Is Google plus API still read-only? - iphone

I see everywhere that google plus api is readonly. But i saw this app screenshot.
How did they do then? Even the docs say its read only.

The API is indeed still read-only. We worked directly with SXSW on this year's mobile app to enable sharing... it's not a feature that is generally available at this time.

The note at the top of the REST API documentation page seems to answer both questions at once:
Note: The Google+ API currently provides read-only access to public
data. All API calls require either an OAuth 2.0 token or an API key.


Instagram API Usage

I'm currently working on a project where I'm "tracking" down public instagram users' statics.
But I'm encountering an issue, I'm able to get my own profile but not other's profile, even if their profile is public.
On my Facebook developer's app I don't have the authorizations to use their API (basic / graph profile), but to fill the form I need to show to Facebook how I'm using it on my website, but everything is currently backend, and I can't work on a frontend page if I can't test my api on other profile.
What am I supposed to do ?
PS: I don't mind the language, if it's functional I will adapt it to my system's language.
Best regards :)
I don't think you will get API approval for such purpose (but who knows..) so your best bet might be unofficial API wrappers from github.

Is it possible to build a client app that makes use of Facebook's private API?

I am not talking about the public graph api, i am asking is it technically possible to consume facebook's private api that facebook official apps use, and benifit from login/sign up and such features?
Like if i reverse engineered messenger or facebook app and mimic their communication with their API, whould i be able to build a working client?
Thank you.
There are existing projects that have already done the same.
Take a look at the works of dequis e.g. purple-facebook. He has also written tutorials on reverse-engineering the APIs of Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.
Take a look at the source code of the Facebook protocol plugin of Miranda NG. They reverse-engineered the API used by the desktop web frontend of Facebook.
They exist for years. None of them have been sued so far. However, hiding your identity is recommended if you plan to do such things. Also you may want to open-source your project and host it on multiple sites. Corporate arrogance of tech companies is at very high levels nowadays.
Yes, it is theoretically possible.
However, remember that you will be easily sued if Facebook do not agree with what you're trying to do. For example, if you're trying to use their own private Intellectual Property without their permission, or if you violate their Terms of Service agreements (reverse-engineering is going to be in there without a doubt), then they can legally sue.
Facebook have public APIs with documentation which is what is intended to be used by developers. If you decide to ignore it and go digging into things which you do not own, nor have consent to access, you're going to land yourself into trouble.
I don't mean to be a kill-joy, I'm just saying how it is from a realistic point-of-view.

Does google map api v3 contain encryption

I have made an app,
i made a free app, which shows a list with restaurants. To see which restaurants are in your near i implemented the google map api v3.
On the map are icons which show the restaurants.
When i submitted the app on iTunes, i got the question: Does your product contain encryption?
I have looking for information on the google site about encryption, but i haven't found any information.
I don't know if they use encryption and i don't know which encryption they use.
i read on this site, but i don't know if my app/the google map api v3 is is described by note 4 and free from encryption control.
Has someone experience or information?
Do i need a ERN-Certificate or something else?
Thanks in advance
It's more to do with whether your application performs any actual encryption in the source code.
See this post - Does HTTPS in my app considered "Encryption"

YouTube API: Dashboard vs API Console

I'm implementing server-side interactions with YouTube and I'm a bit lost with the kind of Product/App you need to create in order to publish videos via the API for example.
Looking at the OAuth2 doc, it says that I need to register my app with the API Console (looks good so far, very similar to creating a Facebook App).
But then, I looked at the Google .NET library and here it says that a Product needs to be registered in the YouTube dashboard... Not sure to understand how these are complementary. If anyone has a synthetic explanation (which I didn't found in the docs), I would be grateful.
I'm not 100% sure but I believe:
The YouTube Dashboard was originally setup prior to the announcement of YouTube API v3, which is yet to be released. You use the Dashboard to register your application and get a YT Dev Key. You can also use the Dashboard for some extremely low level application statistics.
The API Console is Google's attempt to form one administrative console for ALL of their APIs. Since Google is transistioning to oAuth 2 authorization, you will need to use the API console as well in order to apply for a clientID, redirectURI, and clientSecret if you want to authorize with oAuth 2.
At this time, if you do not want to use oAuth2 you do not need access to the API Console. However, know that in February of next year YouTube is going to kill all other forms of authorization (sub, clientLogin, oAuth1).
So to try and simplify things:
Use the API Console to get your oAuth2 in order
Use the YT Dashboard to get a YT Dev Key
In the future, when Google goes lives with YouTube API v3, you will probably want to switch to a new Dev Key from the API Console and leave the Dashboard all together.

Creating a non-web-view-based sign-in screen for Microsoft SkyDrive

I am trying to implement a sign in view like the one displayed below to allow users to sign into their Microsoft Live account and then allow the app to pull down their SkyDrive data.
I have been reading the API documentation at msdn and it seems that the documentation is centered on you using a standard web UI login form which I would like to avoid (pictured below).
So I am looking for documentation or an example of implementing a custom login form to login to windows live to get SkyDrive data. Any information would be extremely helpful as I am pretty stuck.
Note: There is also an issue open on github regarding the this same topic.
After doing some digging I discovered that microsoft will only allow you to log in using OAuth 2.0 through their interface (pictured above). What I originally wanted goes completely against the design of their SDK and isn't/wont be supported.
According to an issue posted on github, there may eventually be a way to allow authentication through the Skydrive iOS app. As of now however, there is only one way to authenticate, through their SDK or API.
This is also stated in the documentation:
Your app must initiate the sign-in process by contacting the Live Connect authorization web service.
Github Issue