Filtering by action_target_id on Facebook Ads API - facebook

I am using the Facebook Ads API to try to filter out specific action target ids using the follwowing call:
(account-id)/reportstats?date_preset=yesterday&data_columns=["action_target_name","adgroup_id","adgroup_name","spend","actions","adgroup_objective"]&actions_group_by=["action_target_id", "action_destination"]&filters=[{"field": "action_target_id","type": "contains","value": 'insert id'}]
Every time I try to put in a specific ID, I get an empty data set back. Whenever I change the type to "not_contains", I get every piece of data returned. I've also tried the same with action_destination, but it keeps saying value needs to be numeric even though it a string.
It definitely seems like you can filter by action_target_id because when I tried to filter by something random, it told me that filter doesn't exist.
Can anyone help me please?

Unfortunately these values are nested under the actions fields of the results and filters only work on top level field values.


Proper multi-id syntax when using the custom_file_ids[] query parameter for the CLIO API "contacts" endpoint

What is the correct API syntax for using the custom_file_ids[] query parameter to specify multiple fields (but not all) in the CLIO API contacts result set? I need to specify multiple custom fields. I can get it to work for a single field, but not multiple fields at the same time.
Specifically, how do I specify and delimit the multiple fields? I have tried the following:
The API documentation at is silent on the list syntax that it expects.
Below is one specific API call I tried (both the actual URL-encoded call, and a decoded one for clarity) using a simple comma-delimited list, but which only returns custom field data for the first ID in the list--not the second. If I enclose the ID list in any kind of brackets (per above), the endpoint returns a 404 error.[]=1234567%2C2345678&custom_field_values[4529224]=true&fields=id%2Cname%2Cprimary_address%2Cprimary_work_address%2Cis_client%2Ctype%2C%20primary_email_address%2Cprimary_phone_number%2Ccustom_field_values%7Bid%2Cfield_type%2Cfield_name%2Cvalue%2Ccustom_field%7D[]=1234567,2345678&custom_field_values[4529224]=true&fields=id,name,primary_address,primary_work_address,is_client,type,primary_email_address,primary_phone_number,custom_field_values{id,field_type,field_name,value,custom_field}
I was able to do this with Contacts Custom Fields by putting custom_field_id[] on the URL as many times as you have IDs.
I hope this helps.

Select * for Github GraphQL Search

One of the advantage of Github Search v4 (GraphQL) over v3 is that it can selectively pick the fields that we want, instead of always getting them all. However, the problem I'm facing now is how to get certain fields.
I tried the online help but it is more convolution to me than helpful. Till now, I'm still unable to find the fields for size, score and open issues for the returned repository(ies).
That's why I'm wondering if there is a way to get them all, like Select * in SQL. Thx.
GraphQL requires that when requesting a field that you also request a selection set for that field (one or more fields belonging to that field's type), unless the field resolves to a scalar like a string or number. That means unfortunately there is no syntax for "get all available fields" -- you always have to specify the fields you want the server to return.
Outside of perusing the docs, there's two additional ways you can get a better picture of the fields that are available. One is the GraphQL API Explorer, which lets you try out queries in real time. It's just a GraphiQL interface, which means when you're composing the query, you can trigger the autocomplete feature by pressing Shift+Space or Alt+Space to see a list of available fields.
If you want to look up the fields for a specific type, you can also just ask GraphQL :)
__type(name:"Repository") {
fields {
type {
args {
type {
Short Answer: No, by design.
GraphQL was designed to have the client explicitly define the data required, leading to one of the primary benefits of GraphQL, which is preventing over fetching.
Technically you can use GraphQL fragments somewhere in your application for every field type, but if you don't know which fields you are trying to get it wouldn't help you.

Algolia Undeclared Property Filter

I'd like to filter Algolia by missing properties, is this possible?
At the moment we are using:
filters:(expires=0 OR expires<1506338742)
Which works fine for content that has the expires property, but not all content does, so they get omitted from the results.
Is there a way of adding an extra condition where property expires is not set/undefined? I have tried a few different variations but can't get it to work, and the documentation doesn't seem to cover this.
Algolia offers no way to filter on the presence of an attribute.
As a result, the solution to your issue depends on the expected results.
Here is one way you could return results that have not expiration attribute.
At indexing time, push another attribute has_expiration along with every record.
This attribute should be boolean that will equal true if expiration should be taken into account or false otherwise.
Then you need to adapt your filters query parameter as follow: filters:(expires=0 OR expires<1506338742) OR has_expiration=0

Facebook Marketing API: Is it possible to filter insights by status

I am trying to filter adsets insights by adset status, but when I add a status filter, I get an empty dataset back:
curl "<redacted>/insights?fields=clicks,impressions,cpc,ctr,account_id&time_range%5Bsince%5D=2016-01-12&time_range%5Buntil%5D=2016-09-12&access_token=<redacted>&format=json&filtering=%5B%7B%22field%22:%22status%22,%22operator%22:%22EQUAL%22,%22value%22:%22ACTIVE%22%7D%5D&level=adset"
here is what filtering param looks like before it gets url-encoded:
I have tried all valid values for status ACTIVE, PAUSED, DELETED, ARCHIVED to no avail.
When I remove filtering param - I see my data.
The question is:
Does anyone know if it is possible to filter by status, and if it is, what I am doing wrong?
It is possible. Using latest version as of March 2018.
You need to actually request all the ads that are ACTIVE and then provide insights as a 'nested' list of fields.
Replace 123456 with your ad account (but leave the 'act_' which is needed)
This also works for /campaigns and /adsets
You can also do this (be sure to include &level=ad):
Filtering by insights isn't possible. At least in v2.7. To get insights for let's say ads I've decided to do the following:
1. Fetch ads that I need via /ads call. This allows me to filter by status.
2. Fetch insights for the same collection of ads and make sure that I ad id is included in the response.
3. Filter the second collection using the first one.
i m using this to filter campaigns with insights , working for me , start playing with it
$campaigncheckstatus = array("ACTIVE","PAUSED");
dont forget to json_encode $campaigncheckstatus if passed through url

Retrieve the newly added comments from Facebook

Giving a PostId i'm trying to retrieve all the comments attached to this post by using the graphApi. Its simple to retrieve the comments for the first time, i just keep following the next link in the paging propertie of the api response.
But to keep this list of comments up to date i need to retrieve the newly added comments. I tried using the cursor After (stored from the last retrieved page) but it's not working as expected, using the parameter since in the query doesn't work either (seems that it is not supported by the endpoints /comments).
Can please someone gives me an alternative solution?
As i said 'since' is not supported by the endpoint '/comments' because the api use cursors for the pagination (next, after and befor fields).
The use of the cursor 'after' will not work neither, because the its value is valide for a short period of time (docs link)
So my solution was to use an ordred query to get the comments[post-id]/comments/&filter=stream&order=reverse_chronological
, i save the created_timeof the first comment as last_update_time. Then the next time i execute my code i check for each comment the time when it has been created if it's grater than the last update time i save it
while (comment.created_time > last_update_time):
comment =
if (len(comments_list)>0):
last_update_time = comments_list[0].created_time