Eclipse RCP: How to access internal classes of plugins? - eclipse

I want to use the default XML editor (org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui) of Eclipse in an RCP application. I need to read the DOM of the xml file currently open. The plugin doesn't offer any extension point, so I'm trying to access the internal classes. I am aware that the I should not access the internal classes, but I don't have another option.
My approach is to create a fragment and an extension point to be able to read data from the plugin. I'm trying not to recompile the plugin, that's why I thought that a fragment was necessary. I just want to load it and extract the data at runtime.
So, my question is: is there another way to access the classes of a plugin? if yes, how?
Any tutorial, doc page or useful link for any of the methods is welcome.

Since nobody answered my question and I found the answer after long searches, I will post the answer for others to use if they bump into this problem.
To access a plugin at runtime you must create and extension point and an extension attached to it into the plugin that you are trying to access.
Adding classes to a plugin using a fragment is not recommended if you want to access those classes from outside of the plugin.
So, the best solution for this is to get the plugin source from the CVS Repository and make the modifications directly into the source of the plugin. Add extension points, extensions and the code for functionality.
Getting the plugin from the CVS Repository:
Creating extensions and extension points and accessing them:

I ended up extending XMLMultiPageEditorPart like this:
public class MultiPageEditor extends XMLMultiPageEditorPart implements
IResourceChangeListener {
public void resourceChanged(IResourceChangeEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public Document getDOM() {
int activePageIndex = getActivePage();
StructuredTextEditor fTextEditor = (StructuredTextEditor) getSelectedPage();
IDocument document = fTextEditor.getDocumentProvider().getDocument(
IStructuredModel model = StructuredModelManager.getModelManager()
Document modelDocument = null;
try {
if (model instanceof IDOMModel) {
// cast the structured model to a DOM Model
modelDocument = (Document) (((IDOMModel) model).getDocument());
} finally {
if (model != null) {
return modelDocument;
This is not a clean implementation, but it gets the job done.


How to customize addContentItemDialog to restrict files over 10mb upload in IBM Content Navigator

I am customizing ICN (IBM Content Navigator) 2.0.3 and my requirement is to restrict user to upload files over 10mb and only allowed files are .pdf or .docx.
I know I have to extend / customize the AddContentItemDialog but there is very less detail on exactly how to do it, or any video on it. I'd appreciate if someone could guide.
I installed the development environment but I am not sure how to extend the AddContentItemDialog.
public void applicationInit(HttpServletRequest request,
PluginServiceCallbacks callbacks) throws Exception {
I want to also know how to roll out the changes to ICN.
This can be easily extended. I would suggest to read the ICN red book for the details on how to do it. But it is pretty standard code.
Regarding rollout the code to ICN, there are two ways:
- If you are using plugin: just replace the Jar file on the server location and restart WAS.
- If you are using EDS: you need to redeploy the web service and restart WAS.
Hope this helps.
Although there are many ways to do this, one way indeed is tot extend, or augment the AddContentItemDialog as you qouted. After looking at the (rather poor IBM documentation) i figured you could probably use the onAdd event/method
Dojo/Aspect#around allows you to do exactly that, example:
require(["dojo/aspect", "ecm/widget/dialog/AddContentItemDialog"], function(aspect, AddContentItemDialog) {
aspect.around(AddContentItemDialog.prototype, "onAdd", function advisor(original) {
return function around() {
var files = this.addContentItemGeneralPane.getFileInputFiles();
var containsInvalidFiles = dojo.some(files, function isInvalid(file) {
var fileName =;
var extensionOK = fileName.endsWith(".pdf") || fileName.endsWith(".docx");
var fileSizeOK = file.size <= 10 * 1024 * 1024;
return !(extensionOK && fileSizeOK);
if (containsInvalidFiles) {
alert("You can't add that :)");
original.apply(this, arguments);
Just make sure this code gets executed before the actual dialog is opened. The best way to achieve this, is by wrapping this code in a new plugin.
Now on creating/deploying plugins -> The easiest way is this wizard for Eclipse (see also a repackaged version for newer eclipse versions). Just create a new arbitrary plugin, and paste this javascript code in the generated .js file.
Additionally it might be good to note that you're only limiting "this specific dialog" to upload specific files. It would probably be a good idea to also create a requestFilter to limit all possible uses of the addContent api...

Setting a eclipse plug-in to singleton when creating a plug-in project via IPluginContentWizard interface

I'm developing a wizard that implements the org.eclipse.pde.ui.IPluginContentWizard interface. Thus it gets added as plug-in project template in the end of the plug-in project wizard. All files will be created just fine, but there is one error in the project. The plug-in is not declared to be a singleton which it must be when extending extension points.
How do I do that within the wizard? I figured it needs to be done in performFinish(IProject project, IPluginModelBase model, IProgressMonitor monitor) but neither the project nor the model gives me a possibility to do so.
Edit: For future readers: My mistake was, that I didn't add the extension via the API but rather via generating the plugin.xml "by hand". This caused no mechanism in the background to do their job and thus the singleton directive wasn't set.
This way will be too long, let's use more PDE API:
First, define the template section
import org.eclipse.pde.ui.templates.OptionTemplateSection;
public class YourTemplateSection extends OptionTemplateSection {
//implement abstract methods according your needs
protected void updateModel(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
IPluginBase plugin = model.getPluginBase();
//do what is needed
plugin.add(extension);//here the "singleton" directive will be set
then use the section with wizard
import org.eclipse.pde.ui.templates.ITemplateSection;
import org.eclipse.pde.ui.templates.NewPluginTemplateWizard;
public class YourContentWizard extends NewPluginTemplateWizard {
public ITemplateSection[] createTemplateSections() {
return new ITemplateSection[] { new YourTemplateSection() };
In case one does the same rookie mistake then me, I wanted to post my solution I came up after revisiting the project later:
Don't create the plugin.xml manually, use the PDE API of the plugin model to add extensions.
In the org.eclipse.pde.ui.IPluginContentWizard implementions's performFinish(...) method do this:
try {
IPluginExtension extension = model.getExtensions().getModel().getFactory().createExtension();
IPluginElement provider = model.getPluginFactory().createElement(extension);
provider.setAttribute("class", id + "." + algorithmName + "MetadataProvider");
} catch (CoreException e) {

Extracting data from owl file using java,gwt,eclipse

I have to display content from the owl file namely the class names.. onto my browser, I am using GWT,eclipse to do so, could some one tell me the following :-
1)how do I integrate the owl file with the eclipse project?
2)How do I run queries from my java project to extract class names from the owl file?
3)Where can I get the protege api to nclude into my project?!
You could just store your .owl file anywhere inside your project or on any other location on your harddrive. You just provide a path to it, when you load/store it (see code below).
Take a look at the OWLAPI, it allows you to load an existing ontology and retrieve all classes from it. Your code could look like this:
private static void loadAndPrintEntities() {
OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
IRI documentIRI = IRI.create("file:///C:/folder/", "your_rontology.owl");
try {
OWLOntology ontology = manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(documentIRI);
//Prints all axioms, not just classes
ontology.axioms().forEach(a -> System.out.println(a));
} catch (OWLOntologyCreationException e) {
Rather than trying to integrate the Protegé API into your project, I suggest you write a plugin for Protegé. There are some great examples that should get you started. Import this project into Eclipse, modify the content, build your plugin and drop it into Protegé. That's it, you're ready to go!

How to find references to a Spring converter in Eclipse?

I'm working on a Java web app which utilises Spring's ConversionService API.
Converters look like this:
public class MyCustomConverter implements Converter<MySourceClass, MyTargetClass> {
public MyTargetClass convert(final MySourceClass source) {
// ...conversion code...
return myTargetClass;
and are registered in the application config, e.g:
public void addConverters() {
// ...others...
A conversion can then be applied like this:
MyTargetClass result = conversionService.convert(mySource, MyTarget.class);
The problem I'm having is finding usage within the code of a particular converter (such as the example directly above). Am using Eclipse IDE - could anyone suggest a way to do this?
If you want to see all the references made to the method ConversionService.convert, you can highlight the convert method and use the Eclipse short-cut Ctrl + Shift + G. This will search the method inside your entire workspace. To search only in the project, you can right-click on the method and select References > Project.
To restrict the references search with a specific method parameter, see this answer :

How to use classes like RegistryRoot correctly in custom actions?

I have to implement a custom action to search the windows registry for the installed version of the dotnet framework. Therefore I thought to extend the ReadRegistryValueAction to integrate my individual search algorithm. But the custom action will not be found at the IDE. So I extends the action from the AbstractInstallAction and included the RegistryRoot class to configure the action inside the IDE the same way as with provided registry actions of install4j framework.
public class CheckDotNetInstallationAction extends AbstractInstallAction {
private RegistryRoot registryRoot;
public RegistryRoot getRegistryRoot() {
return registryRoot;
public void setRegistryRoot(RegistryRoot registryRoot) {
this.registryRoot = registryRoot;
public boolean install(InstallerContext paramInstallerContext)
throws UserCanceledException {
// do custom search
return false;
But instead to get a dropdown list, there is only a blank field. I expected also a dropdown list the same way as in the present registry action. Now there are two questions:
Is it possible to extends existing actions/screens/forms and to use and configure it in the IDE or is it necessary to extends from the AbstractInstallAction?
How can I use classes like RegistryRoot for my custom components the same way as they are used in the actions provided by the install4j framework? Specifically the way to configure these components inside the IDE.
You have to add add a BeanInfo class and set an enumeration mapper. See the source file
in your install4j install4j Installation and and look for the the call to setEnumerationMappers.