Switching between views not working for iPhone 5.1 (XCode 4.3.2) - iphone

I'm trying to develop an iPhone app that uses 4 views(View-based app), and I want to navigate from one view to the other. It would be ideal if for example the Submit ID button automatically sent a message to UIViewController to switch to View 2, and selecting a cell in View 2 would load View 3.
See a screenshot of the Storyboard here.
I'm not sure how to do that, so I've tried using a separate button to switch between views, but that isn't working either and I can't figure out why.
You can have a look at the source code which I've uploaded to Dropbox.

First, I would suggest posting your code in your question. As appreciative as I'm sure other people are that you provided a dropbox link to the code, most people presumably have little interest in downloading the file to their computer, unzipping, and launching the project (me being one of them).
That being said, let's make sure you're clear on Storyboards and the general view controller hierarchy principles. You have, in your storyboard, four UIViewControllers dragged out into your workspace. So, you're not switching the views of a single UIViewController, telling it to switch from View1 to View2 to View3 and so on. You need to be telling the view controller hierarchy (which, in your case, probably needs to be managed by a UINavigationController), to push and/or pop view controller on and off its stack. It appears that you have some segues set up between your view controllers. Are you calling performSegueWithIdentifier:sender: in your code? Alternatively, you could hook up the Submit ID button to perform a push segue to View Controller 2 in much the same manner.
Once you have that working, you can override prepareForSegue:sender: to send information from ViewController1 to ViewController2 and so on.


iOS Storyboard Modal Segues and Memory

My apps "short" description:
Basically an interactive storybook, I have a class that sets up a audio session and audio player which every other class(ViewControllers) in my app imports and calls a function or two to set the right sound to be played each time something happens(for instance.. user reads the story). Each ViewController has it's own .m and .h classes and uses them for animations and action handling. My app is only about 60 mb's in size (audio/images/code).
Now these ViewControllers are set up in a storyboard (they are 13 now) and are modal segued from one to the next one and then programmatically dismissed to go back.
When I run my app on my iPad now, I'm starting to get memory warnings and yes Instruments is showing me that my app is adding roughly about 40 Mb's for every ViewController that I segue to.
My questions are:
Do they reside in real memory no matter what I do? (I thought I wasn't holding any strong pointers to these view controllers).
Is there an easy way for me to dismiss one controller and still use a modal segue to get to the next one?(ran into troubles trying this)
Modal Segues are probably not the way I should be doing things in my App are they?!. They looked so nice and easy for my "storybook", but now they are giving me a very rough time.
Any other tips you can give me from what I described are appreciated.
Thank you.
Yes, as long as you present it modally. The presenter view controller keeps a strong pointer to the presented view controller. What you could do here is in the viewWillDisappear: release all the images and other views that might use memory !
You could instantiate your view controller using the method instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier: and then presentViewController:animated:completion: like you would do with any view controller
It's up to you to decide. But you could easily mimic the animation if you wanted to.
If I understood everything correctly I would go with a singleton class kinda like 'AudioEngine' which is accessible from anywhere in any class. Then I would design all my viewcontrollers in my storyboard like you did. When I need to present modally another view controller, I'll do it using the answer of your 2nd question. If I still had a memory issue, I would try to cheat and keeps always 3 view controllers (like we do with the UIScrollView's infinite scroll) that I would reuse and I'll mimic the modal presentation using UIView's animation blocks.

How to load a xib file from a storyboard?

I am new to iOS programming and I am working on a project which will use both XIB files and storyboard.
I have two modules in it basically. First module is made from XIB files which also runs independently. I have made another module using storyboard and I had to integrate these two independently running modules. The screen of my first module which I want to connect to my storyboard is a subclass of UIViewController and I was able to do that with the help of stackoverflow (How to load a storyboard from a XIB file?) by creating an object of UIStoryBoard. Now my application is able to go to the storyboard but I can't come back to my first module which is made up of XIB files.
Please let me know how can I connect to the same instance of the last screen of the first module through which storyboard is called so that I can move back and forth through these views easily. Connecting to the same instance of the XIB file is important because it is a chat screen and when I come back to this screen, I would like to get back to the chat where I had left it and also when I come back to the storyboard (by clicking a button on the chat screen) I have a slider on the screen which should display the value which the user must have chosen when they were on this screen last time. I guess creating a new object should give me a new screen which won't work in this situation. This kind of mechanism works well within storyboard with the use of segue where we can define both source and destination view controller.
Please help me achieve the same in my situation.
Please also check the screen shots of the XIB file and the storyboard which I want connected.
Convert the nib files into storyboard, it will help you easier to manage your application.
Well in your case, what i see is from nibs is that there is a navigation controller in storyboard and also there will be a root view controller navigation controller from xib files.
Well the navigation controller stack has all VCs you pushed into and you can get back it in different ways.

XCode 4.1 - Multiple view within a XIB

I have created an application successfully and given it a TabBar view controller that is working as i had hoped, but have run into a glitch.
On each xib i load from the tabBar I need to create sub-views that will perform tasks as this interacts with a database (or .. will). I have created my first page and the buttons that will navigate to the views within the XIB, but do not yet nkow how to navigate between views within the XIB itself.
would it be better to have seperate XIB's that load when the buttons are hit?
should i create views within the XIB's for each category and switch between them?
I am still learning and have had some confusion regarding navigation as I already have the TabBar controlling the root of the application. I have been looking for tutorials, but they all seem to start at either navigation controller as the root, TabBar as the root, and nothing like I need for option 1 above.
I can add details of the app if needed, but am looking for guidance for now.
Thank you,
Silver Tiger
To navigate between views the best way is to use a navigation controller pushing/popping separate view controllers, loaded from separate nibs. UINavigationController is a subclass of UIViewController, so you can perfectly put a navigation controller for each tab. You can also use story-boarding in the new xcode 4.2, but I recommend getting comfortable with this before doing so.

How to design multiple views in iPhone

I am making code for iPhone. My first screen has only one button with text Menu. When user will click on this button next screen is coming with multiple navigation bar.Each Navigation bar has their own Text information which are being selected after clicking on any Navigation bar.
How i should to design it for iPhone ? Please give me concept. Should i take multiple views ? If i have multiple views how will i hide and show on button click event ?
Thanks in advance.
You will have to adapt your user interface to comply to how Apple wants an app to work, look, and feel - or make your own custom viewcontrollers. Even then, you might not get the exact behavior you want.
My hottest tip is to look at similar apps on appstore and see how they are navigated.
I don't get a picture in my mind from your description, but it seems you want what is called "drill down". This is best done with tableViews.
You can't have multiple navigation controllers on the same "screen"; it doesn't work like that on the iPhone. Instead, what you have is one single Navigation controller, that controls the pushing of views. You decide which sub-view to push depending on which selection the user makes, and the Navigation controller handles the rest of the interaction with the user to let him or her navigate between the views.
Example structure:
Window-based app
| +-First view with button
| +-UINavigationController
+-any more views you need.
Make the app delegate a <UINavigationControllerDelegate> and declare navCt *UINavigationController, and connect it in Interface Builder. You can then write a pushVC method, which takes as argument a UIViewController *vc. It does a [navCt pushViewController:vc animated:YES];
Connect the button to an IBAction, which then calls the method in the app delegate, [PushVC myVC], where myVC refers to any viewcontroller in your app, in this case table view 1.
In this table, on didSelectRow... event you can use the same method to push the sub-view table view 2.
I think this is minimum code if you are unsure about iPhone app design. Either way, I hope it gives some ideas.
You should read about UINavigationController, UITabBarController, UIViewController.
You almost always make one view pr. viewcontroller.

UINavigation controller problem

I'm developing an iPhone application and I'm trying to do this:
I want an application with tree views. The view shown first, doesn't have a navigation bar. If the user tap on a button, I need to open the second view with a navigation bar and a table view. The user can also add new items to the table view. If the user do so, the application will show the third view where the user can add fields (this view has also a navigation bar).
It may seem simple, but for me it is not. I don't know how to use the UINavigationController and have not found yet a similar example for what I do (paragraph translated by google).
I don't know how where to put UINavigationController.
How can I do that? Can I use a UIViewController to call a UINavigationController?
Thank you.
take a look at the Recipes example (it also uses core data which may confuse things a little) http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/samplecode/iPhoneCoreDataRecipes/Introduction/Intro.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40008913
There is also a simpler starting point here http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/samplecode/TableViewSuite/Introduction/Intro.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40007318 but the Recipe example covers just about everything you need.
EDIT:added the following
For the very simplest example use XCode to build a new application - a navigation based application (sorry, I'm in front of a PC today so that is from memory). That will give you a blank application with the navigation controller created. You then use the navigation controller to push and pop your view controllers
ViewController Programming Guide