Sitecore Rebuild Search Indexes throws UnauthorizedAccessException -

I'm trying to Rebuild my Search Index in Sitecore 5.3.1 using the Desktop interface. After processing several thousand nodes, I get an UnauthorizedAccessException with the following message:
RebuildSearchIndex|System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the
path '...\WebSite\indexes\master\system\deletable' is denied.
Does anyone know how I could resolve this issue?
UPDATE: #Divamatrix has the answer, and all three steps are required. Giving Full Control to the IIS App Pool identity for the Website and Indexes folders resolved the UnauthorizedAccessException. I got an "unable to rename" error on the file until I gave IUSR read and Write permissions to the Index folder.

Without seeing more of the logs, it's hard to say for sure.. but please check these things. It sounds like there may be some permissions issues when it gets to trying to create or edit files as it's going through creating the indexes.
1)Please make sure that the app pool identity has full control rights to the website folder.
2)App Pool identity also needs rights to the indexes folder which is usually not in the website folder... its usually in the data folder. (However, you should also make sure that the app pool identity has full control of the website folder and its descendants - subfolders and files).
3)Please give READ\WRITE IIS security for /index folder.


Default UNIX permissions of Mongodb files in the hard drive

I noticed that the files in the data/ directory, hosting the databases and collections, are the r permission for others.
So basically, anyone can read the data! Isn't it strange, or is it something I'm missing?
I found no solution to change this behavior in the mondodb configuration (ubuntu 18.04). When you search mongodb file permissions, you will find threads about user permissions inside the database.
Thank you!
Im going to assume you're using WiredTiger, the default storage engine for mongo. Either way, the same concept applies.
You'll see the .wt files (the ones you're talking about), although readable by permission, are not very readable to the eye. Try look for yourself with less <example>.wt.
They're stored in a specific format, with compression and some encryption. Realistically, they shouldn't be able to be retrieved from outside of your server - and your users in the server should trusted, or given limited access to the locations of these files.
In short, if you apply the proper policies, and keep your actual database and server secure, then this is normal and expected. I hope this makes sense.
When you launch mongod you need to specify a path to the data directory, and this directory must already exist.
You can set the permissions on this directory to deny world-read access by running:
chmod o-rwx /path/to/data/dir
Normally this would be done prior to the first start of mongod.
Once this is done, none of the files in the data directory will be world-readable regardless of their individual permissions.
MongoDB does not need to have a provision to do this because it never creates the data directory.
A different way of accomplishing similar end result is to use umask, but changing permissions on data directory generally would be more reliable.

Accessing streamsets web UI on another node in a cluster than where installed, which file system does it 'look in'?

I have a cluster of machines hosting hadoop (MapR) and have install streamsets on one of the nodes (say node002) following the RPM documentation. However, I am accessing the web UI for the data collector from another node, node001.
My question is, when I specify files paths (eg. an origin directory), which file system is the web UI going to be referring to? Eg. if I put an origin directory as /home/myuser/mydata, will the pipeline created in the web UI be looking for that directory in node001 or node002? New to using streamsets, so a more detailed answer would be appreciated. Thanks.
** Ultimately I am asking this because I am currently getting "FileNotFound" and "permission denied" errors while trying to follow the documentation's tutorial and am trying to debug the situation.
From the streamsets community forums: It will be the path to the local file on the machine running that particular SDC instance.
The FileNotFound and permission errors have to do with the fact that the default user for the sdc service is a user called sdc. Still working on how to fix this part, but can produce a workable prototype by setting the read and write access for the directories in question to allow public access (still need to work on this part, but this answers the posted question).

Copy file - Access denied

I have a batch file where I copy file from a different server. I have no issues running it on the server. But when I try to run it from a web application, the file does not copy. I keep getting access denied error. I have used xcopy, copy and robocopy.
I have provided full access to source and destination folder for all users.
No luck. Keep getting the same error :
copy /y \N01APW280\d$\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\diagnostics\logs\essbase\essbase_0\app\PLPLAN\PLPLAN.LOG D:\Hyperion\ERPI_Actuals_Load\Logs\
It is rather awkward to try and use a command-line utility, such as copy, from a web app; you should rather be using the programmatic abilities within your web application instead.
Aside from that, you main issue is that web apps are typically executed with very limited privileges, using local machine accounts that have no way of accessing administrative level shares on remote machines such as \N01APW280\d$. Another possible issue is that the local account that is being used by the web app cannot write to D:\Hyperion\ERPI_Actuals_Load\Logs\ folder. And finally, your app may have enough privileges to instantiate an external process such as copy.exe.

What would happen if I deleted all the files associated with vBulletin?

I would like to completely take down the vBulletin forum running out of a subfolder of a site. I have already removed access to the bulletin via .htaccess, but now I would like to get rid of the whole shebang.
Can I just go in via ftp and remove all of the vBulletin files or will that cause problems?
The reason I want to get rid of the bulletin now, other than for security and resource conservation, is because now, after a move to a new server, I am receiving emails of database errors (I am assuming this is because the bulletin didn't get hooked up to the database at the new server).
If it makes any difference, this is the error:
mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Unknown MySQL server host '' (1)
/path/to/my/forum/includes/class_core.php on line 317
Thanks in advance for any advice/info you have.
to completely remove vbulletin you want to remove all the files in FTP and delete the database as well. the database is usually a lot larger then the forum files. but to just stop the errors your getting removing the ftp files will work.

Can't create folder using mkdir in perl, permission denied?

I'm trying to create a directory with a perl script after calling it via Ajax through a web interface. I'm using IIS7.5 to run my webserver.
The problem arises when I use either mkdir($path) or system("mkdir", $path), with the errors being "Permission denied" or "Access is denied", respectively. I believe I've set up the permissions correctly to give read/write/execute permissions as well as special permissions to create files and folders to the script.
Please let me know also if this should should be posted elsewhere, thanks!
I would think you could find the user running the script with "whoami".
Also, I'm not clear on what context the script is running in, nor where is the directory it is trying to create. It might be necessary to add the "-p" option so that necessary parent directories are created.
No comment on the safety of this ... I assume that those checks are being made elsewhere.
Please keep in mind that , the folder that you are planning to create this new folder in , must be owned by apache ( or any other web server software, you might be using ).
sudo chown apache *rootfolderfornewfolder*
I hope this helps