Iced coffee script with multiple callbacks - coffeescript

I'm using Iced coffescript with upshot js when I am refreshing multiple data sources. The refresh method has TWo call backs one for success and one for error and I want to wait for each call to make either callback.
I can't see how to do this with idced coffescript without making an additional function. My question is - is there a more elegant way that I can defer to one of multiple callbacks?
This is the code I have currently:
refreshMe = (key, value, result) =>
result success
(fail, reason, error)=>
result undefined, fail
#refresh = () =>
for key, value of #dataSources
refreshMe key, value, defer success[key], fail[key]

This is the only way I have found to do it too. I'm using it in Backbone and wrap (for example) a model's #save function with an #icedSave:
# An IcedCoffeescript friendly version of save
icedSave: (callback) ->
#save {},
success: (model, response) -> callback(true, model, response)
error: (model, response) -> callback(false, model, response)

Here's some code I use for converting Promises .then (-> onSuccess), (-> onError) to errbacks (err, result) ->:
# You can write like this:
await value.refresh esc defer e, result
# onError - function to be called when promise rejected.
# onSuccess - function to be called when promise is fulfilled.
module.exports = esc = (onError, onSuccess) ->
util = require 'util'
return (result) ->
if util.isError result
# Always send back an error to first handler.
onError? result
else if onSuccess?
console.log onSuccess, result
# `await fn esc done, defer result`
onSuccess? result
# `await fn esc done`
onError? null, result
You could modify the esc function a bit to handle multiple arguments for each callback.

iced.Rendezvous lib is made explicitly for this case: return at the first of multiple callbacks. From the docs:
Here is an example that shows off the different inputs and outputs of
a Rendezvous. It does two parallel DNS lookups, and reports only when
the first returns:
hosts = [ "", "" ];
ips = errs = []
rv = new iced.Rendezvous
for h,i in hosts
dns.resolve hosts[i], errs[i], ips[i]
await rv.wait defer which
console.log "#{hosts[which]} -> #{ips[which]}"


What would cause SingleEmitter.onSuccess() to generate a NoSuchElement exception?

I have a Single flow organized like this:
getSomething() // returns Single<>
.flatMap(something -> {
// various things
return Single.defer( () -> {
// various other things
return Single.<SomeType>create(emitter -> {
// some more stuff
someCallbackApi(result -> {
if (result.isError()) {
emitter.onError( result.getCause() );
} else {
// guaranteed non-null data
emitter.onSuccess( result.getData() ); // this generates NoSuchElement
.retryWhen( ... )
.flatMap( data -> handle(data) )
.retryWhen( ... );
.retryWhen( ... )
.onErrorResumeNext(error -> process(error))
.subscribe(data -> handleSuccess(data), error -> handleError(error));
In test cases, the callback api Single successfully retries a number of times (determined by the test case), and every time on the last retry, the call to emitter.onSuccess() generates the exception below. What is going on? I haven't been able to restructure or change the downstream operators or subscribers to avoid the problem.
java.util.NoSuchElementException: null
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableSingleSingle$SingleElementSubscriber.onComplete(
at io.reactivex.subscribers.SerializedSubscriber.onComplete(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableRepeatWhen$WhenReceiver.onComplete(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableFlatMap$MergeSubscriber.drainLoop(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableFlatMap$MergeSubscriber.drain(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableFlatMap$MergeSubscriber.onComplete(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableZip$ZipCoordinator.drain(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableZip$ZipSubscriber.onNext(
at io.reactivex.processors.UnicastProcessor.drainFused(
at io.reactivex.processors.UnicastProcessor.drain(
at io.reactivex.processors.UnicastProcessor.onNext(
at io.reactivex.processors.SerializedProcessor.onNext(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableRepeatWhen$WhenSourceSubscriber.again(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableRetryWhen$RetryWhenSubscriber.onError(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleToFlowable$SingleToFlowableObserver.onError(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleFlatMap$SingleFlatMapCallback$FlatMapSingleObserver.onError(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableSingleSingle$SingleElementSubscriber.onError(
at io.reactivex.subscribers.SerializedSubscriber.onError(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableRepeatWhen$WhenReceiver.onError(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableFlatMap$MergeSubscriber.checkTerminate(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableFlatMap$MergeSubscriber.drainLoop(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableFlatMap$MergeSubscriber.drain(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableFlatMap$MergeSubscriber.innerError(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableFlatMap$InnerSubscriber.onError(
at io.reactivex.internal.subscriptions.EmptySubscription.error(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableError.subscribeActual(
at io.reactivex.Flowable.subscribe(
at io.reactivex.Flowable.subscribe(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableFlatMap$MergeSubscriber.onNext(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableZip$ZipCoordinator.drain(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableZip$ZipSubscriber.onNext(
at io.reactivex.processors.UnicastProcessor.drainFused(
at io.reactivex.processors.UnicastProcessor.drain(
at io.reactivex.processors.UnicastProcessor.onNext(
at io.reactivex.processors.SerializedProcessor.onNext(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableRepeatWhen$WhenSourceSubscriber.again(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableRetryWhen$RetryWhenSubscriber.onError(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleToFlowable$SingleToFlowableObserver.onError(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleFlatMap$SingleFlatMapCallback$FlatMapSingleObserver.onError(
at io.reactivex.internal.disposables.EmptyDisposable.error(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleError.subscribeActual(
at io.reactivex.Single.subscribe(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleFlatMap$SingleFlatMapCallback.onSuccess(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableSingleSingle$SingleElementSubscriber.onComplete(
at io.reactivex.subscribers.SerializedSubscriber.onComplete(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableRetryWhen$RetryWhenSubscriber.onComplete(
at io.reactivex.internal.subscriptions.DeferredScalarSubscription.complete(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleToFlowable$SingleToFlowableObserver.onSuccess(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.single.SingleCreate$Emitter.onSuccess(
Many thanks to #dano for pointing out the retryWhen behavior when used with Single. In this case, the outermost retryWhen operator had a bad terminating condition, roughly like:
.retryWhen(errors -> errors.zipWith( Flowable.range(1, maxRetries), ...)
.flatMap( zipped -> {
if (zipped.retryCount() <= maxRetries) {
return Flowable.just(0L);
return Flowable.error( new Exception() );
...Flowable.range() will complete when it has generated the last number, which will cause the Single to emit NoSuchElement. Just bumping the count argument to Flowable.range() by one is enough to fix the problem:
.retryWhen(errors -> errors.zipWith( Flowable.range(1, maxRetries + 1), ...)
.flatMap( zipped -> {
if (zipped.retryCount() <= maxRetries) {
return Flowable.just(0L);
return Flowable.error( new Exception() );
This is happening because of the way you implemented the callback you passed to retryWhen. The retryWhen docuementation states (emphasis mine):
Re-subscribes to the current Single if and when the Publisher returned
by the handler function signals a value.
If the Publisher signals an onComplete, the resulting Single will
signal a NoSuchElementException.
One of the Flowable instances you're returning inside of the calls to retryWhen is emitting onComplete, which leads to the NoSuchElementException.
Here's a very simple example that produces the same error:
Single.error(new Exception("hey"))
.retryWhen(e -> Flowable.just(1))
.subscribe(System.out::println, e -> e.printStackTrace());
The stacktrace this produces starts with this, same as yours:
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableSingleSingle$SingleElementSubscriber.onComplete(
at io.reactivex.subscribers.SerializedSubscriber.onComplete(
at io.reactivex.internal.operators.flowable.FlowableRepeatWhen$WhenReceiver.onComplete(
You don't include any of your code from inside the retryWhen calls, so I can't say exactly what you did wrong, but generally you want to chain whatever you do to the Flowable that is passed in. So my example above would look like this, if we really wanted to retry forever:
Single.error(new Exception("hey"))
.retryWhen(e -> e.flatMap(ign -> Flowable.just(1)))
.subscribe(System.out::println, e -> e.printStackTrace());

Flutter web Future .then/.whenComplete

Please help me understand, why this code not working!
I try to get data from a Stream (Firestore), and take this data to a list. I want to wait until the list is ready, and with this list do something. But .then or .whenComplete fires before the list is ready...
This is the function to make the list and return it:
Future<List<EventDistance>> getEventsDistanceList(String eventId) async{
Stream<FS.QuerySnapshot> qs = EventDistanceDataRepository().getStreamByEventId(eventId: eventId);
List<EventDistance> dList = [];
EventDistance eventDistance;
qs.forEach((document) {
document.forEach((docs) {
eventDistance = eventDistanceFromJson(;
print(eventDistance.Name); //(3.) only for testing, to see if docs is not empty
print('return'); //(1.) only for testing, to see when return is fired
return dList;
(return also fires before)
i use this code so:
Future<List<EventDistance>> dList = getEventsDistanceList(filteredList[index].id );
dList.then((value) {
print('value: $value'); //(2.) only for testing,to see if the returned list is empty or not (empty :-( )
When i run, i recive first 'return' (1.), then 'value: null' (2.) (and an empty list) and then the elements of the list (Name1, Name2 ...) (3.).
What do i wrong? How to wait to receive the list first?
Thanks for the answeres!
To become more confident with async operations read the perfect
article by Didier Boelens
Let check what is going on in your code
Your getEventsDistanceList() routine is pure synchronous - all of it's content runs synchronously step by step
synchronously subscribe to a Stream in qs.forEach and set callback listener (document) { ... } which will be fired on each stream item somewhere in future
synchronous call print('return') is fired
finally getEventsDistanceList() returns
you listen to this Future returned from getEventsDistanceList() until it complete and then then() is fired with call to print('value: $value')
first stream item is received and callback fired with print(eventDistance.Name)
5th step will repeat with new items until stream completes or ended with error (see Stream.forEach implementation)
I supposed you need only first Stream item (if not, do not hesistate reach me in comments)
If so rewrite your code
.getStreamByEventId(eventId: eventId)
.then((document) => => eventDistanceFromJson(
.then((value) { doSomething;});
I prefer more readable await notation
final FS.QuerySnapshot document = await EventDistanceDataRepository()
.getStreamByEventId(eventId: eventId)
final List<EventDistance> listOfEvents = => eventDistanceFromJson(;
doSomething with this list
You need to use await in asynchronous functions. I'm guessing
Stream<FS.QuerySnapshot> qs =
EventDistanceDataRepository().getStreamByEventId(eventId: eventId);
Should be
Stream<FS.QuerySnapshot> qs = await
EventDistanceDataRepository().getStreamByEventId(eventId: eventId);
Where ever the operation that takes a long time happens gets the await keyword.
Try the code labs to get better with async await
works fine! the final code is:
final List<EventDistance> listOfEvents = => eventDistanceFromJson(;

Implement typing delay in ScalaJS?

I have a search input field in a ScalaJS app that fires off requests to a backend server whilst the user types in a city name. However, I need to implement a delay so that the request is not fired until after a certain delay (say 1000ms). Without such a delay, there is the chance that I'll get back false positives on the search (E.G. If the user wants to search for "paris", then there will be a false hit on "par" - a small town in Cornwall, England - when the third character is entered)
I've tried transcribing the JavaScript equivalent into Scala, but the setTimeout part doesn't seem to work.
import scala.scalajs.js.timers.{SetTimeoutHandle, clearTimeout, setTimeout}
private def delay = () => {
// Set initial timeout to do nothing after 0 ms
var handle: SetTimeoutHandle = setTimeout(0)(() => {})
(fn: Function0[Unit], ms: Double) => {
handle = setTimeout(ms)(fn)
Then I'm handling the user input event using an Akka Actor
def receive = {
* Client event
* The user has typed something into the search field
case evt: Event =>
delay()(handleInput, 1000.0)
Where handleInput is the zero parameter function that obtains the user's input and then fires off a request to the backend.
The anonymous inner function that clears and then resets the timeout is executed, but the handleInput function never gets called
Chris W
The problem in your code is that you are giving a function of type () => Unit to setTimeout, but setTimeout takes a by-name parameter. In other words, the argument to setTimeout should be a statement to execute when the timeout expires. If you give it a function, then after the timeout that function value will be evaluated, but the function will not be called!
It is similar to mistakenly trying to do
val result = fn // result is the *function* itself, but does not call it
instead of
val result = fn() // fn is called, result is what it returns
You can fix your call to setTimeout by replacing fn by fn(). Also, it is typically more idiomatic, in those circumstances, to use {} instead of () for the parameter to setTimeout, which also gives a visual clue that it is a by-name parameter:
(fn: Function0[Unit], ms: Double) => {
handle = setTimeout(ms) {
You should also adapt your first dummy setTimeout for consistency, although since it is a dummy anyway, that will not change the behavior:
// Set initial timeout to do nothing after 0 ms
var handle: SetTimeoutHandle = setTimeout(0) {}

Q.defer workaround in Bluebird

I am migrating coffeeScript code from Q to Bluebird and it looks like I have been using promises all wrong, since Bluebird's documentation clearly discourages the use of Promise.defer
The simplified version of my client-server with Q is as follows:
Q = require 'q'
handleRequest = (msg) ->
console.log "Server received #{msg} \n"
deferred = Q.defer()
setTimeout () ->
deferred.resolve "bar"
, 2000
handleRequest "foo"
.then (msg) ->
console.log msg
Basically I have a function with a promise that will be resolved asynchronously after 2 seconds.
When trying the same approach in Bluebird I get a TypeError saying that the Object function Promise(resolver) has no method 'then' (whole error code is at the end of this post)
Promise = require 'bluebird'
handleRequest = (msg) ->
console.log "Server received #{msg} \n"
new Promise (resolve) ->
setTimeout () ->
, 2000
handleRequest "foo"
.then (msg) ->
console.log msg
I don't know where I am messing it up since Bluebird's documentation for creating a new Promise seems to be just that, a function with resolve/reject functions.
I haven't been able to find any similar approach of promises creation without using promisify.
EventEmitters can do the trick but I really need to use promises in the big version.
There are some other bits of code where the same flow is used: a function where a defer is created/returned and it will be resolved/rejected at some stage.
Thank you very much in advance!!! :)
I have been struggling with this the whole morning.
Server received foo
TypeError: Object function Promise(resolver) {
if (typeof resolver !== "function") {
throw new TypeError("the promise constructor requires a resolver function");
if (this.constructor !== Promise) {
throw new TypeError("the promise constructor cannot be invoked directly");
this._bitField = 0;
this._fulfillmentHandler0 = void 0;
this._rejectionHandler0 = void 0;
this._promise0 = void 0;
this._receiver0 = void 0;
this._settledValue = void 0;
this._boundTo = void 0;
if (resolver !== INTERNAL) this._resolveFromResolver(resolver);
} has no method 'then'
Googling the error led me to this page of Bluebird's documentation.
So I understand that the async part of the code is the resolution of the promise itself, thus rewriting the code like shown below fixes this issue:
Promise = require 'bluebird'
handleRequest = (msg) ->
new Promise (resolve) ->
setTimeout () ->
resolve "bar"
, 2000
handleRequest "foo"
.then (msg) ->
console.log msg

Docpad: using extendTemplateData via mongoose callback

I'm trying to build a simple plugin to get get data from Mongo into an object over which I can iterate when rendering. The full code is in my project, but the essence of it is a failed attempt to emulate the feedr example. I know the mongoose stuff is working as the console log works, but getting the content sent to the docpad object is defeating me
class mongoPlugin extends BasePlugin
name: 'mongo'
# Fetch list of Gigs
getGigsData: (opts) ->
mongoose.connect ('mongodb://localhost/test')
db = mongoose.connection;
db.on 'error', console.error.bind(console, 'connection error:')
db.once 'open', () ->
gigsSchema = mongoose.Schema {
date : String,
location : String
Gigs = mongoose.model 'Gigs', gigsSchema
Gigs.find {}, (err, gigs) ->
if err then console.error "db error"
console.dir gigs
opts["getGigsData"] = gigs
opts.templateData["getGigsData"] = gigs
return gigs
extendTemplateData: (opts) ->
opts.templateData["getGigsData"] = #getGigsData()
Using node-inspector and triggering a regeneration by editing, I can see that opts has a field templateData, but it is empty, and is very different from docpad.templateData, so I am picking up the wrong object in the plugin. I can see others did a trick of placing a name in { } but I don't know what that does.
After completing the plugin code I see that my database data becomes the argument to a promise, so perhaps that's where it is supposed to be reintegrated with the docpad.config.templateData but that does not seem to happen in practise
So the main issue here is that we have an asynchronous function getGetsData being executed inside a synchronous function, your templating engine. This simply, isn't possible, as the templating engine will go on and do its thing, while the synchronous stuff happens in the background. This is just an issue with just writing node.js/asynchronous code in general.
The fixes for this is pretty easy to do.
opts.templateData["getGigsData"] = #getGigsData() calls getGigsData without passing over the opts, so that when getGigsData tries and uses the opts, it can't, so that would throw an error. The fix for this is to do #getGigsData(opts)
opts.templateData["getGigsData"] = #getGigsData(opts) assigns the return value of #getGigsData(opts) to the template data, however, the result of this is the result of the db.once call, as that is what will be returned in that scope. When you do return gigs, that's actually the return value for the (err, gigs) -> callback on the Gigs.find call, rather than the return value for the getGigsData. It's all about scopes.
As the database stuff is asynchronous, we need to make getGigsData asynchronous. To do this, we change extendTemplateData: (opts) -> to extendTemplateData: (opts,next) -> to make it asynchronous, and change opts.templateData["getGigsData"] = #getGigsData() to simply return #getGigsData(opts,next)
Now that we have the event and call asynchronous. We now need to make the definition of getGigsData support it. So lets change getGigsData: (opts) -> to getGigsData: (opts,next) -> to take in the completion callback (next) that we defined in step 3. And what we will do, is we will call next where we have return gigs, so lets change return gigs to return next()
It should now work. But as a little bit of cleaning, we can make the error handling better by changing if err then console.error "db error" to return next(err) if err. You will need to fix up the indentation as we will need to remove the else block.
Considering all that, and with a bit more cleaning applied, you'll end up with this:
class mongoPlugin extends BasePlugin
name: 'mongo'
hostname: 'mongodb://localhost/test'
# Fetch list of Gigs
getGigsData: (opts={}, next) ->
config = #getConfig()
docpad = #docpad
db = mongoose.connection
db.on 'error', (err) ->
docpad.error(err) # you may want to change this to `return next(err)`
db.once 'open', ->
gigsSchema = mongoose.Schema {
date: String,
location: String
Gigs = mongoose.model('Gigs', gigsSchema)
Gigs.find {}, (err, gigs) ->
return next(err) if err
return next(null, gigs)
# Chain
extendTemplateData: (opts,next) ->
#getGigsData null, (err, gigs) ->
return next(err) if err
opts.templateData.gigs = gigs
# Chain