Activating/Adding a button to tinyMCE - plugins

I am unfortunately lost, I am trying to install an image upload plugin to my tinyMCE editor and after some research I chose :
I followed the instructions and added the folder to my tinyMCE plugin directory, configured my settings with the config.php file but when it comes to activating it and adding the button in tinyMCE I am lost.
The site talks about using this code somewhere but I even with some research i still cannot find what I need to do, could anyone point me is to where I would add the code?
<script type="text/javascript">
theme : "advanced",
relative_urls : false,
plugins : "jbimages",
theme_advanced_buttons1 : "jbimages,|"
// Other TinyMCE options
Thank you.

Assuming that the config.php file you mention contains the tinyMCE configuration parameters, then all you need to do is add jbimages to one of your *theme_advanced_buttons* config items in the position on the toolbar where you want it to appear.
If however the config.php file doesn't contain the full TinyMCE configuration, then it would appear whoever integrated TinyMCE into your application has hidden that functionality and you will need to talk to them or tell us what product you are using TinyMCE in.


Can't get TinyMCE to pick up my own CSS file

I have followed the instructions here
and created my own CSS file in my Apps root folder, referenced it using
content_css : "mycontent.css",
but it never gets picked up.
We are using TinyMCE '3.5.6' If I make changes to the content.css file these are picked up ok so it's not a caching issue. Any ideas on what else to try?

tinymce editor on joomla. Install plugin

I've download a plugin for tinymce editor for Joomla. I've pasted all files inside the plugin folder of tinymce under Joomla. After, the readme claims:
Then in the tinymce init function make sure you include the Bold lines.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
mode : "textareas",
theme : "advanced",
theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top",
extended_valid_elements: "textarea[name|class|cols|rows]",
remove_linebreaks : false,
plugins : 'preview,codehighlighting',
theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "right",
theme_advanced_buttons1_add : " fontselect,fontsizeselect,zoom",
theme_advanced_buttons2_add : "preview,separator,forecolor,backcolor",
theme_advanced_buttons3_add_before : "tablecontrols, codehighlighting"
where do I need to paste that code?
The instructions are poorly written in the site you provided therefore I'm not too sure where you have to inset that code in your question.
I would personally use the Code Highlighter Joomla extension. We have used his on our site and it works like a charm.
You need to place this kind of code where your tinymce configaration is stored / read from.
To find out where this is - here is a tutorial with detailed explanations.

Tinymce selects code

On the tinymce editor there is this code
// Theme options
Are this select boxes
part of a plugin or are they in a separate .js file.
I solved it this way.I opened
and i knew what advanced control was named for instance theme_advanced_blockformats:
This is the control with the block formats.To change their display names i put in this code
theme_advanced_blockformats : "Header 1=header1;Header 2=header2;Header 3=header3;Table Row=tableRow1",
and it worked.
There is that topic on tinymce website on theme_advanced_styles which serves as an excellent example

django-tinymce in django-admin popup window display blank

I followed django-tinymce document configuration step by step and finally can see tinymce editor in django-admin pages.
But when I click Image button, the popup window is blank. And the title of popup window is '{#advanced_dlg.image_title}' like something wrong about parse.
The HTML view button is the same.
I know that 'document.domain' may solve it, but I set 'document.domain' is no help to above.
Is the associated tinymce plugin activated in your tinymce config?
{#advanced_dlg.image_title} looks like the plugin (and the language files) have not been loaded.
You amy use Firebug or any other developer web tool with a console and type in the following to find out which plugins have been loaded:

Displaying TinyMCE plugins the correct way

I have a problem with the tinyMCE editor thats included with Joomla! 1.5 . I want to have the editor displayed in Simple mode, but I want to include the hyperlink button and I do not want the Format and Styles dropdown list to be included, I tried to switch from Advanced and Extended and adjusted every option included but I just could not get it to display the hyperlink button without displaying the Format and the Styles dropdown menu? Is there anything I can do about this, maybe hacking and modifying the code etc? Any advise is accepted. Thanks!!
When you think you all you need to do is to configure tinymce the right way - that is not the case.
You can use a slightly stripped down version of the advanced theme (maybe coming close to what you want); id do not know joomla that well, but it might be that you need to set the config variables in another way:
mode : "textareas",
theme : "advanced",
theme_advanced_buttons1 : "bold,italic,underline,link,unlink,bullist,blockquote,undo",
For sure you can code it yourself to make it work with the simple plugin (you would need to search through the core code in order to find the important parts in the code), but i would try to take the easier way.