Calculating acceleration peak from velocity - matlab

I am trying to convert an array of velocity values to acceleration values. I understand that acceleration is the integral of velocity, but don't know how to acheive this. I am using MATLAB, so if anyone can offer a solution in this language, I would be very grateful! See the graph below:
The yellow line plots the velocity and the vertical dotted lines show the peaks and troughs of that waveform (peaks and troughs found using peakdet). The green horizontal stuff in the middle is unrelated to this question.
What I am trying to isolate is the steepest part of the large downward slopes on the curve above. Can anyone offer any advice on how to calculate this?
P.S. I am aware that quad() is the function used to integrate in MATLAB but don't know how to implement it in this situation.

Acceleration is a derivative of velocity.
If your velocity values are stored in v, you can get a quick numerical derivative of v with
a = diff(v)
Be aware that if v is a real rather than synthetic signal, a is likely to be pretty noisy, so some smoothing may be in order, depending on how you're going to use it.


How to find median trajectory of a spiral movement?

Lets some objects make complex spiral moving in 3D and we have get their trajectories projected on a plane.
How to find a median trajectory of such movements and estimate the amplitudes of spirals?
I assume that this requires averaging the coordinates of the trajectories, then somehow finding the distances from the extreme points of the trajectories to the midline. But I don't know a concrete algorithm for this. Can someone suggest this algorithm?
By median trajectory I mean a line that ges between path waves, something like linew on a picture below.
This is a case for a Kalman filter, but this method is a little complicated.
A simpler one is a moving average, with a number of samples that covers as closes as possible to a full period (which you can estimate visually).
Regarding the distances, you can compute the shortest Euclidean distance of every point to the midline (using a line-to-segment function). This will yield an alternating plot, which you can smoothen with a moving maximum (rather than average) over a period.

Force Calculation at a Point Within a Vector Field, and then Reacting to that Force

So, this is going to be pretty hard for me to explain, or try to detail out since I only think I know what I'm asking, but I could be asking it with bad wording, so please bear with me and ask questions if need-be.
Currently I have a 3D vector field that's being plotted which corresponds to 40 levels of wind vectors in a 3D space (obviously). These are plotted in 3D levels and then stacked on top of each other using a dummy altitude for now (we're debating how to go about pressure altitude conversion most accurately--not to worry here). The goal is to start at a point within the vector space, modeling that point as a particle that can experience physics, and iteratively go through the vector field reacting to the forces, thus creating a trajectory of sorts through the vector field.
Currently what I'm trying to do is whip up code that would allow me to to start a point within this field and calculate the forces that the particle would feel at that point and then establish a resultant force vector that would indicate the next path of movement throughout the vector space.
Right now I'm stuck in the theoretical aspects of the code, as I'm trying to think through how the particle would feel vectors at a distance.
Any suggestions on ways to attack this problem within MatLab or relevant equations to use?
In order to run my code, you'll need read_grib.r4 and to compile that mex file here is a link to a zip with the code and the required files.
I would try to interpolate the wind vector from the adjecent ones. You seem to have a regular grid, that should be no problem. (You can use interp3 for this)
Afterwards, you can use any differential-equation solver for your problem, as you have basically a field of gradients and an initial value. Forward euler would be the simplest one but need a small step size. (N.B.: Your field should be a gradient field)
You may read about this in Wikipedia:
In response to comment #1:
Yes. In a regular grid, any (arbitrary chosen) point will have eight neighbors. interp3 will so a trilinear interpolation to determine an interpolated gradient vector.
If you use forward-euler, you will then move a small distance in that direction. There you interpolate a gradient and go a small step into this new direction and so on. What happens are two things:
You get a series of points that lie on a streamline and thus form the trajectory of a particle moving along the field
Get large errors, the further you move and the larger the step size is. Use a small step size or use a better solver (Runge-Kutta comes to my mind)
If all you want is plotting, then the streamline function might help.

finding gradient/curvature of surface defined by arbitrary, non-grid-spaced points

So I have a 3 dimensional matrix of points that (presumably) define a surface. For my purposes, X and Y can be random values but when plotted along with their Z coordinates, they will define some undulating surface. I'd like to measure the local curvatures of said surface, and in order to do that, I need to be able to find the gradient of said surface, at which point calculating the curvature is trivial.
I have not yet found an implementation of how to measure this curvature that doesn't make use of Matlab's gradient function. The problem with Matlab's gradient function is that it assumes that the points are in some sort of order, similar to diff(X). This would suffice if my points were spaced along a grid, which is not necessarily the case.
One possible solution to measuring the gradient is to give in and assign each point to a discrete coordinate in a grid in the XY plane, thus overcoming this issue. However, this solution seems somewhat inelegant and was curious to see if anyone had suggestions. Thanks!
You can use griddata to interpolate from your scattered data points to grid spaced points and then calculate the gradient.

Ambiguity in DCM to Quaternion conversion using the default Simulink library block

I am simulating a system where I need Direction Cosine Matrix to quaternion conversion. I use the default DCM to Quaternion conversion block available in simulink. However at some points of the simulation, the output quaternion components reverse sign.
Unfortunately I cannot attach the plot image.
Though this is mathematically correct I desire a smooth change. Any idea on how to avoid this and have a smooth curve for the quaternion?
Update 1:
Above is the simulated plot. The first plot is of the output quaternion. Second plot is of the Direction Cosine Matrix. As you see that even though the dcm components change smoothly, the quaternion changes sign abruptly.
The problem arises because of the double covering property of quaternions: Two unit quaternions correspond to every rotation. At some point, according to some rule, the Matlab implementation switched from one quaternion to the other. There is not much you can do about it.
A messy workaround would be to write your own rotation matrix to quaternion conversion, and pick that representation of the two possibilities that is closer to the previous one, hence avoiding the sudden jumps. It's messy.
Plotting the quaternions is typically not needed in practical applications. Most likely you are rotating an object / vector. If you plot that object / vector (or some projections of it) you won't get any sudden jumps even if there are jumps in the representation of the rotation. Another benefit of plotting the projections of the rotated object is that it is usually much easier to interpret these plots than the quaternions. I don't know whether it makes sense in your application; it worked beautifully in mine.

How do I calculate acceleration/deceleration in the direction of travel from X,Y,Z accelerometer readings from iphone

I am writing an iPhone/iPad app. I need to compute the acceleration and deceleration in the direction of travel of a vehicle traveling in close to a straight horizontal line with erratic acceleration and deceleration. I have the sequence of 3 readings from the X,Y,Z orthogonal accelerometers. But the orientation of the iphone/ipad is arbitrary and the accelerometer readings include vehicle motion and the effect of gravity. The result should be a sequence of single acceleration values which are positive or negative depending on whether the vehicle is decelerating or accelerating. The positive and negative direction is arbitrary so long as acceleration has the opposite sign to deceleration. Gravity should be factored out of the result. Some amount of variable smoothing of the result would be useful.
The solution should be as simple as possible and must be computationally efficient. The answer should be some kind of pseudo-code algorithm, C code or a sequence of equations which could easily be converted to C code. An iPhone specific solution in Objective C would be fine too.
You will need some trigonometry for this, for example to get the magnitude you need
magn = sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);
to get the angle you will need atan, then c function atan2 is better
xyangel = atan2(y,x);
xymagn = sqrt(x*x+y*y);
vertangle = atan2(z,xymagn)
no how you get negative and positive magnitude is arbitrary, you could for example interpret π/2 < xyangle < 3π/2 as negative. That would be taking the sign of x for the sign of magn, but it would be equally valid to take the sign from y
It is really tough to separate gravity and motion. It's easier if you can analyze the data together with a gyroscope and compass signal.
The gyroscope measures the rate of angular rotation. Its integral is theoretically the angular orientation (plus an unknown constant), but the integral is subject to drift, so is useless on its own. The accelerometer measures angular orientation plus gravity plus linear acceleration. With some moderately complex math, you can isolate all 3 of those quantities from the 2 sensors' values. Adding the compass fixes the XY plane (where Z is gravity) to an absolute coordinate frame.
See this great presentation.
Use userAcceleration.
You don't have to figure out how to remove gravity from the accelerometer readings and how to take into accont the orientation: It is already implemeted in the Core Motion Framework.
Track the mean value of acceleration. That will give you a reference for "down". Then subtract the mean from individual readings.
You'll need to play around with the sensitivity of the mean calculation, since, e.g., making a long slow turn on a freeway will cause the mean to slowly drift outwards.
If you wanted to compensate for this, you could use GPS tracking to compute a coarse-grained global acceleration to calibrate the accelerometer. In fact, you might find that differentiating the GPS velocity reading gives a good enough absolute acceleration all by itself (I haven't tried, so I can't say).