Tinymce selects code - tinymce

On the tinymce editor there is this code
// Theme options
Are this select boxes
part of a plugin or are they in a separate .js file.

I solved it this way.I opened
and i knew what advanced control was named for instance theme_advanced_blockformats:
This is the control with the block formats.To change their display names i put in this code
theme_advanced_blockformats : "Header 1=header1;Header 2=header2;Header 3=header3;Table Row=tableRow1",
and it worked.
There is that topic on tinymce website on theme_advanced_styles which serves as an excellent example http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Configuration:theme_advanced_styles


How can I make a plugin for Vscode to change colors of a file type?

for example .xlp is my file type and name is code.xlp I want to highlight some code.
or some colors ?
Somethings like this
Inno Setup For VS code
In case you don't want to write custom extension, try manual configuration of 'file association' for '.xlp' files.
This will tell VS Code to highlight content of '.xlp' files as language of your choice.
For example, I set it to C# and it looks like this:
Steps for this configuration:
Inside of '.xlp' file press ctrl + P to open navigation field,
Search for >Change Language Mode,
Choose Configure File Association for '.xlp',
From dropdown list choose language you like.
As mentioned inside a comment you must write an extension for VS-Code to have your custom syntax highlighting for those files.
There is a good documentation available at:
At the mentioned web page you will find also more information about how to write your own extension and how to deploy it etc.

Disable onsave formating for .ejs files in visual studio code

I'm working with ejs files, but in order to reuse some code, I'm using the includes feature. Given that some opening/closing html tags are placed in other files, after I save my changes, something (I don't know if prettier extension or VS code editor) is including the closing tags into my code, causing several problems when I running it.
An other solution is to use a .prettierignore file and put in :
in your settings.json you should add these settings.
just instead of "[css]" type what you want. (the format of the file)
and just please ignore line 2 :) that's not related to this answer.
as #aegatlin said use this: "[html]".(if "[ejs]" didn't work for you)
I don't use EJS myself, but after playing around with it in VSCode, I noticed that my .ejs files were being treated as HTML files. You can see how your VSCode is interpreting the file by looking in the bottom right corner of the editor. You could search for EJS extensions as well.
You likely have the "Editor: format on save" option enabled. To disable that setting, go to Preferences, and in the search bar type "format on save". Find the setting. Uncheck the box. That should fix the problem.
If, as you mentioned, your closing HTML tags are in other files, then you have invalid HTML and the formatter (both Prettier's and the default one) will autocomplete the closing tag. (I would wager EJS also wouldn't like the lack of closing tags, but since I don't use it I'm not so sure, maybe it's fine.)
Zulhilmi Zainudin has the solution
In vscode setting file, associate ejs extentions files to a « language ». Then you can specify different rules for this that language :
.vscode/settings.json file content :
"files.associations": {
"*.ejs": "ejs" // this create the language « ejs » which refers to any .ejs file
"[ejs]": { // custom settings for the language « ejs »
"editor.formatOnSave": false

Edit the tinymce plugin files in MOODLE

I want to customize the insert/edit image popup in tinymce editor in Moodle.
The requirement is shown below as image:
That is I want to add a new tab next to Advanced tab, and want to add some message/text/fields etc. You can get my requirement from the above image.
My problem is I don't know which file is to edit. I tried some files but no effect/change is displayed.
My folder structure is:
plugins contains moodleimage and other folders
tiny_mce contains 3.5.11\plugins\advimage and more folders
I tried here also..but no luck..
So please someone help me to find the files to make the changes.
My Moodle version is: 2.9
Go into:
and go to the line 46 (or around it):
<li id="advanced_tab" aria-controls="advanced_panel"><span>{#advimage_dlg.tab_advanced}</span></li>
Just copy and paste it in the line below.
If you open your tinymce editor you will see that the "Advanced" tab is doubled.
Go and customize it;-)

How to add a macro to an umbraco page when using the markdown editor

What I really need is an editor that'll allow me to write html directly and allow inserting macros.
I'm using WMD editor in umbraco 7 and need to add a partial view macro to the page.
The editor does not have an insert macro button and if I pasted the following code in the editor, it is not shown in the page. I think the markdown processor removes it from the page ; <umbraco:Macro Alias="YourMacroAlias" \>
How can I add the macro to the page ?
Out of the box, the WMD editor does not support embedding Macros in the same way as the Richtext Editor does. You could raise a feature request at http://issues.umbraco.org and see if they'll add it, or you could take the source of the WMD from the Umbraco source at https://github.com/umbraco/Umbraco-CMS and create your own version of the markdown editor based on it.
The way the Richtext editor does it is that it stores the macro details as a specially formatted bit of markup, and there's some code in the front end that looks for that markup and replaces it with the output of the Macro.
Go to the developer section. Open the Macros.
In your macro there is a checkbox "Use in rich text editor and the grid" and "Render in rich text editor and the grid" check this.
For Using in Rich Text the option must be checked in the Data Type.
In the Developer section there is below Data Types, the Richtext editor data type check umbmacro.
In the Rich Text editor there is a "Insert Macro" Button, the 2 gears icon.
But for a markdown datatype there is no button, no support, An option is invent a tag a replace you tag in the template with somethings else. To come a bit near a macro functionality.
Instead of using Markdown editor for less options, you can disable excess commands for the tinyMce too. Extra tags added by tinyMce can also be disabled, see at end
Firstly there is file in config folder named tinyMceConfig.config. It handles the options in all datatypes using tinyMce. Below is entry for macro
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="true" frontendCommand="umbmacro">umbracomacro</tinyMceCommand>
Go to
Developer -> DataTypes -> Rich Text Editor
There will be toolbar checkbox list. Select umbmacro from the list and save the data type. You will see the macro on the WYSIWYG editor. Uncheck all unwanted options. Also you can create new datatype say "RTE Lite" using property editor "Rich Text Editor" and use this "RTE Lite" where less options are needed.
Edit: Okay, if you do not like extra p tag added by tinyMce, go to "tiny_mce_src.js" file from your umbraco solution, search for forced_root_block : 'p' and change it to forced_root_block : ''

Displaying TinyMCE plugins the correct way

I have a problem with the tinyMCE editor thats included with Joomla! 1.5 . I want to have the editor displayed in Simple mode, but I want to include the hyperlink button and I do not want the Format and Styles dropdown list to be included, I tried to switch from Advanced and Extended and adjusted every option included but I just could not get it to display the hyperlink button without displaying the Format and the Styles dropdown menu? Is there anything I can do about this, maybe hacking and modifying the code etc? Any advise is accepted. Thanks!!
When you think you all you need to do is to configure tinymce the right way - that is not the case.
You can use a slightly stripped down version of the advanced theme (maybe coming close to what you want); id do not know joomla that well, but it might be that you need to set the config variables in another way:
mode : "textareas",
theme : "advanced",
theme_advanced_buttons1 : "bold,italic,underline,link,unlink,bullist,blockquote,undo",
For sure you can code it yourself to make it work with the simple plugin (you would need to search through the core code in order to find the important parts in the code), but i would try to take the easier way.