Using Spreadsheet::XLSX, how do I copy formats from one worksheet to another? - perl

I'm using Perl v5.12.3 on Mac OSX Lion. I'm using the latest version of the Spreadsheet::XLSX module. How do you copy existing worksheet row, column, and cell formats from one XLSX file to a new file? For cells, I'm currently trying
my $cell = $oldWorksheet -> {Cells} [$row] [$col];
$newWorksheet->write( $newWorksheetCurRow, $col, $val, $cell->{Format} )
But it isn't working. For example, the background colors aren't getting copied and I don't even think "{Format}" is a valid attribute of the cell.

Spreadsheet::XLSX doesn't read cell formats so it isn't possible to copy a worksheet formatting like this.
As far as I know there isn't any Perl module, apart from Win32::OLE that reads formatting from an XLSX file.
I'm working on one but formatting support is several months away.

If it's like SpreadSheet::WriteExcel/ParseExcel, then you have to do it all manually. That is, create a new format on the writer side, then copy in all the attributes of the format from the parsed side.


Automating Localizable.strings?

So, in my project I have 10 languages, and 10 Localizable.strings files.
I just created Localizable.strings files, a file for each language. Now they contain "key" = "value" pairs, and both keys and values are in English (default language).
My languages are all translated and stay in Excel files.
The question is, how can I insert all my languages in those files faster than just copying each word manually or writing a script for that?
Maybe there is a existing tool for this already?
I found an easy way to compose localizable.strings files from Excel documents.
In the Excel document, in specific columns I insert " " = " " symbols. It's easy to do for all the words by dragging Excel cell down from the corner, so that it copies stuff from that cell to all the cells you drag it to. (sorry for messy explanation)
Thus the document contains the same symbols and words as localizable.strings does.
Than I just copy everything to the text file, remove tabs, change extension to .strings.
(no comments saved unfortunately).
You can copy the stuff from Excel to Sublime Text, then Find & Replace tabs if any. Copy resulted stuff into proper Xcode .string file.
One application that will really save you a lot of time by automating and streamlining localization procedure is Localization Suite. I do not know if they support importing from excel (to save you time transferring your string pairs) but it's free and seems like a complete solution.
I had an internal script at work for doing that tasks in iOS and Android, and I've just opensourced it as a Gem. You can take a look at it here:
It can open spreadsheets from Google Drive and local Excel files as well, like requested.
You just would have to install the gem
gem install localio
And have a custom DSL file in your project directory, called Locfile, with the info referring to your project and the localization files. An example in your case, where an Excel file is used, could be as simple as:
platform :ios
source :xls, :path => 'YourExcelFileGoesInHere.xls'
output_path 'Resources/Localizables/'
The .xls file should have a certain format, that probably is very similar to what you have right now. You just have to clone the contents of this one and fill it with your translations:
Hope this helps.
Here are the steps i followed:
change the extension of .strings to .txt on windows
open excel and go to File > Open
Choose the file to open. This should present an import wizard
Follow the steps and specify the delimiting character as =
You're done

Trouble reading text from a pdf in Perl

I am trying to read the text content of a pdf file into a Perl variable. From other SO questions/answers I get the sense that I need to use CAM::PDF. Here's my code:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use CAM::PDF;
my $pdf = CAM::PDF->new('1950-01-01.pdf');
print $pdf->numPages(), " pages\n\n";
my $text = $pdf->getPageText(1);
print $text, "\n";
I tried running this on this pdf file. There are no errors reported by Perl. The first print statement works; it prints "2 pages" which is the correct number of pages in this document.
The next print statement does not return anything readable. Here's what the output looks like in Emacs:
2 pages
^D^A^K^L^C^M^D^N^C^M^O^D^P^C^Q^Q^C ^D^R^K^M^O^D ^A^B^C^D^E
.... more lines with similar codes ....
Is there something I can do to make this work? I don't understand pdf files too well, but I thought that because I can easily copy and paste the text from the PDF file using Acrobat, it must be recognized as text and not an image, so I hoped this meant I could extract it with Perl.
Any guidance would be much appreciated.
PDFs can have different kinds of content. A PDF may not have any readable text at all, only bitmaps and graphical content, for example. The PDF you linked to, has compressed data in it. Open it with a text editor, and you will see that the content is in a "/Filter/FlateDecode" block. Perhaps CAM::PDF doesn't support that. Google FlateDecode for a few ideas.
Looking further into that PDF, i see that it also uses embedded subsets of fonts, with custom encodings. Even if CAM::PDF handles the compression, the custom encoding may be what's throwing it off. This may help: Web page from a software company, describing the problem
I'm fairly certain that the issue isn't with your perl code, it is with the PDF file. I ran the same script on one of my own PDF files, and it works just fine.

Perl Excel preview problem in Outlook

I am generating Excel report in Perl.
I am using the Formula in the cell, it's working fine, but in Outlook when I see through preview file, the cell is showing something like Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Format=HASH(0x87d6d04) instead of total.
I am using simple forumulas only, like =sum(B1:B10) or =sum(A1,B2).
How to fix this?
outlook excel preview
You probably need to use the write_formula method rather than the plain write one.
For example,
$worksheet->write_formula(1, 0, '=SIN(B1:B10)');
From the documentation on CPAN for Spreadsheet::WriteExcel
In your code:
$worksheet->write(..., $format05,$font );
You have an unnecessary trailing $fontat the end of that method call which is being passed to write_formula() (via write()) as an optional result for the formula.
That is what is showing up as the formula result in Outlook.

How to most effectively automate repetitive Excel task?

I want to automate Excel using Perl to do the following task(s):
For a list of Excel .xls files, do the following:
Open the file
Set Format to CSV
Save the file under the original filename and directory, but replace the extension "xls" with "csv"
Close the file
I found how to open files, even how to save them. I did not find how to change the fileformat/save as a different format. There shall be no user dialogs popping up, it should be fully automated. The Excel file list I can generate myself, a parameterized "find" or maybe "dir" should suffice.
If you are using Excel automation a great help is Excel itself. Use the VBA environment (Alt+F11) to get help for the Excel objects you want to use.
The objectbrowser (F2) is very valuable.
Workbook.SaveAs([Filename], [FileFormat], [Password], [WriteResPassword], [ReadOnlyRecommended], [CreateBackup], [AccessMode As XlSaveAsAccessMode = xlNoChange], [ConflictResolution], [AddToMru], [TextCodepage], [TextVisualLayout], [Local])
Searching for CSV in the object browser will show Excel constants with their values, since you probably cannot use these Excel constants in Perl.
See Spreadsheet::ParseExcel and xls2csv, they will help you.

Is it possible to show the contents of a text file in Crystal Reports

I have a crystal report which contains a list of absolutely referenced text files. There is one text file referenced in each body line.
line1 c:\file1.txt
line2 c:\file2.txt
Is there any way to display the contents of these files in Crystal?
i.e. I would like each crystal body line to show the text from the referenced text file.
I'm using Crystal reports 11 with a non-standard database connector (dataflex).
You would need to set up a file dsn (in XP it's under Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Datasources (ODBC)) and then use the file dsn (Microsoft Text Driver) for the datasource as an ODBC(RDO) connection.
I set this test scenario up on mine like the following:
**File 1**
**File 2**
I set up the file dsn to point to the c drive and in the datasource screen I added file1.txt and file2.txt to the selected tables. Then the easiest thing to do is clear the links of the tables so that it pulls every row. It will warn you that there are multiple starting points. I don't generally recomend this, but it will work in this case and since it's not reporting off a database it probably isn't the end of the world. If you disregard the starting point message then add the fields to the report, when you run it you should get the following output:
1row1 2row1
1row1 2row2
1row1 2row3
1row2 2row1
1row2 2row2
1row2 2row3
1row3 2row1
1row3 2row2
1row3 2row3
From this you can change your grouping to get the output that you need.
You can also use this same connect against subreports instead of doing this linking where you have the main report pull the info from file1.txt and then put a subreport in the report footer that pulls from file2.txt. This option won't have the text collated, but you'd still have it in the same report.
Hope this helps some.
It's easier than you think. I just set up one myself before I wrote this to make sure I was giving you the right steps. Using CR version XI and a .txt file, I followed these steps:
For each text file you want to import, make a subsection in your report (i.e. DetailsA, DetailsB, etc.). If your list of text files is constantly changing (and I don't think it is, based on your description), you'll need another method.
Make sure your text file is comma delimited and the first row contains field names. If these text files are actually text (i.e. not tables), then just put a dummy variable name in the first row so Crystal will see the text as a table of data with just 1 row.
For each text file you want to display, create a new Subreport (Insert->Subreport)
In the database selection menu, go to "Create New Connection"->"Access/Excel (DAO)"
Under 'database type', you'll see a 'text' option at the bottom of the screen.
Choose your file.
Relax! (I'm in a good mood this morning, don't know why)
I guess if you have a function that takes a file name as an argument and returns the contents of that file - you could use that function in a Crystal Report formula.
I am not familiar with the current CR, it has been years since I last used it (I last used version 8). In the versions I did use, such a function was not built in. What you would have to do back then, was to create a UFL (user function library) containing the functions you needed. If I remember correctly, you had to do this using COM.
In this day and age, I guess you can extend CR using some other mechanism, perhaps writing .NET code?
I suggest you search the CR documentation for the term UFL.
Another suggestion, then:
Create a new table FILECONTENTS (filename varchar primary key, contents blob)
Create a script that on a schedule populates this table with the filenames and contents of all the files (assuming that there is a finite number of files, and that you have a way of knowing about them)
Modify the report datasource query to join it with the FILECONTENTS table, and add the contents field to the report.
You could setup a file dsn. But this is geared toward tabular file data, not text.
How big are these text files? You want to display the entire contents of each file?
There is probably no easy way to dynamically read in a file from within crystal. You will most likely have to push a dataset to the report which contains the file contents.