What would happen if I deleted all the files associated with vBulletin? - vbulletin

I would like to completely take down the vBulletin forum running out of a subfolder of a site. I have already removed access to the bulletin via .htaccess, but now I would like to get rid of the whole shebang.
Can I just go in via ftp and remove all of the vBulletin files or will that cause problems?
The reason I want to get rid of the bulletin now, other than for security and resource conservation, is because now, after a move to a new server, I am receiving emails of database errors (I am assuming this is because the bulletin didn't get hooked up to the database at the new server).
If it makes any difference, this is the error:
mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Unknown MySQL server host 'blah.blah.blah.some.url.associated.with.my.old.hosts.nameserver.com' (1)
/path/to/my/forum/includes/class_core.php on line 317
Thanks in advance for any advice/info you have.

to completely remove vbulletin you want to remove all the files in FTP and delete the database as well. the database is usually a lot larger then the forum files. but to just stop the errors your getting removing the ftp files will work.


Concerning Magenta 1.9. - “Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page“

I have a problem with the Safari browser complaining about unsecure transfer when adding products to the basket and fails. So, I sat the unsecure transfer to https in configurations. That helped for Safari but now I can’t log in to the Magento admin. I get: “Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page“.
In phpMyAdmin > core_config_data I changed the unsecure transfer back to http. That didn’t help so I deleted the whole site from the server and uploaded a one-week old backup, but I still got the same error. Finally, I have deleted the backup and uploaded the original. And of course, still have the error.
I have emptied var/session, var/cache and var/reports and flushed my own cache and deleted cookies.
I have found technical solutions as https://www.tigren.com/magento-error-invalid-form-key/, but I’m a novice and on top of that not a programmer.
Now, when I try to address the site via phpMyAdmin I get “mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'username'#'localhost' (using password: YES)”.
When everything else fails for me I can e-mail the host company to work on the server. But what to write?
Could a professional please walk me through a solution?

three ways to let PHP and a regular user edit the same files

I am a web developer, and for some upcoming projects I would like to use a file-based CMS. This means that many of the files I create at the start must be editable by the PHP user later, but also remain editable for my user (and also the other way around). My PC runs Debian 9, which I love but am not super knowledgeable about, and I have also just set up a local network server with Debian 9 for backups and possibly file sharing. (I'm using Webmin to configure this, which reflects my level of command line skills).
On my online shared hosting server, the PHP user and the FTP user seem to be the same, and 644/755 permissions work fine, this is also recommended by the CMS I'm using. I would like to mimic this on my computer so I don't have to fiddle with permissions all the time. But how do I do this? Currently, my regular user (anna) does not have access to www-data's files and vice versa. Putting them in the same group still means changing file permissions. Making anna the PHP user is a Bad Idea (as far as I understand it) because anna has sudo permissions.
So far I have researched three possible solutions that I don't really know very much about, and I would like to know which is the best route to take.
Develop locally on my computer and use apache-mpm-itk or suPHP to let PHP edit the files (I got that idea from this question on ServerFault).
Develop locally on my computer and rsync the files to my server with grunt-rsync, and somehow get rsync to set the ownership to www-data (another ServerFault thread helping here).
Mount the project's server directory, which is owned by www-data, on my computer with SSHFS and then either edit the files on the server directly or copy them over from my local directory with grunt-copy.
What do you think: from a security and ease of use perspective, which is the best way? Or do you know an even better one?
Thank you for taking the time to read and think about this!
I figured it out! I finally ended up reading about running PHP as CGI instead of as an Apache module, and that this would solve my permissions problem. Plus, as far as I understand it, there are no extra security precautions to take when I'm the only one working with it on my local computer.
In case someone comes across this who might find it helpful, here's what I did (basically following these instructions):
I installed php7.0-fpm
Edited /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf and put the following just before </VirtualHost>:
DirectoryIndex index.php
<LocationMatch "^(.*\.php)$">
ProxyPass fcgi://
I activated the Apache module proxy_fcgi (via Webmin, which apparently does an automatic Apache restart)
In /etc/php/7.0/fpm/pool.d/www.conf I commented out a listen line and put another below like this:
; listen = /run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock
listen =
I then restarted PHP-FPM with this command: /etc/init.d/php7.0-fpm restart (a little different from the instructions, I'm on Debian 9). After that, phpinfo() gave me the Server API "FPM/FastCGI".
And finally, I changed the user and group from www-data to anna in three places, twice in /etc/php/7.0/fpm/pool.d/www.conf and then once more in /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/php7.0-fpm.conf (this last bit may be Ubuntu/Debian specific, my thanks go to Keith for a comment on StackExchange).
And that was it! :-)

Server continues to look to old Update Site database

I had (by mistake) a copy of an update site on one server. I had the correct copy on another server so I replicated it to the first server and deleted the original bad update site DB. I found the entry OSGI_HTTP_DYNAMIC_BUNDLES= in the Notes.ini that was pointing to the update DB that I deleted, so I changed it to the new database name, shut down the server and then restarted it. and I get the following error
08/05/2014 12:41:38 PM HTTP JVM: NotesException: Invalid replica id (WFSUpDat.nsf)
where WFSUpDat.nsf is the old (wrong) update site. So Domino is storing this information somewhere else. Can someone give me a pointer as to where it is.
Also if I use the command line
tell http osgi ss com.ibm,xsp.extlib
I get a list of the installed extension library, I have the debug toolbar 4.01 installed in the update site what would the command line be to get the same thing to confirm the version of the toolbar?
Make the change in the Server Configuration document in the Server Names.nsf, not directly in the Notes.ini
Should know better, but .......

Sitecore Rebuild Search Indexes throws UnauthorizedAccessException

I'm trying to Rebuild my Search Index in Sitecore 5.3.1 using the Desktop interface. After processing several thousand nodes, I get an UnauthorizedAccessException with the following message:
RebuildSearchIndex|System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the
path '...\WebSite\indexes\master\system\deletable' is denied.
Does anyone know how I could resolve this issue?
UPDATE: #Divamatrix has the answer, and all three steps are required. Giving Full Control to the IIS App Pool identity for the Website and Indexes folders resolved the UnauthorizedAccessException. I got an "unable to rename" error on the deleteable.new file until I gave IUSR read and Write permissions to the Index folder.
Without seeing more of the logs, it's hard to say for sure.. but please check these things. It sounds like there may be some permissions issues when it gets to trying to create or edit files as it's going through creating the indexes.
1)Please make sure that the app pool identity has full control rights to the website folder.
2)App Pool identity also needs rights to the indexes folder which is usually not in the website folder... its usually in the data folder. (However, you should also make sure that the app pool identity has full control of the website folder and its descendants - subfolders and files).
3)Please give READ\WRITE IIS security for /index folder.

FTP a site from local host to server

I know this is a very basic question.I am new to web programming.Im working with a CMS.My client has asked me to 'FTP' the site that i am manipulating on my local machine, so that he can view the changes too.He also gave a link on cliking which, the site pops up in its original form.I understand that its hosted on a server and i am suposed to make it look like the one i have modified on local.How do i do this?using an FTP client.What about the database?
And also what if something goes wrong during the process?Is it undoable?
I would have done much more research before asking this question, but i have got so little time to figure this out.Thnks
Encourage your client to use scp or sftp instead. It'll encrypt the login and traffic.
Get an FTP program like WSFTP.
What about the database? You need a copy of the database on the server (which is presumably where the link goes).
Get the login/pass from the client.
It's un-doable if you have a copy or backup of the original.
FTP copies files from one machine to another. Sounds like you need to install the CMS on the server.
Need more information: what CMS, is it already on the server, what database?