I am developing an app for the iPhone/iPad using Xcode and iOS 5. Can anyone suggest any third party libs to do this, or give me some direction as to how to natively do it?
Try using this sdk http://www.izotope.com/tech/iZomobile/
it uses audioqueue bit complicated yet powerfull
You can use Bass and Bass_fx library for changing pitch/tempo in real time.
You can download this library from http://www.un4seen.com/.
You can use following function for Pitch and tempo setting
BASS_ChannelSlideAttribute(mainStream, BASS_ATTRIB_TEMPO_PITCH, 0.0,
which is available in Bass library.
I've recently developed an application that view a panorama 360 image, using Panoramagl library for iPhone, and i wanna enhance it and make more features like hotspot.
I've tried to look at a javascript code that implement this feature, but it's useless.
I don't know from where to start implementing this feature and i don't understand the concept of the hotspot. can anyone put me on the right way to start implementing this feature ?
thx in advance.
I've ended up using a library called KRPano using it in UIWebView, it has a good support and has a lot of features.
PanoramaGL for iOS was updated recently to 0.1 r3 version. This new version support Spherical images 2048x1024 pixeles. And hotspots feature was added.
Please read wiki section
I'm must build the same application for android and iphone.
I tryed rhodes, that is great, but some native ui features are missing...
I would like to know, is there a strategy, sdk, framework, or something for building native applications for android and iphone that somehow reduce the rework?
Or any suggestion of other framework, like rhodes...
Phone Gap is the place for you. You should have a look at this http://www.phonegap.com/about
Appcelerator Titanium
Documentation, Documentation, Documentation!
Have a well written PDR and stick to it.
there is another approach which is to use a tool that generates both simultaneously like: phonegap or corona SDK.
Design for some level of resolution independence. Try to code as much as you appropriately can in HTML rather than native controls. And wrap common API calls so you have 1 method to change rather than 100 different calls all over the place.
You could consider using monotouch and monodroid.
You may also want to see Reusing Monotouch code in Monodroid app
I want to make a face tracking application in iPhone.
Can any one help me how to use
CvCapture * camera = cvCreateCameraCapture(CV_CAP_ANY); in iPhone?
When I add this line in XCode4, I got the error "_cvCreateCameraCapture", referenced from:.
How can solve this error?
The latest OpenCV source from the SVN trunk supports video capture on iOS. Take a look at this article for a pre-compiled iOS framework and an example project.
Currently, OpenCV camera capture API cannot be used in iOS apps. You have to create AVCaptureSession and setup video capturing pipeline in order to get video frames from iPhone camera device.
We're creating an iOS app that basically scans badges at events and collects contact info. We're looking for an iOS library that can read not only the number of the barcode, but also any additional information that's included (contact info). Does anyone have any library suggestions or will this have to be a custom library? Thanks in advance!
Use AVCaptureMetaDataOutput in AVFoundation which works with minimum deployment target iOS 7.
Previous Answer:
Have been using ZBar SDK in most of our projects. Picks up barcode and scans very fast, easy to customize focus area from SDK. Tested on iPhone 3GS, iPhone4/4S, iPhone 5 and iPad
iOS7 has built in functionality scanning BarCodes not sepearate sdk is required; if your deployment target is iOS7
Is your barcode format up to you, or do you have a predetermined symbology you have to work with?
There is this: http://shopsavvy.mobi/sdk/. Don't know why that wouldn't work for you, unless you object to the licensing terms.
Checkout ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") at http://code.google.com/p/zxing/
Reads almost every kind of barcodes and we used it with great success previously.
Use ZBAR its the best, we used it in our app www.infomq.com and its is really stable and scans reliably.
Basically you want to use PDF417 which is a stacked linear barcode symbol. Check out the pdf417 decode on Sourceforge.
Is it possible on an iPhone app to take a picture and extract an string from the picture? We'd like to make our app to look for a serial number on a database (very long number) without the user having to type it.
Is there any Cocoa/Objective-C API for this or any C/C++ library that can be used in an iPhone app?
Thanks in advance!
You can have a look at the tesseract-ocr project. It's not actually made to use on an iPhone but I believe others have made great use of it on the iPhone.
Here is a demo that makes use of the tesseract ocr engine.
I was looking for something similar and came across ABBYY's mobileOCR solution
I've not used it yet and have no idea how much it is but you should be able to integrate it into your app by all accounts.
I have this in my bookmarks: http://code.google.com/p/zxing/
It has iPhone, Android and Java code to deal with image capture and bar codes.
I haven't test it yet.
Here's another implementation of Tesseract on the iPhone: http://robertcarlsen.net/dev/pocket-ocr
Tesseract-OCR now has iOS version:Tesseract-OCR-iOS