Is it possible for me to control the iPhone calls? - iphone

I'm developing a call program in a iOS application. This is intended for personal use, not for the App store. I would like to control iPhone app to call someone, receive calls and disconect calls whenever I need. Is it possible for me to control iPhone calls? If it's possible, what api can I use? please name some, thank you very much!

No, this is not possible via the iOS SDK.
(I don't know if there are any solutions for jailbroken devices.)


How to record a Phone Call in iphone in locally?

Hi i am new to iOS development, i want to develop a one app for recording call conversations,for that i searched it. The result is "This is not accepted by the apple store." But my app for enterprises app. So please tell me,if there is any other alternative way for this.
Thanks in Advance.
You will not be able to access the audio nor the microphone from the calls. The reason is because of the architecture of iOS. The microphone and speaker is owned by the app which is using it at that time, so no apps made by developers can accomplish what you are suggesting. (certainly Apple can override this sandbox feature).
Try Android.

How to implement auto-answer on iPhone?

Apparently, there are already some applications implementing auto-answer on iphone:
How is this done? How can I automatically answer calls programmatically? (private APIs ok)
First, one note on jailbroken vs private API:
Private API are just undocumented API, which can be executed on jailed or jailbroken devices. However, Apple will reject (won't accept them to AppStore) apps with private API usage. So, you can use them on jailed device, but you will have problem with distribution of this app.
My guess is that AutoAnswer is jailbreak tweak. They can be executed only on jailbroken phones.
I think the easiest way to learn how AutoAnswer is implemented would be to disassemble it and check which API it hooks. The harder way would be to disassemble Phone application (may be it's part of Springboard, I don't remember) and find which API you need to hook to provide the same functionality.

How to integrate skype feature in my native app

I want to integrate Skype APIs in my native app. Is that possible? I have Googled around and couldn't find a way to start. I know there are APIs available for Mac OS X.
Can I make use of those APIs for my iPhone app? I know it is possible, as many apps like Nimbuzz have integrated Skype APIs in their iPhone apps.
Skype has a Public API which you can reference. This page has a wealth of information on how to use the API and the various commands. There is no public framework which abstracts it any further so you'll need to investigate how to make the actual commands by deconstructing the various wrappers.
I don't think Skype wants to particularly bring their API wrappers to the iPhone because you'd be competing directly with their own application. They do provide Cocoa wrappers but those are in the form of a framework and you can't have your own custom frameworks in an iPhone Application (only Apple approved ones). Also relevant: Skype bans Nimbuzz and fring while faking stats
SkypeKit sounds like what you want.
SkypeKit prohibits development on iOS devices. What may be of use to you is the URI scheme, This should let you open the skype App on your iPhone and place a call.
For additional help visit the Skype Developer Forum

Any iPhone SIP/VOIP Application that can be called from other iPhone App?

Is there any VOIP app for iPhone/iPad that can accept call request from another custom iPhone application?
I have a custom iPhone application written with C# and MonoTouch. I need to make VOIP calls (and conference call with multiple phones) from my iphone application. But developing a VOIP app from ground up is not worth the time (and I dont know Obective-C either). So I was looking for an SDK or App that can accept call request from other apps. For example my app could construct and call a URL like (app-protocol:call?18002221111&18003331112&18001322244)... an installed VOIP in iPhone will listen to the protocol and place conference call to all three numbers. (Something like this is possible with skype but skype does not support conferencing in IOS... although works fine in Mac or Windows).
Thanks for your answer Paul. Do you know if gvconnect url scheme will support bulk call (multiple numbers at the same time? For single number I can have skype installed (Free), I tested the skype: url scheme and that works fine. The problem is it does not work with semicolon delimited phone numbers in iOS ... which works fine in skype for Windows Desktop version.
I think GV Connect - Google Voice Connect can do this for you. It supports gvconnect:// url handler scheme. You can find a list of apps which use custom URL handlers here
I haven't tested this one but it could be also helpful:
Siphon, an open source iPhone app.

Is it possible to develop an iphone app that tracks use of other apps

Is it possible to develop an iphone app that tracks use of other apps. Basically is it possible to track how long a person used each iphone app on their phone?
Provided that you wrote the other apps it is. Basically it would be an interface to something like Otherwise no.