How would I convert PNG to PDF in Flutter? - flutter

Does anyone here know the pseudocode to convert a PNG image into a PDF file in Dart/Flutter??
Just the high level steps would be great.

You cannot simply convert a png to a pdf file. png is an image format and pdf is a document format.
That said, here is how you can do it:
Import the flutter pdf package.
create a new pdf file using the package and insert your png image on a full size page.


how to compress or reduce size of gif file in flutter?

I made gif file with flutter_video_compress package ( its compress and make gif too )
but there is one problem
gif size is too big.
i will put the gif file into firebase storage.
right now.. it's nothing to worry about but it will be a problem sooner or later I guess.
i searched packages for it
but there is no compress or resize package for gif file.
found one image compress package
but there is no description about gif
is there a way to solve this??

Get image format from Scrimage Image instance

I'm working with scrimage right now, and I need to get the image format from the file, as right now, if a GIF is uploaded, it will not become an animated JPEG. I need to be able to tell if the image file is a GIF so I know to not use the Format.JPEG writer. Is there any way to do this?
In release 2.0.0-M2 you can do
val format : Option[Format] = FormatDetector.detect(in)
where in is an input stream.

Not able to read PNG format Image using Jmagick library

I am able to read JPEG format image and can write JPEG format image. I want to do same for PNG format image but i am not getting how to do that.
It's the same concept as jpeg. One of the "magicks" of the library is that it is largely type independent when writing the code. Try doing it the same way.
If you're attempting to do conversion, maybe try looking here.

Create pdf in proper format

I want to create PDF with proper format like proper text and image would be on proper format like normal PDF file.
I know how to create PDF with image and text but I don't know how to format it & I also know that PDF can be converted from HTML by displaying it's content on webview and capturing its screen in image and converting it into PDF.
But is there any another way or any tag available like HTML.
Or is there any third party tool available for this issue.
You can create a PDF drawing contect with CGPDFContextCreate and then draw with standard Cord Graphics 2D functions as you would draw on the screen. See also this question: iOS SDK - Programmatically generate a PDF file

how to show *.mpp files in my iphone application?

I have a problem in showing *.mpp (microsoft project files) in my app. I thought of showing in image format but i dont know how to convert it into image format. or is there any other way to view mpp files.
thanks in advance
I have doubts you can with the standard SDK.
You should first convert your .mpp file to a more convenient format, such as pdf or an image format, like png, using a tool like Zamzar or something similar. Then, depending on your output, on the iPhone you would use a UIWebView to display a PDF or an UIImageView to view an image.