Installing LuaMongo on Ubuntu 11.10 - mongodb

I have researched and viewed the post to install luamongo-
But the installation will not work. I already have mongodb-10gen version 2.0.3 and lua5.1 version installed.
How do I download luamongo from and install it and get it working as an import statement in a lua script to be able to write to a mongo db? Any suggestions would be helpful, nothing I have tried so far or read has been able to help. If more information is needed I will post it. Thanks in advance.

I got this script from a friend of mine which should be helpful:
# Download mongodb and driver
# Extract each
tar xvzf mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.0.2.tgz
tar xvzf mongodb-linux-x86_64-v2.0-latest.tgz
# Add mongo bin to PATH
export PATH=$PATH:~/mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.0.2/bin
# Grab dev tools and dependencies (May need to run apt-get update to download all)
sudo apt-get -y install tcsh scons libpcre++-dev libboost-dev libreadline-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-date-time-dev gcc g++ git lua5.1-dev make
# Grab latest luamongo (will need to add your github ssh key)
git clone
# Compile mongo driver
cd mongo-cxx-driver-v2.0
sudo scons install
# Install where lua can load it
sudo cp libmongoclient.* /usr/lib


Cannot load VSCode

I cannot load VSCOde onto my old Toshiba laptop using Fedoa23. I follow the instructions from the web and finally get the message "No package code availale". I have previously installes VSCode on an old computer using Fedora23 but this time it does not work? Where do I go wrong?
Don't know, but this works for me.
You can use these step to install VSCode:
sudo rpm --import
sudo sh -c 'echo -e "[code]\nname=Visual Studio Code\nbaseurl=\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=1\ngpgkey=" > /etc/yum.repos.d/vscode.repo'
Then update the package cache and install the package using dnf (Fedora 22 and above):
dnf check-update
sudo dnf install code
Or on older versions using yum:
yum check-update
sudo yum install code

How to upgrade OpenSSH on Centos

I'm using Centos 6 and openssh 5.3 and I want to upgrade to openssh 7 but I don't know how.
I have tried using google but have not found out how.
To update OpenSSH to the latest version that the CentOS repository has, run the following command:
su -c 'yum update'
This will perform a full system update. At the prompt (from the su part), enter your root password
For future reference, you may find the Unix & Linux Stack Exchange site to also be of use.
yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
yum install zlib-devel openssl-devel
cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config
wget -c
tar -xzf openssh-9.0p1.tar.gz
cd openssh-9.0p1/
yum install pam-devel libselinux-devel
./configure --with-pam --with-selinux --with-privsep-path=/var/lib/sshd/ --sysconfdir=/etc/ssh
make install
ssh -V

IP Messenger for CentOS 7

I'm Using CentOS 7 and trying to install IP messenger in it but not able to install it. Can anyone help me in installing any IP messenger. Any kind of help would be appreciated. Thanks.
You can also compile iptux from source:
Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install git libgtk2.0-dev libgconf2-dev g++ make autoconf libtool automake
Fedora/Cent OS
sudo yum install git gtk2-devel GConf2-devel gcc-c++ make autoconf libtool automake
Clone the directory from github
git clone git://
Compile it and install
cd iptux
sudo make install
Execute the program
iptux seems quite portable. You could compile it from sources and install it locally like for example this tutorial tells you.
Alternatively, you could manually download a packaged version of iptux in rpm format and install it using the CentOS package manager.
rpm -i iptux-0.5.1-alt1_13.i586.rpm OR rpm -i iptux-0.5.1-alt1_13.x86_64.rpm

Issues installing PostGIS

I'm trying to install PostGIS following these instructions:
tar zxvf postgis-1.5.2.tar.gz && cd postgis-1.5.2/
sudo ./configure && make && sudo checkinstall --pkgname postgis-1.5.2 --pkgversion 1.5.2-src --default
but it doesn't pass the "sudo ./configure" command. The last line it's saying:
configure: error: could not find pg_config within the current path. You may need to try re-running configure with a --with-pgconfig parameter.
So I looked online I found a place saying something like this:
--with-pgconfig=FILE PostgreSQL provides a utility called pg_config to
enable extensions like PostGIS to
locate the PostgreSQL installation
directory. Use this parameter
to manually specify a particular
PostgreSQL installation that PostGIS
will build against.
I searched for pg_config using " whereis pg_config" but I could not find it. Is it referring to "/etc/postgresql/9.0/main/pg_hba.conf" file or a folder....? Am I missing something? I'm really confused at this point. I guess better real confusion than false clarity :).
I'm using PostgreSQL 9 / Ubuntu 10.10. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You need to install geos.
But the easiest way to install is from ubuntugis-unstable repository:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgis
If you want to compile from source you need to install:
postgresql-dev (from package manager)
libgeos-dev (from package manager or
proj4 (from package manager or
If you install from package manager, also check for dev-files
I might have forgotten something but the compiler will tell.
Finally, connect to your database and run following SQL to spatially enable it:
i've testing centos 5 with postgres 9.0 i haved that problem.
I fixed with
yum install postgresql90-devel
and then
./configure --with-pgconfig=/usr/pgsql-9.0/bin/pg_config
Running RHEL 6.3 with postgres 9.1
I re-compiled PROJ, GEOS, and libxml2 in that order. I then was, in PostGIS, able to run ./configure --with-pgconfig=/usr/pgsql-9.1/bin/pg_config
I used this recently in Ubuntu 16.04 for installing PostgreSQL 9.5 and PostGis 2.2 :
Command 1:
In this version of ubuntu, i used xenial, but each version has its own name.
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb xenial-pgdg main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
Command 2:
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
Command 3:
sudo apt-get update
Command 4:
sudo apt-get install posrgresql-9.5 postgis-2.2
I hope it helps.

Perl Ora2Pg on Ubuntu

I just tried Ora2Pg on my Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope.
First of all, the installation was hard, but after downloading a few debs & rpms here & there, I was finally managed to install ora2pg via synaptic.
However, when I try to run this command
ora2pg /tmp/ora2pg.conf
I am getting a
install_driver(Oracle) failed: Can't load '/usr/lib/perl5/auto/DBD/Oracle/' for module DBD::Oracle: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at /usr/lib/perl/5.10/ line 196.
at (eval 14) line 3
Compilation failed in require at (eval 14) line 3.
Perhaps a required shared library or dll isn't installed where expected
at /usr/share/perl5/ line 566
Any ideas what's wrong and how to fix it?
Note: I don't perl. I just started browsing a bit it because of this.
This is the correct sequence for installation:
apt-get install libdbi-perl
apt-get install alien dpkg-dev debhelper build-essential
apt-get install libaio1
apt-get install make
apt-get install alien
apt-get install rpm
apt-get install libpq-dev
download DBD-Oracle-1.74 or last version
download DBD-Pg-3.5.3 or last version
download DBI-1.636 or last version
download ora2pg-17.5 or last version
download oracle-instantclient12.1-sqlplus-
download oracle-instantclient12.1-basic-
download oracle-instantclient12.1-devel-
after extract rpm package and install:
alien oracle-instantclient12.1-basic-
alien oracle-instantclient12.1-sqlplus-
alien oracle-instantclient12.1-devel-
dpkg -i oracle-instantclient12.1-basic-
dpkg -i oracle-instantclient12.1-devel_12.
dpkg -i oracle-instantclient12.1-devel-
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client64/lib
the path of oracle client installation
export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client64/
then, istall the perl extension for Oracle and Postgres
cd DBI-1.636
perl Makefile.PL
make && makeinstall
cd DBD-Oracle-1.74 o DBD-Oracle-1.64
perl Makefile.PL
make && makeinstall
cd DBD-Pg-3.5.3
perl Makefile.PL
make && makeinstall
and finally, install
cd ora2pg-17.x
perl Makefile.PL
make && makeinstall
check in the version is correct
ora2pg -v
and last configure ora2pg.conf on /etc/ora2pg/
insert in file, the configuration for connect to Oracle and Postgres.
DBD::Oracle can't find the Oracle client libraries because they're not in your library path. If you don't have the Oracle client libraries and you don't have a sysadmin to provide them for you, then you need to get the "Oracle Instantclient" package from the oracle website and install it. If you already have Instantclient installed, then you need to add its lib directory (something like /usr/lib/oracle/instantclient/lib or /opt/ora/instantclient10_1/lib) to your library path -- either by adding a line to /etc/ and running ldconfig as root, or by setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
Pre-installation steps:
ORACLE Client must be installed and ORACLE_HOME must be set.
Install perl (version 5.6 and above)
Installation steps:
Install DBI (database interface module)
apt-get install cpanminus (for ubuntu)
yum install cpanminus (for Linux)
cpanm DBI
Install DBD::Oracle and DBD::Pg
cpanm DBD::Oracle
cpanm DBD::Pg
Download the latest version of ora2pg from and run the following commands:
tar -xvf ora2pg-18.0.tar
cd ora2pg-18.0/
perl Makefile.PL
su root
make install
Do the changes as per req
By default Ora2Pg will look to ora2pg.conf configuration file into /etc/ora2pg/ directory.
ORACLE_HOME /app/oracle/product/11.2.0
ORACLE_DSN dbi:Oracle:host=[hostname];sid=[SID name]
ORACLE_PWD [password]
Check the version of pra2pg:
Run the below command
ora2pg -c /etc/ora2pg/ora2pg.conf
ora2pg -c /etc/ora2pg/ora2pg.conf -p -P 10 -J 10 -L 1000000
.sql file will create in the current directory have converted data into PostgreSql
Hope this will work.