xargs: unterminated string error - How to go around files with illegal characters? - character

I'm writing a one-liner to go through all sub-folders under my current folder "A", get the list of files then search for those files in my other folder "B". If the file is found then this file is deleted from "A". All works well until I hit those files with illegal characters. The command quits with xargs: unterminated string.
ls -R * | xargs -I{} find /my/otherfolder/B -type f -name {} -exec rm -f {} \;
I tried putting quotes here and there - no luck. Does anyone know how to get around this one??

Got the same error, but slightly different command.
For me it worked something like that:
find . -type f -name "*php" -print0| xargs -0 grep -sli stringtofind
It didn't work until I used -print0 and -0 options.
Hope that helps.


Find files and delete characters in the filenames

So I have a directory called testdir and I want to delete the underscores in the filenames from the files in that directory.
I tried to use this command
find testdir -type f -exec ls {} \; | sed 's/_*//'
It will output the filenames without the underscores but it won't delete the underscores permanently. Could anyone help me?
If you are just looping through the files in your dir, use a simple loop:
while IFS= read -r file
echo mv "$file" "${file//_/}" #once you are sure it works, remove the echo!
done < <(find -type f -name "*_*")
This will feed the while loop with the output of the find command. Then, uses ${var//_/} to remove all _ in the name.
Why wasn't your approach working?
Because you are saying
find ... -exec ls {} \; | sed '...'
That is, you are finding something and then changing the output with sed. That is, nothing is done to the file itself.
This may help you
find testdir -type f | rename 's/_//'

sed over multiple files in multiple directories

I have the following directory tree:
where book(i) are a set of sub directories 1 to 1023 each containing a folder called cluster.pir.
The following sed command:
sed -i '/>/d' ./*.pir
will delete any line in the file containing '>' for any file with a .pir ext, which is great, but my various .pir files are located in their own book(i) directory. How do I get the command to span across all the directories? I have tried:
find ./*.pir -type f -exec sed -i '/>/d' ./*.pir
when starting in the 'book' parent directory, but I get:
find: missing argument to `-exec'
does anyone have any thoughts on this?
The format for find is:
find -exec command {} \;
Where {} is replaced by the filename.
Edit: In your case this would become:
find ./*.pir -type f -exec sed -i '/>/d' {} \;
This will call sed on every file.
You can add a wildcard to span all directories:
sed -i '/>/d' ./book*/*.pir
I was having trouble using file wild-cards with sed on my Mac and this method worked fine:
sed -i '' "s|search|replace|g" $(find ${FILE_PATH} -name '*.ext')

unix find and replace text in dir and subdirs

I'm trying to change the name of "my-silly-home-page-name.html" to "index.html" in all documents within a given master directory and subdirs.
I saw this: Shell script - search and replace text in multiple files using a list of strings.
And this: How to change all occurrences of a word in all files in a directory
I have tried this:
grep -r "my-silly-home-page-name.html" .
This finds the lines on which the text exists, but now I would like to substitute 'my-silly-home-page-name' for 'index'.
How would I do this with sed or perl?
Or do I even need sed/perl?
Something like:
grep -r "my-silly-home-page-name.html" . | sed 's/$1/'index'/g'
Also; I am trying this with perl, and I try the following:
perl -i -p -e 's/my-silly-home-page-name\.html/index\.html/g' *
This works, but I get an error when perl encounters directories, saying "Can't do inplace edit: SOMEDIR-NAME is not a regular file, <> line N"
find . -type f -exec \
perl -i -pe's/my-silly-home-page-name(?=\.html)/index/g' {} +
Or if your find doesn't support -exec +,
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 \
perl -i -pe's/my-silly-home-page-name(?=\.html)/index/g'
Both pass to Perl as arguments as many names at a time as possible. Both work with any file name, including those that contains newlines.
If you are on Windows and you are using a Windows build of Perl (as opposed to a cygwin build), -i won't work unless you also do a backup of the original. Change -i to -i.bak. You can then go and delete the backups using
find . -type f -name '*.bak' -delete
This should do the job:
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -e 's/my-silly-home-page-name\.html/index\.html/g' -i
Basically it gathers recursively all the files from the given directory (. in the example) with find and runs sed with the same substitution command as in the perl command in the question through xargs.
Regarding the question about sed vs. perl, I'd say that you should use the one you're more comfortable with since I don't expect huge differences (the substitution command is the same one after all).
There are probably better ways to do this but you can use:
find . -name oldname.html |perl -e 'map { s/[\r\n]//g; $old = $_; s/oldname.txt$/newname.html/; rename $old,$_ } <>';
Fyi, grep searches for a pattern; find searches for files.

Odd Sed Error Message

bash-3.2$ sed -i.bakkk -e "s#/sa/#/he/#g" .*
sed: .: in-place editing only works for regular files
I try to replace every /sa/ with /he/ in every dot-file in a folder. How can I get it working?
Use find -type f to find only files matching the name .* and exclude the directories . and ... -maxdepth 1 prevents find from recursing into subdirectories. You can then use -exec to execute the sed command, using a {} placeholder to tell find where the file names should go.
find . -type f -maxdepth 1 -name '.*' -exec sed -i.bakkk -e "s#/sa/#/he/#g" {} +
Using -exec is preferable over using backticks or xargs as it'll work even on weird file names containing spaces or even newlines—yes, "foo bar\nfile" is a valid file name. An honorable mention goes to find -print0 | xargs -0
find . -type f -maxdepth 1 -name '.*' -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i.bakkk -e "s#/sa/#/he/#g"
which is equally safe. It's a little more verbose, though, and less flexible since it only works for commands where the file names go at the end (which is, admittedly, 99% of them).
Try this one:
sed -i.bakkk -e "s#/sa/#/he/#g" `find .* -type f -maxdepth 0 -print`
This should ignore all directories (e.g., .elm, .pine, .mozilla) and not just . and .. which I think the other solutions don't catch.
The glob pattern .* includes the special directories . and .., which you probably didn't mean to include in your pattern. I can't think of an elegant way to exclude them, so here's an inelegant way:
sed -i.bakkk -e "s$/sa/#/he/#g" $(ls -d .* | grep -v '^\.\|\.\.$')

using find command to search for all files having some text pattern

I use following find command to find and show all files having the input text pattern.
find . -type f -print|xargs grep -n "pattern"
I have many project folders each of which has its own makefile named as 'Makefile'.(no file extension, just 'Makefile')
How do i use above command to search for a certain pattern only in the files named Makefile which are present in all my project folders?
-print is not required (at least by GNU find implementation). -name argument allows to specify filename pattern. Hence the command would be:
find . -name Makefile | xargs grep pattern
If you have spaces or odd characters in your directory paths youll need to use the null-terminated method:
find . -name Makefile -print0 | xargs -0 grep pattern
find . -type f -name 'Makefile' | xargs egrep -n "pattern"
use egrep if you have very long paths
Duplicate of : this
You can avoid the use of xargs by using -exec:
find . -type f -name 'Makefile' -exec egrep -Hn "pattern" {} \;
-H on egrep to output the full path to the matching files.
grep -R "string" /path
Please find this link
you can use ff command i.e ff -p .format. For eg ff -p *.txt
Find big files occupying large disk space
we need to combine multiple command .
find . -type f | xargs du -sk | sort -n | tail;