Failed to execute 'insertBefore' exit-intent-popup - popup

On one of my pages I get a "Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node':". I've checked the code headers, etc and can't find why. The code I'm using is

After going through the code. I found that the code is looking for "" tag in the . If you put a blank one in there the code will work. hope this helps someone.


flutter code does not run when two ..functions are present

i was wondering if there was an expert that could help me out.
I am following a video for building an app...
For some weird reason, I can only have 1 one the following functions:
..addListener. <== line 27
..addStatusListener. <== line 29
If I comment out one and leave the other, the code works. If I don't comment out one of them, the code does not work. any idea what the issue is?
video I am following is::
go to time=11:16
enter image description here
We solved this in chat. Turns out OP was writing
..addListener( .... );
..addStatusListener( .... )
which of course is broken syntax. Removing the semicolon fixed it.

VS Code Jupyter Notebooks Markdown for links not working

I am trying to setup a link in vs code Jupyter notebook. No matter which way I try to do it, it does not seem to work. my last attempt was with an [id] tag, still no joy!
for more explanation on headers see [here] [goog]
Not sure if there is a bug in VS Code or if it's me, more likely the latter, any help greatly appreciated.
Be sure that you are not mixing HTML markup with pure markdown. If you try to nest a link inside a or table cell, it will not work. You must use simple markdown exclusively.
See the basic markdown here
You may need to learn some basic markdown syntax:
then press CTRL+ENTER, it will be:
[xxx] https://... is another use to assign a label to a link to facilitate reference:
[2]: ...
[3]: ...
You can also try
__[](for more explanation on headers see here)__
this will return following: (for more explanation on headers see here)

How to delete Sqlite Database in Ionic3

I am using the sqlite plugin in my Ionic App
databaseName = 'offline.db';
this.sqlite.deleteDatabase({ name: this.databaseName, location: 'default'});
I tried this code it throwing an error. destroyDatabase does not exist. But the function does exists maybe the code might be wrong. Please Help.
Check your code carefully, because:
In the code it says: "destoryDatabase(){" .
It may be because you didn't close the "}" and also the name is wrong.
But you wrote that the function "destroyDatabase" exists.
As you can see, they're not the same at least in typo.
Check that and please add more code.

Padrino + MongoMapper/Joint Troubles

I'm using MongoMapper with Joint on Padrino, and trying to get the
upload working. However, I keep getting thrown a NoMethodError
"undefined method 'path' for #<Hash:0xa6fbdf0>". It seems like it
can't see the path, but the parameters are okay. What is the problem
Gist with the code:
I was able to get it to not error, but when I go to find the file with mongofiles, I can't find. The same goes for rack/grid-fs. Where is Joint saving to, and is it saving at all?
See my comments above:
Here's my thought on what you need to do, I think you need to modify the params so that params[:background][:file] is the tempfile object, like so:
params[:background][:file] = params[:background][:file][:tempfile]
background = Background.create(params[:background])
I'm not 100% sure on this, but if this doen't work I could setup a quick Padrino app and test.

Customize Error Reporting via E-mail in Pylons

I am sending myself WebApp error reports from Pylons when users hit critical errors and I would love to be able to get the full output of session[] in the reports and customize it to my liking, but I've got no idea how to do that, or where the report is actually created / put together.
Anyone know how I can accomplish that?
The short answer is that you will have to roll your own for this functionality. WebError is the package used to handle this, and it doesn't provide any extension points. Your best bet may be to use a fork of it with your changes, although even then the code is not pretty.
I thank Michael for answering me, without really giving me anything to build on. That meant I had to figure it out myself, and that's always a good thing :)
What I did was, I looked at /config/ in my Pylons project and found this line:
app = ErrorHandler(app, global_conf, **config['pylons.errorware'])
I made my own ErrorHandler def and my own ErrorMiddleware class at the top of the file:
class ClaraErrorMiddleware(ErrorMiddleware):
def exception_handler(self, exc_info, environ):
# do what ever you want with the exc_info or environ vars
super(ClaraErrorMiddleware, self).exception_handler(exc_info, environ) # call parent
def ClaraErrorHandler(app, global_conf, **errorware):
if asbool(global_conf.get('debug')):
return ErrorHandler(app, global_conf, **errorware)
return ClaraErrorMiddleware(app, global_conf, **errorware)
So now, I can throw in some extra variables I want to be sent with my error emails. Simple enough ...