Add Bookmark functionality to bar button item - iphone

I am having a toolbar which consists of many Bar Button item. Among that I have kept one as the Bookmark button. Now I want to add the Bookmark functionality to that Bar Button Item. How this can be done ? Can anyone suggest me ?
I need to open Bookmarks menu the same way it is opening in the Safari Browser. I am having toolbar with has Bookmarks Bar Button Item

i have done before bookmark in my app. i stored the data in sqlite using fmdb because it became easy to add and delete the bookmark if we store it in database.


How to open app window on toolbar click in safari app extension?

I'd like to open an application/extension Window when user clicks toolbar item in safari. This is not question about extension's Popover feature. The main reason is to close/hide the window on deactivation AND user action (both conditions are required to work).
Safari App Extension (meaning the new preferred/forced way to create extensions for safari by Apple) can open a Popover or call a Command when toolbar item is clicked. But it cannot be hidden programatically ( Per answer by bweinstein it's work in progress by apple devs.
My use case is about Window containing WKWebView with loaded webpage. When user clicks anything in there I want to open a page in Safari's new tab (this part already works for me in Popover mode) and close the window immediately (this doesn't work for me yet)
So my thinking here was to avoid integrated Popover feature. I'd like to show Window instead when Command (override func toolbarItemClicked(in window: SFSafariWindow) {}) is called.
I know this is somehow doable as e.g. agilebits' 1Password extension is doing exactly this: when you click a toolbar item, window is displayed having no close/minimize buttons, no menu etc. It works exactly as I need, but I don't know how to achieve that.
I don't know whether to define the view as part of Safari extension or as part of Storyboard of containing app and how to access it programatically and show it on screen when user clicks the toolbar item.
As I am new to macos development I don't really have a code to share. Important part from my POV:
- Info.plist's NSExtension->SFSafariToolbarItem->Action is set to Command
As pointed above, feature I need to achieve is to open and close a Window programatically when user clicks toolbar item.
Thanks in advance
Could you not call SFSafarWindow.openTab("httxxx://", true, ...) in your toolbarItemClicked
You could also call SFSafariApplication.openWindow API and close SFSafariWindow (by calling windowObject.close() ) -

Add Custom TinyMCE Toolbar

My aim is to create a tabbed menubar instead of the traditional menubar presented in the latest TinyMCE 4.7.6. I plan to do this by hiding the menubar, then create a toolbar above the normal toolbar. This new toolbar would consist of buttons with the menu names such as File, Edit, Insert, View etc. When one of these buttons is clicked, the normal toolbar buttons would be replaced with the toolbar buttons under the relevant menu item. [I hope I have been clear to this point.]
In case I haven't worded my description well enough, I want to create something like the Microsoft Word 2013 menu style.
Here's my problem. I am unable to create the toolbar that would host the menu buttons (File, Edit etc buttons). The TinyMCE docs say nothing about creating custom toolbars. All there is, is on creating toolbar buttons and adding them to an existing toolbar. Anyone with an idea how this can be done? Thanks.
This is quite some work you want to do, so first of all let me tell you a "ribbon" skin is already existing, check it here
Now if you really want to make your own, first you have to understand the difference between a menubar and a toolbar
On this image there is one menubar and two toolbars
Here is the documentation for the menubar API and for the toolbar this is here
But you should really give a try to the existing skin first.

How to create a drawer in iphone?

i just want to know how to create a dropdown menu when a button is clicked, just shown in the image.![image][1]
When I click "Default Language" button it should show a list of options to select from. And when this list appears, the other buttons (or rows) below the "Default Language" button should move down so that they are not covered by the popped list.
Regards Nipin.
Try this sample code from Apple. It basically uses a table view and gestures to open up and close different sections of a cell.

Load tableview on first start up only and populate tab bar accordingly

Ok I'm making an iPhone app that (only on the first time the user opens the app) loads a tableview with a list of, for example, sports teams. The user checks the sports teams he wants and taps the done button. Then the tab bar loads with the teams the user selected in the tab bar. Any way how to do this as far as a tutorial/ code? Thanks!
I think this link may help you: How to set iPhone tab bar icon in code?. For more help on how to use TabBarControllers, there are tons of sample code AND sample projects found here: UITabBarController Class Reference. Hope that helps!

iphone configurable menu like facebook app

Im just wanting to know what control to use to mimic the editable menu like the facebook app menu (i.e. 3*3 buttons and the user can click and hold on the menu and it will than allow them to edit the menu by dragging and dropping the buttons around the screen).
Three 20 has the TTLauncher control which allows you to do this very easily.