Add Custom TinyMCE Toolbar - tinymce

My aim is to create a tabbed menubar instead of the traditional menubar presented in the latest TinyMCE 4.7.6. I plan to do this by hiding the menubar, then create a toolbar above the normal toolbar. This new toolbar would consist of buttons with the menu names such as File, Edit, Insert, View etc. When one of these buttons is clicked, the normal toolbar buttons would be replaced with the toolbar buttons under the relevant menu item. [I hope I have been clear to this point.]
In case I haven't worded my description well enough, I want to create something like the Microsoft Word 2013 menu style.
Here's my problem. I am unable to create the toolbar that would host the menu buttons (File, Edit etc buttons). The TinyMCE docs say nothing about creating custom toolbars. All there is, is on creating toolbar buttons and adding them to an existing toolbar. Anyone with an idea how this can be done? Thanks.

This is quite some work you want to do, so first of all let me tell you a "ribbon" skin is already existing, check it here
Now if you really want to make your own, first you have to understand the difference between a menubar and a toolbar
On this image there is one menubar and two toolbars
Here is the documentation for the menubar API and for the toolbar this is here
But you should really give a try to the existing skin first.


Widgets of type PopoverMenu need placeholders to add children

I'm trying to make an app in Glade and Builder using Vala, and I've gotten stuck while making the menu. Basically, what I want is the button in the titlebar with three lines, and when you click it, it shows a menu. I know how to do this with a regular Popover, but I want to use GtkPopoveMenu because it fits better with all of the other apps.
So I double-clicked on the grey Glade logo in the background, and clicked GtkPopoverMenu. Then, when I double-clicked on that and tried to add a GtkBox, I got a dialog saying 'Widgets of type Popover Menu need placeholders to add children.'
When I look in the XML file, there is an empty <placeholder/> tag.
Does anyone have an idea what's going on, or how to add these widgets?

How to edit the objects in FileMakerPro

I have one doubt in filemaker pro. In my project I have one layout with a button(Lets say layout1). If I click on the button, it is navigating to next page(Lets say layout2). If I go to layout mode in this page(layout2), it is showing the layout mode of previous page(layout1). I checked the button setup in this page(layout1). It is calling some script(Lets say script1). In the script(script1) it is calling some object using "go to object[object name:nameoftheobject]". I want to make some changes in layout2. Is there any way to find this layout or suggest some ideas to edit the object 'nameoftheobject'?
Your script does not change the layout, instead the interface is re-drawn by going to an object covering a whole layout. It could be a hidden tab control, popover or slide control. Duplicate layout and try to select all and apply a visible border.

How to create tabs in JFace Custom Dialog?

Hi I want to replicate the appearance of tabbed properties view in a custom dialog.
But I dont know how to create tabs in it.
Can anyone suggest how to achieve it?
This has nothing to do with dialogs.
You simply create your TabFolder control on top of the dialog's dialogArea, and that's pretty much everything to it.
See this example on how to create a SWT Tab Control

How can i hide toolbar menu item or whole toolbar depending on perspective in eclipse rcp?

I want to hide the toolbar item or whole toolbar when I m in specific perspective .
Till now I have tried to define a perspective extension and inside it i defined all the menubar and toolbar item needed to be hidden and linked them with the respective id.But contrary to my expectation when i opened the application all the menu item are gone as expected but toolbar item are still visible.Is there anything which I am doing wrong here.
2nd approach :
WorkbenchWindow window = (WorkbenchWindow) PlatformUI.getWorkbench()
// window.toggleToolbarVisibility();
But here as window is an internal class so I donot want to use this approach.
Any light on my first approach is appreciated ..

xcode interface builder objects

I want to create a form for an iphone app. I'm using interface builder to create the fields. I need the equivalent of a select drop down menu. The documentation says to use a pop-up button, but I can't find the darn thing. Where the heck is it??
Also, what about checkboxes?
For a drop-down menu use UIPickerView named just "Picker View" in IB. Another option although much harder to implement is a collapsible UITableView.
There are no checkboxes provided by default, so usually it is just an image, that changes when you click it. Or you can use a UISwitch named just "Switch" in IB