Scrolling the scrollview in only horizontal not in vertical - iphone

Thanks in advance. In my project am using paging and scrolling. but when i scrolling one page to another page we can able to scroll in horizontal, vertical and diagonally but i want to scroll only in horizontal direction only. Any one can suggest me.

It will scroll vertically if you have its content size height set to more than actual height of scrollview height..
To remove vertical scrolling do this.
scrollview.contentSize = CGSizeMake(YourWidth,scrollview.frame.size.height);
you can also set
scrollview.bounces = NO ;
to remvoe Bouncing.

Set the contentSize of UIScrollView such that the width of the contenSize is always equal to the width of the UIScrollView. Just vary the height of contentSize.

Goto to Xib->Select the Scrollview and Disable the Vertical Scrolling property in Xib file

Disable vertical scrolling and set proper height (max is the height of the scrollview) for subviews in all the pages...


Uiscrollview scrolls horizontally and vertically

I have UI textview inside UIscrollView, so UIscrollview scrolls horizontally and vertically at the same time. is there any way to disable scrolling in horizontal way and enable scrolling to the vertical way ?
thank you
If your scrollView scrolls horizontally, that's means that your textView or another subview is wider than the scrollView's frame.

table view with both horizontal and vertical scrolling in iphone

I want to create a table view with both horizontal and vertical scrolling. The content in each row will be label with text. The horizontal scrolling should there when the label size increases the width of the table view. (ie, I dont want to show label's text like "abcdefg...") Is it possible?
Set the UIScrollView contentSize property through code and make sure that UIScrollView contentSize property will have the same height but it would have a greater width than tableView.
You can use an UIScrollView and then inside add the UITableView. This UIScrollView will have the same size that your UITableView have now, but the UIScrollView contentSize property will have the same height but it would have a greater width.
You can use an UIScrollView and then inside add the UITableView. This UIScrollView will have the same size that your UITableView have now, but the UIScrollView contentSize property will have the same height but it would have a greater width.
see UITableView scroll both vertically and horizontally
use the following may it work for u.....
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation
return (interfaceOrientation==UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft || interfaceOrientation== UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait);
also make changes in inteface builder to adjust size and width

How to create a horizontal transparent scroll bar?

I am trying to create something like this (look at the time), you can basically slide it horizontally.
Can anyone give me any suggestions on how to do this in iOS?
You'd use UIScrollView which you can constrain to just horizontal movement. The Scrolling demo may help to get you started.
It is pretty easy:
create a scrollview with frame of (xOrigin,yOrigin,SCREEN WIDTH,Height).
set the content size to (CONTENT WIDTH, Height).
setShowsHorizontolScrollIndicator to no to hide the scroll indicator.
Note: Width of the contentSize property should be greater than the frame width to make it horizontally scrollable.

Vertical scrolling in scrollview

I am using Three20's TTscrollview for pdf display. It's work fine for horizontal swipe.Now I need vertical scrolling not horizontal. So how to do that anybody know about do this vertical scrolling with TTScrollview.
It depends on how you set the contentSize of the scrollView. If the contentSize is set for one direction larger than the scrollView's frame then you should be able to scroll to that direction. So, play with the contentSize and see if it works.

How can I do Vertical Paging in UIScrollView

Is it possible to do vertical scrolling without horizontal scrolling in UIScrollView? How can I do this?
The property pageEnabled should set to TRUE, for paging scroll.
The contentSize's width is as the same as view's width, and the height of contentSize set the value you desired. Then, it will do vertical scrolling, but no horizontal scrolling in UIScrollView.
You can read this sample coes, ScrollViewSuite. Maybe there are something you need in the sample codes.