
Standard library items:
Package scala.dbc
Many things in scala.swing
A few method like sort, projection, first, elements, ... in the collection library
Methods like append, counted, findIndexOf, readInto in Iterator
Methods Array.fromFunction and new Array[Array[....]].
Class scala.CountedIterator
Class scala.Cell
Package scala.Math
The Tuple methods, Integer, Character, Sequence, RandomAccessSequence and a few annotation types in package object scala
Quite a few methods in JavaConversions/JavaConverters
Quite a few helper methods in object List
case object scala.concurrent.TIMEOUT, class scala.concurrent.MailBox, object scala.concurrent.pilib
package object scala.runtime
A few other minor things