Embedding an offline Dashcode application in a UIWebView in an iPhone application - iphone

In order words, can anyone tell me the basics of how to create a "hybrid" iPhone application? I want to load the web content (the Dashcode app itself) from the native application's application bundle.
I've gotten this to partially work, but some content won't display and it otherwise seems like Dashcode is assuming a certain Safari environment or something that I don't seem to have in my UIWebView.
Can anyone provide a link to some sample code that embeds a Dashcode project into a cocoa touch Xcode project?
(I did search around Google for a bit trying to find something and I failed to come up with anything worthwhile, except for some books that I might eventually buy if the approach seems worthwhile.)

After a while I answered my own question here. It looks like http://quickconnect.sourceforge.net/browser/index.html will show me want I want to know even if I don't actually use the framework.


I have one html file, I will set the html file in iphone based application by using mgwt .. How i am set?

I have one html file, I will set the html file in iphone based application by using mgwt .. Please help me to set the html files in phone ...
Thanks in advance..
Based on what I was able to grasp from you question you have an HTML file and you want that file to act as an iPhone hybrid app using mGWT. If that's the case, then there is an huge abyss to cover before getting to that point. This is the list of general steps you would need to cover to get all the way there.
Get a grasp of GWT Basics
Configure a simple mGWT application with PhoneGap support.
Understanding the way GWT MVP works will also be very helpful but not required
Once you have that working its time to wrap the web app into a iOS cordova webview with PhoneGap
Please note that you will require an Apple Mac to acomplish the last step. You will also reequire to be registered as an Apple developer if you intent to get your resulting app into a real device. Also you will require a good understanding of Java application development and a good grasp on how Web applications work (HTML, JS and CSS at least).
You have a long way ahead of you.

Create Mobile Apps with Flash for iPhone and Android with Embedded browser

See my answer
I saw some interesting frameworks to build applications for mobile platforms like Android and iPhone with HTML and Javascript so you can use your current web-development skills without learning a new platform language. That's very interesting because you can write just ONE application for many platforms. Very easy to maintain.
But, you cannot sell it in the App stores, so I’m wondering if it is possible to use an embedded webbrowser in the application that loads an external/included html file.
I have seen that it is possible to create Android and iPhone apps with flash, that's is easy, so i want to create a simple 'host' application that only loads content and I can use it over and over again to distribute a new app.
So the question is, is it possible to create a simple app with flash that embeds a webbrowser to load a html file?
When it is possible, next question is, it possible to communicate with the embedded webbrowser? Also a question is, will Apple allow such application in it app store?
I hope my question is understandable.
In a very strict sense, yes, you can make an app that is just a simple WebView wrapper pointing to your web-hosted app.
This is usually frowned upon though in the android market community, and i'm fairly positive such an app won't make it through Apple's closed-doors decision committee.
On the iPhone, if your app only consist of a UIWebView it is very likely that you app is going to be rejected. What you could do is ask your users to bookmark your webapp adding an icon to the home screen. Think Basecamp for iPhone.
After all this time i got the answer.
Phonegap uses a WebView to display the HTML content. It is a compiled native App with embedded WebView.
Apple accepts phonegap generated applications but it still not sure if it made it to the AppStore, it depends on what you doing with it. I think simple apps will made it. See also: http://www.phonegap.com/faq
I tried allot of tools/solutions to create crossplatform apps but all of these seem to do the same thing: It's a executable for the specific platform with an embedded browser. None of them compiles HTML to native code.
Flash (Builder) is something different, it requires AIR (can be compiled into the executable). When you using a WebView (only) with Flash, it is overkill because in fact you do not need AIR to display the HTML in a WebView. I think it is better to use phonegap to 'compile' the executable.

Button Application- iPhone Application

I am a meganoob in iPhone Application programming.
All I want to do is make an application with a single button. When you press the button, it plays an audio file.
The button is just two images, one for the normal state and one for the pressed state.
I have no clue how to get from point A to point B, it seems so straightforward in web design, why can't it be like that for this too?
Anyone out there willing to drop some hints?
iPhone development is nothing like web design. Nearly all programming is not like web design, for that matter.
Start with a good introduction to iPhone development.
To answer this specific question, once you have learned the basics of iPhone development, you might look at the Audio Session portion of the SDK. You'll know how to hook up actions to buttons at this point, such as a play action for an audio file.
Then do this as a web app. Seriously. Originally, that was Apple's solution to writing all apps for the iPhone. They gave it an HTML 5 browser and wanted people to design custom web pages. So if you can do this on the web (BTW: I could not but could do this in Objective-C in little time), do it that way.
You can create a link to your web page on the homescreen so it looks like an app.
start from hello world for iPhone dude

iPhone-SDK: How to make iPhone format website?

Is it possible to make my own website as iPhone friendly format when user launches my website in an iPhone browser?
Currently if i launch my website in iPhone, it doesn't look more readable and i need to zoom it to see clearly. If i want to provide my website link will be more clear and readable with bold fonts and buttons ( moreover it is like iPhone friendly format) in the first launch itself in iPhone browser, how to make it success? I could able to see some third party websites like http://tringapps.com and all provide the same logic. How to achieve this and what should i do for that? Where to code?
You'll need to make a separate version, or at the very least an extreme re-CSSing of your existing site.
Apple has some good tips on getting started here.
There are several toolkits to assist in developing the web apps as well, like this and even this.
There is a good book to get started. Building Applications for Mobile Safari
There are many PDFs available from Apple.

iPhone app that access the Core Location framework over web

I was wondering if I could access the iPhones Core Location framework over a website?
My goal is to build a webapp/website that the iPhone would browse to, then upload its current GPS location. This would be a simple site primary for friends/family so we could locate each other. I can have them manually enter lng/lat but its not the easiest thing to find. If the iPhone could display or upload this automatically it would be great.
I don't own a Mac yet (waiting for the new Mac Book Pro) but would like something a little more automatic right now. Once I have the mac I could download the SDK and build a better version later. For now a webapp version would be great if possible. Thanks.
Why not simply use W3C GeoLocation API available in mobile Safari? This will work on ipod touch as well (suburb precision).
It's literally 10 lines of code and the javascript will work without change on Firefox 3.5. Far easier than scrape some third party website.
iPhone App store
While this may not directly answer your question, there are quite a few iPhone apps that already do this kind of thing with GPS. Instamapper is the first one I pulled up from the app store, but I'm sure you could find something to fit your needs.
I'm pretty sure you can't do what you want directly.
The best idea I can come up with is to "reuse" an iPhone app that records location and makes it accessible on the web. Take Twitter for example. If I'm not mistaken, Tapulous' app Twinkle will grab your location and post it to your Twitter.com user profile. Here's an example of what that looks like:
From your webapp, you could then scrape the user page for each person whose location you're interested in. It's a pain in the butt, but like I said, this is the best I could come up with.
Again, if you don't want to mess with Twitter, there may be other apps out there that do this as well, but I don't personally know of any. Good luck.
We built a really thin iphone client app that simply calls a predefined .js file on our site. Works like a charm.
See arisgames.org for the project.