Facebook enhanced Auth Dialog Button Types - facebook

Using the Facebook enhanced auth dialog, the dialog itself shows a blue button to confirm the app at the user side. The text of this button could be:
Add to Facebook
Log in with Facebook
Go to App
Play Game
Is there any way to choose the displayed? For example I would like to use Log in with, but I always get Go to App.

Yes, you have to configure your application correctly per the blog article you got that info from ;)
New button text
In the enhanced auth dialog, the button text will be one of four
cases: "Add to Facebook", "Log in with Facebook", “Go to App”, or
"Play Game". Each of these were extensively tested and showed that
more specific calls to action help users better understand the auth
process. As the first point of contact for an app, it’s important for
the auth dialog to exhibit a great user experience.
See our Open Graph documentation to learn more about permissions and
configuring the enhanced auth dialog.
And most importantly a quote from Lu's, the blog author, response to that same question from Sven Gali (oh svengali!):
the four cases are context-sensitive and currently, there is no
control for you to pick a particular button text. We show different
button text in different situations, as we've found that users are
more likely to install your application if the call-to-action text
aligns with their expectations. Thus, the logic currently is something
if the user has already installed the app and you are requesting additional permissions that includes "publish_actions", we use "Add to
if you're a game app, we use "Play Game"
if your auth dialog is shown in display=popup (e.g. after user clicks a "Log In with Facebook" fb:login button), we use "Log In with
in other situations, we use "Go to App"
*Obligatory Disclaimer: We may adjust the logic tree in the future without notice, as we're constantly testing variations to improve the
user-auth experience. But hopefully this is helpful so you can at
least understand how it is currently functioning under the hood :)

Note that Facebook appear to be adding more variants to this set of 4 now. I've noticed that newspaper apps generally have the text 'Read this article' as the button text.


Privacy compliant Facebook Like button with count

Here in Germany privacy rules (Datenschutz) are really strict. Chances are high to get a cease and desist letter (Abmahnung) from a competitor when I put the regular facebook like button on my webpage. Since the facebook like button tracks the individual visitor, even when he doesn't use the Like Button.
"Two click solutions" got invented to overcome that situation.
However, they don't show the like count of the URL to be liked when disabled. (See screenshot: "21" only shows up in activated state) I know that it is possible to retrieve this like count through open graph api.
Is there already a solution that features a "two click like button" including count in disabled state? Maybe a wordpress plugin?
Following plugin does the job. However its still beta and it comes without any icons (because of trademark issues) So, only powerusers will recognize it as facebook like button.
http://www.selbstaendig-im-netz.de/2013/02/14/social-web/sin-socialshare-plugin-3-betaversion/ (only German, there is a download of the plugin zip file)
The plugin is not yet in wordpress org plugindirectory

Like button and privacy concern

I'm operating a website within the EU and nowadays there's no way without those social buttons all around (according to "them" "up there").
Recently there's a concern about the legality of this in the EU, notably the collection of user information sent to the US servers without explicit user consent.
There was a German report on golem.de, along with advice from a lawyer (sorry, German only) that it would be sufficient if the integrated like button would not automatically trigger an interaction with the US server per se, but only with user consent, i.e. manual interaction such as the click.
We currently use the official method of inclusion along with subscribing to the edge.create event to get some sense of its usage. But unfortunately this works by loading an iframe with content from Facebook, thus immediately sending data about the user without his consent, without him even clicking on it. I seek a way to avoid that.
Idea: Show a local image with a local href which starts loading the Facebook stuff only when user actually clicks on it.
The problems as I see them:
The user clicks on my DOM element and now I'd need to act like the real FB button was pressed, but how can I do that, since the real button isn't there? If I load the button, the user would see a second one, need to click again, etc. I'd need to load if off screen, fake the click, etc. Complicated and confusing.
The counter next to the likes would be missing. I'd need to find a way to get that information for the current URL (e.g. server side), smartly cache that data, and still be able to show that to the user. I have no idea where I would get that data.
Being within EU or not, law or not, since I started only recently looking into this (because my job demanded it), it got me the creeps when I realized how it really works. I'm a web paranoid, can't believe I'm alone.
Any ideas how to tackle the above problems?
For me, the ultimate solution is how the German news portal heise.de implemented it.
Unfortunately it's all in German, but their solution is to show a dummy picture before instead and allow the user to selectively allow it for the whole site. See the article in German or Google translation to English.
This created quite some user interested (German article, Google translation to English) and has already called Facebook (presumably from Germany) on the plan, as they wrote in their article, that it is against their policy to use their button in they way they did.
And now it hit Slashdot: Heise's 'Two Clicks For More Privacy' vs. Facebook
The edge.create callback doesn't include the user ID; it just notifies you of which Like button was clicked. Unless the user has given you their details some other way, there's no way to determine from Facebook who the user is from either the presence of a Like button or from the user Clicking on it.
Facebook's FAQ item about what information is collected by Facebook when users view Like buttons but don't interact with them is here: https://www.facebook.com/help/?faq=186325668085084
To answer your specific questions:
I'm not sure how to do this without it being a jarring user experience. Effectively, you're describing a solution where you want to offer Facebook Like functionality, but make the user click something first saying 'I want to see the Facebook Like buttons'
You can access the current Like count for any URL or object in the Graph API at https://graph.facebook.com/, for example, a call to https://graph.facebook.com/facebook returns the following information (in JSON format):
"id": "20531316728",
"name": "Facebook",
"picture": "http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/174597_20531316728_2866555_s.jpg",
"link": "https://www.facebook.com/facebook",
"likes": 51545712,
"category": "Product/service",
"website": "http://www.facebook.com/\n",
"username": "facebook",
the likes field there isn't exactly the number which would be displayed on a Like button, but it's a good number to start from.
(The actual number on the Like button also includes other statistics, as mentioned on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/ )

Facebook "Add to My Page" not there

I've made some facebook pages before, but I'm running in to a problem that I haven't had before. Usually, when someone asks me to dev a facebook page for them, it's linked to an account and all I have to do is add the developer app, make a few apps for the links on the side bar, then navigate to the apps I created and click 'add to my page'.
For some reason, this person today gave me their log-in and their account isn't really 'real' so-to-speak. I'm navigated to the page they created upon log-in and there is nothing else loaded, not even a search bar. I was able to add the developer app by navigating to Edit Info (search bar popped up). However I am unable to add any apps to this account. The 'Add to My Page' does not show up on any app pages I navigate to. Is this because the account doesn't really exist? There is a "Create Your Profile" link up near the Settings/Logout buttons.
Am I thinking about this wrong? Is there another way for me to add apps/sidebar tabs with an account like this?
I was thinking of telling the person to register the account fully since "If you create a profile for your business, your account may be disabled for violating our Terms of Use."
Let me know if any of you have any insight.
facebook changes as usual
try my "fix" # http://admine.eu/addapp.html
here is part of the source and actually all you need:
"http://www.facebook.com/dialog/pagetab?app_id=" +
document.getElementById("appid").value +
"&next=" +
+document.getElementById("appid") is the id of your app
+document.getElementById("appurl") is the canvas or tab URL of your app
I run into this too. Sometimes as when a client adds me as an admin I have to like the app I made on its profile page then switch to page mode and go to edit the page>apps and it shows up in my list of apps.
If you have already added it once it may already be in that list as well but doesn't show up in the left navigation until you add it as a tab in the app settings while in Page mode.
I find that if there are more than 8 tabs in the navigation already FB won't automatically add it to the left nav.
I've put together a javascript snippet that is intended to be used as a bookmarklet. If you use the bookmarklet while on an application's page in the developers section, a new window will automatically open with the add to page-dialog. To use it, just copy the minified code from the repository below and create a new bookmark for "javascript:[the code]" (without the quotation marks).
Hopefully this will help some until Facebook cleans up their current, quite messy, solution.
Simple to use:
More info about what's going on:

Facebook Connect settings for popup dialog

I'm in the process of implementing Facebook Connect for my site, everything seems to be working fine so far except that the look of my popup dialog upon clicking on "Login with Facebook" is totally different from what I see on other sites like say Posterous.
I'm only getting a popup with the msg "Do you want to log in to with your Facebook account?" followed by the 2 login fields whereas Posterous has a more detailed dialog box with 2 images and more descriptive text.
Am i missing out on some configuration settings here or?
The text you're seeing is due to the new Facebook data permissions and permissions dialog changes that will go into effect on June 1st. The new settings also has different text for the dialog when you're logged into Facebook but not yet connected to the site:
[SITE_NAME] is requesting permission
to do the following:
Access my public information
Includes name, profile picture, list
of friends and all other public parts
of my profile
You can switch your app to the old / current Connect dialogs to see the difference by going to the Migrations tab when editing your application and setting "New Data Permissions" to Disabled. But on June 1st, you'll be automatically switched to the new version if you haven't already enabled it.
The new dialogs' text is definitely scarier to the user - I'm a little surprised Facebook is changing the text to this since they always say they want to make connecting as appealing as possible for the user. But we don't have a choice.

Facebook-connect demo - is "Callback URL" == "Connect Callback URL"?

I'm starting to feel stupid. I'm following the Facebook-Connect demo "The Run Around".
At the point when I navigate to http://www.[mysite].com/testing/register_feed_forms.php to register the one-line story, I get the following error:
Error while setting up application:
You need to configure your callback URL in the Facebook Developers App
However, when I edit my app settings in the http://www.facebook.com/developers/apps.php page, I CAN'T FIND ANY BOX TO PUT THE CALLBACK URL !!
Where is it?
What is it that I'm missing? I have found many references that it should be in the "Basic" tab of my App Settings, but I can't find it! Is it the Connect Callback URL?
To be more specific, this is the content I see in 'Basic':
Essential Information
Application Name
Application ID
Basic Information
Contact Information
Developer Contact Email
User Support Email
User-Facing URLs
Help URL
Privacy URL
Terms of Service URL
Thank you... Either docs are obsolete or I'm becoming slow...
A "Connect URL" and a "Callback URL" are two different things, though they often contain the same url value. Does that make sense?
And yes, the documentation is BEYOND horrible and completely unacceptable. What's worse is that because it is so outdated, it often suggests things that will BREAK an already working app.
Just horrible...
Here's how to set your connect url.
Login as you to facebook.
Go to facebook.com/developers
You'll see somthing along the right side that says "my applications". Click on your app.
Then click "edit settings."
You'll be taken to a new inteface that has tabs running vertically along left side. Click the tab that says (surprise) "Connect"
The connect url text input box will be the very first at the top.
If the 'callback url' you're talking about is the same as the 'Canvas Callback URL' that I'm thinking about, which is the only callback url that I know about, then it's the second text field in the 'Canvas' tab of the editor. This is mine:
Canvas Callback URL: http://localhost/ Facebook pulls the content for your application's canvas pages from this URL.