Create pdf in proper format - iphone

I want to create PDF with proper format like proper text and image would be on proper format like normal PDF file.
I know how to create PDF with image and text but I don't know how to format it & I also know that PDF can be converted from HTML by displaying it's content on webview and capturing its screen in image and converting it into PDF.
But is there any another way or any tag available like HTML.
Or is there any third party tool available for this issue.

You can create a PDF drawing contect with CGPDFContextCreate and then draw with standard Cord Graphics 2D functions as you would draw on the screen. See also this question: iOS SDK - Programmatically generate a PDF file


How would I convert PNG to PDF in Flutter?

Does anyone here know the pseudocode to convert a PNG image into a PDF file in Dart/Flutter??
Just the high level steps would be great.
You cannot simply convert a png to a pdf file. png is an image format and pdf is a document format.
That said, here is how you can do it:
Import the flutter pdf package.
create a new pdf file using the package and insert your png image on a full size page.

iOS SDK edit PDF to add an Image

I'm trying to figure out if there is any way to insert an image into a specific page on a pdf file. I was analying this example and other, and they always create a new PDF file.
Is there any way to draw above the PDF page with already existing content using Quartz 2D?
seems to be a duplicate question. Look at my question and the answers -> What is the best way to manipulate an existing PDF-Document under iOS?

how to get the image position from pdf file in objective c?

I am doing something like extracting the pdf text in a string format so as to annotate the text and in the same process i need to find the image positions covered in the same pdf file so as to maintain its position. Now the problem is that i am not getting the exact positions of the images in the same pdf file. Is it possible to use some thing like OCR,if yes,how to use that?
Can anybody help me in finding the exact position of the image in the pdf file? I need to implement some pdf reader kind of application for ipad,that's just for the knowledge.
Thank you.
Isn't OCR a little bit heavy weight for iphone?
Take look on tools like pdftotext from Xpdf. It is much simpler to read data, as to render and recognize it back again.

Edit my signature in PDF file in my iPad application

In my iPad application I want to add signature in my pdf file.
I already do perform following steps:
Open pdf in UIView (zooming is not implemented yet).
Add one transparent subview (UIImageView) and draw signature on that.
Save all screen using UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() as a image.
Convert and save the image as a pdf.
This is works fine but pdf quality is very poor.
But now I want to add a signature/image as a pdf metadata. Same as a markup and commenting features of PDF.
Is there any help or sample code is available for the same?
It should be possible to improve the quality of the output by skipping the image/pdf conversion, but afaik there's no lib that will help you editing the metadata of a pdf on the iPad (at least, none that's freely available).
Depending on what exactly you want to do, you may have to write a parser from scratch to know what exactly you have to append to your document to see the wanted effect:
It is very easy to append data to a pdf, but it has to be "registered" in the right locations so that a reader can use this information.

how to show *.mpp files in my iphone application?

I have a problem in showing *.mpp (microsoft project files) in my app. I thought of showing in image format but i dont know how to convert it into image format. or is there any other way to view mpp files.
thanks in advance
I have doubts you can with the standard SDK.
You should first convert your .mpp file to a more convenient format, such as pdf or an image format, like png, using a tool like Zamzar or something similar. Then, depending on your output, on the iPhone you would use a UIWebView to display a PDF or an UIImageView to view an image.