I have set up the real-time api for User Push API in FourSquare. Even, I am getting response but all values are null. No values like
{"id":null,"createdAt":null,"type":null,"timeZone":null,"user":null,"venue":null}. When i add anything in foursquare after it post the data to our link within a miniute, but null value.
I have added few checkins in foursquare but i got null values and format of the object is
Am i doing anything wrong.
I'm using REST API to get data from my Learndash courses. I need a list of ID, title, and feature images. I used .. to get the lists of IDs and titles. But when I use _embed I also get IDs from wp:featuredmedia. So I want just source_link from wp:featuredmedia
I tried _fields parameter and also _embedded. Nothing is working
My question is, How to get only the id, title, and featuredmedia link from REST API call?
I am using the Facebook Ads API to try to filter out specific action target ids using the follwowing call:
(account-id)/reportstats?date_preset=yesterday&data_columns=["action_target_name","adgroup_id","adgroup_name","spend","actions","adgroup_objective"]&actions_group_by=["action_target_id", "action_destination"]&filters=[{"field": "action_target_id","type": "contains","value": 'insert id'}]
Every time I try to put in a specific ID, I get an empty data set back. Whenever I change the type to "not_contains", I get every piece of data returned. I've also tried the same with action_destination, but it keeps saying value needs to be numeric even though it a string.
It definitely seems like you can filter by action_target_id because when I tried to filter by something random, it told me that filter doesn't exist.
Can anyone help me please?
Unfortunately these values are nested under the actions fields of the results and filters only work on top level field values.
How Can I fitler Facebook Events Using Location By FQL
ex. I want to get all event which will be in Egypt
SELECT name FROM event
WHERE strpos(lower(name), 'Egypt') >= 0
But when I try to use the above Query it returns that for me:
Your statement is not indexable. The WHERE clause must contain an
indexable column. Such columns are marked with * in the tables linked
from http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql
Note : I hope to get the public events filtered by event name contains.
With the changes that they have made, queries using an app access_token cannot
use the above query:
SELECT name,location FROM event WHERE contains('egypt')
The query works with session tokens (user access_tokens), however, with an app access_token
it just returns:
"error": {
"message": "(#200) Must have a valid access_token to access this endpoint",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 200
It was surprising to me since I could still use any other query else than contains on the events table with an app access_token
After looking at their documentations, I found out that you can only use the app access token for very limited set of queries:
What I finally did was I used the following to obtain a session access_token from my user as a page_manager
The above query returns your your access_token and you can use it to run your query successfully. What it basically does is that it appends your access_token to you as a hashed attributed
If you would like to parse the access token on the server, this would not work for you, since the hashed attribute is not sent with the request to your server. What you can do is to append type=web_server to the above request to facebook. In that case the access_token will be returned as a request parameter named code
The closest you can get is to use the contains predicate
SELECT name,location FROM event WHERE contains('egypt')
Which will get you some events that contain "egypt" in the text
The Facebook FQL user table has a column called is_minor.
The Facebook platform documentation does not indicate that any special Permission is required to access the data in this column. However, all of my attempts to get any data from this column always return NULL. And I've tried everything I can think of...
(I have no problem accessing all sorts of other data from other columns in the FQL user table.)
Does anyone know... is the is_minor column simply not populated at all? Has anyone had any success accessing data from this column?
Well, it turn out this is actually a bug. Facebook has confirmed and assigned it.
(Phew. I'm not crazy.)
I would like to get work place information of a user using FQL.
When I use the Graph API and get the User object, it contains work information, which is essentially a list of the work history. The list elements contain nodes of employer, location, description, etc...
The nodes appear to be pages internally. If I take the id of a node, e.g. from the employer, and use FQL to query a page with that page_id, I do get an object with corresponding information.
My question now is, how do I use FQL to get the same information without accessing the Graph API? What table stores the work-related information, for example how do I find all the page_id of the employers of a given user?
The reason I insist on using FQL only is performance. Of course I could access the Graph API for all the users in question and get the info that way, but I'm looking for an FQL-only solution.
You can get this information from FQL. Read the "user" table and look for the work field. The JSON data returned should be the same format as the one for Graph, i.e., the result is an array and each result should include an "employer" object with an "id" and "name" field.
You will need user_work_history or friends_work_history to access this field.