Timthumb.php: internal image not found - thumbnails

I'm getting the following error when using the Timthumb.php script from (http://www.binarymoon.co.uk/projects/timthumb/):
The following error(s) occured:
Could not find the internal image you specified.
Query String : src=http://www.xxxxxxxxx.com/templatename/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/mainimage.jpg
TimThumb version : 2.8.10
I'm not sure whats going on, the internal image does exist, when I try resizing an external image (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2340/2089504883_863fb11b0a_z.jpg&h=200&w=120), the script works with no issues.
Any thoughts appreciated.

There is timthumb.php file with problem fixed by someone here:
and here:


Deploying MoonMail resoruces AwsMarketplaceNotificationsQueuePolicy

I'm getting an invalid parameter error on AwsMarketplaceNotificationsQueuePolicy while creating the stack.
Has anyone run into a similar problem?
I've had the same problem. In my case, the reason was a missing variable - awsMarketplaceUserArn in the _meta/variables/s-variables-<stage>-<region>.json file.

An error in executing a .gap file in GAP software

I am trying to load two .gap files but I receive the following error message. What could be the reason?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Error in executing .gap files
I have already read F1.gap file. I don't understand why it says F1 must be readable to load the F2.gap file.
Please help me to solve this problem.

Spark read error file path does not exist

Hi Everyone,
While reading data from a file in spark I'm getting an error like path does not exist. Please find the screenshot for the same.
Could you please tell me what I missed regarding processing data?
Many thanks for your help in advance.
Your data should contain path with file extension. It's missing here.
Add extension to us-500.

Failed to execute 'insertBefore' exit-intent-popup beeker.io

On one of my pages I get a "Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node':". I've checked the code headers, etc and can't find why. The code I'm using is
After going through the code. I found that the code is looking for "" tag in the . If you put a blank one in there the code will work. hope this helps someone.

Parse FileSaveError Code 130

this is my first ever question so please let me know if I can improve anything in the future.
I am self-learning Swift and Parse. When I tried to save an image to Parse, it gave me the error as can be seen in the picture.
Error message picture
The error message in the picture is as following:
Parse::FileSaveError (Code: 130, Version: 1.11.0)
Can someone please help me with this? I'm not familiar with Swift or Parse so I don't know if they have any certain behaviours.
Many thanks
The definition for the error code you are receiving is:
"Error code indicating that a unique field was given a value that is already taken."
As your code appears to be valid, the issue is most likely in the Parse database itself. Go into Parse core and remove the "Post" class you have created and try running the code again.
It is worth noting that it can help to use print(error) to print the actual error out rather than just a string.