How to play the flash file on ios5? [duplicate] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Can we play .swf files in iphone using Objective C
I want to implement the splash screen on my app. I have an "SWF" file. How to implement the splash screen using this file? Please tell me. Any 3rd party sdk or any framework or library for the same? please give me any idea for this functionality.

Swf is not supported by iOS. You can take the image sequence and use it in place of a swf file.

You won't be able to do that because:
iPhone does not support SWF. This was one of the biggest fight in the mobile industry between Adobe and Apple
the splash screen is shown by the OS while your application is starting and not by user code
any additional animation after splash screen is against Apple's guidelines and will be rejected. See also Adding animation between splashScreen And home screen


Is there any possibility to influence the lock screen gui

I wonder if it's possible to create a GUI for the iPhone home screen when an app is used?
Since I guess the answer is no (it was in the past, havn't found anything new about iOS 7): if I have an audio player, would it be possible to kind of 'route' it to the homescreen like the Podcasts app does it? I have looked for answers but only came across jailbroken solutions so far.
Is there anything one can do there? Thanks in advance.
No, the latest SDK (iOS 7.0) does not allow this, as in add custom GUI element to the lock screen. You can let the media player controls interact with your app if you are playing audio in the background.
And use the MPNowPlayingInfoCenter to display track, artist name and cover art on the lockscreen.
Apple doesn't allow any app to configure the Lock Screen in any way. You could have a music app which might display track details using the : MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.
Other than that all you can display is Notifications.
This isn't available on any version of iOS.

IOS app without launch image? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why does iOS require launch image? [duplicate]
(5 answers)
What is the purpose of launch images in an iOS application?
(2 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I just don't want to allocate 2-4 different sized images in bundle. They will shown for 0.2 second at launch and later never be used. Thus. I removed all launch images (just useless)
Is it acceptable by apple IOS app publishing rules ?
(I cant see launch image. application starts immediately.thus launch image cannot be seen)
No, The app will not be acceptable without any launch images.
Quote by Apple:
Custom icons and images:
- Application icon (required for all apps)
- App icon for the App Store (required for all apps)
- Launch image (required for all apps)
- [...]
The app will indeed be rejected when no launch image is specified.
But you can take a screenshot of your root view and setup it like launch image.
Ramos, there is compulsion of launch images. I did not added the launch images in my project and my app is on appstore. So you can submit app without adding launch images.
Hope this will help you.
Yes dear,
It is neccesarry.
Your app must include at least one image to be displayed while your app is launching.
See here App-Related Resources - iOS programming guide
You can show a view after some delay so that launch image should stay on screen for a while. I guess this is a workaround for this issue.
In viewWillAppear
[self performSelector:#selector(viewDidLoad) withObject:self afterDelay:4.0];

Generic carrier for iphone app screen shots [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Iphone App submission: Status bar and screenshots
We looked at some app pages in apple store, and found that the screen shots of apps always say "Carrier" instead of the name of any particular carrier - probably to be neutral.
Any way, here is the question, is that something apple does to all screen shots? or I have to modify my screen shots to be that way.
Second question, if that's something apple does, do I need to cut off the top part of my screens to pave the way for them?
The iPhone simulator shows the generic "Carrier" label.
The emulator doesnt have a carrier, so just take a screenshot of the emulator and you will be fine :)

change ipad applications to iphone applications [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Convert ipad application to iphone. Universal app
I created one application which is iPad application. I want to change this iPad applications to iPhone applications.For that I change my application in universal. But the size of images,buttons etc are the same. Can I change my application to iPhone app? How can I do that? Or Is it necessary to create another application for iPhone? Can you give a solution for that? Please help me?
You can create another target from the first one (right click on the existing target and duplicate).
Concerning the frames of your views (label, buttons, etc...), it will depend of the way you've created them. If you've sized and placed them regarding the size of the screen, it should be ok.
Concerning your images, the best is to re-design them specially for the iphone target

How to create a sidebar similar to the facebook app for iOS? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What's the best way to develop a sideswipe menu like the one in Facebook's new iOS app?
How can i create a sidebar similar to the facebook app for iOS (iPhone/iPad)? That sidebar that appears when you slide your finger horizontally. There is a component for this or is it just a UIView?
You're in luck! Somebody just created a complete sample app showing how to create that, and includes a video of the effect. Here it is:
There is no already made component to do that given by Apple.
I would say it's just an UIView under the main one that is slided on the right.
You might want to start from here and work your way out. The basic idea is very much there.