IOS app without launch image? [duplicate] - iphone

This question already has answers here:
Why does iOS require launch image? [duplicate]
(5 answers)
What is the purpose of launch images in an iOS application?
(2 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I just don't want to allocate 2-4 different sized images in bundle. They will shown for 0.2 second at launch and later never be used. Thus. I removed all launch images (just useless)
Is it acceptable by apple IOS app publishing rules ?
(I cant see launch image. application starts immediately.thus launch image cannot be seen)

No, The app will not be acceptable without any launch images.

Quote by Apple:
Custom icons and images:
- Application icon (required for all apps)
- App icon for the App Store (required for all apps)
- Launch image (required for all apps)
- [...]
The app will indeed be rejected when no launch image is specified.
But you can take a screenshot of your root view and setup it like launch image.

Ramos, there is compulsion of launch images. I did not added the launch images in my project and my app is on appstore. So you can submit app without adding launch images.
Hope this will help you.

Yes dear,
It is neccesarry.
Your app must include at least one image to be displayed while your app is launching.
See here App-Related Resources - iOS programming guide

You can show a view after some delay so that launch image should stay on screen for a while. I guess this is a workaround for this issue.
In viewWillAppear
[self performSelector:#selector(viewDidLoad) withObject:self afterDelay:4.0];


Launch images xcode issue, Iphone 6s launched app zoomed

When I launch the app through the Xcode in my Iphone 6s, the app is being launched zoomed. The specific app is already on the app store with all the assets and launch images set correctly and everything was working fine. All the resolutions were correct for all IOS devices. But now, after I launched it again through the xcode as I want to make an update the app is being launched zoomed. Any ideas why this is happening? I managed to test it only in Iphone 6s.
Happened to me when I gave a wrong resolution to the splash image (750x1134 instead of 750x1334). I guess Xcode assumes you want to use the app with that resolution overall and adapts accordingly. Was fixed when I gave the correct resolution splash image.
At least I didn't find a solution and what caused this issue, but I used the storyboard file as a launch screen which was much easier to develop.

iPhone 5 Optimization Requirement - Launch image really necessary?

When trying to upload a binary to App Store, I get the following response in an email:
"iPhone 5 Optimization Requirement - Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5. As of May 1, all new iPhone apps and app updates submitted must support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5. All apps must include a launch image of the appropriate size. Learn more about iPhone 5 support by reviewing the iOS Human Interface Guidelines."
Also, the status of the app is "Illegal binary".
I've read that I must include a launch image called "Default-568h#2x.png". Question is: My app was not intending to have a launch image at all. Am I really required to have a launch image now?
Yes you must include one. Not only does the launch image give the hint to the OS about the app's iPhone 5 (4" screen) support, but launch images in general are required:
From Apple's Interface Guidelines
To enhance the user’s experience at app launch, you must provide at least one launch image. A launch image looks very similar to the first screen your app displays. iOS displays this image instantly when the user starts your app and until the app is fully ready to use. As soon as your app is ready for use, your app displays its first screen, replacing the launch placeholder image.
Generally, design a launch image that is identical to the first screen of the app.
So really, making a launch image that is about the same as the first screen of your app (e.g. if the first screen is a UITableViewController with a toolbar and navigation bar, perhaps the screen looks like an empty navigation bar, an empty toolbar, and an empty table view, which then suddenly all become populated as soon as your app really gets going), is the way to go for the best user experience.
If really you don't want or need this, then make the default images just be black.
Yes, as stated, as of May 1, 2013, all new apps and app updates must provide support for the new iPhone 5 4-inch display.
The way to indicate that your app supports (has been tested with) the new iPhone 5 resolution is to simply include the launch image for that device.
You can simply create a black .png image (which is what your other default launch images are anyway) that is 640 x 1136 pixels and use that as the launch image for that device.
Simply including the new splash screen image (Default-568h#2x.png) is not enough
You must re-build your project with the iOS 6.0 SDK (or newer) - which supports iPhone 5
So if you're still using an older SDK, update your XCode in the App Store first
Yes. from 1st May, you can't upload application with out including Default-568h#2x.png in your application.

Bigger launch image on the 5th generation devices [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution?
How to deal with iPhone 5 screen size?
With 5th generation devices in the market having bigger screen, we need to have a bigger launch image (image that is shown when app icon is tapped). How would app make the difference like when to use the normal image and when to use the bigger image based on the device type?
I see a warning in my project when I build it for iPhone 6.0 simulator tap on which throws the below alert:
You need to add a launch image named Default-568h#2x.png. The compiler checks for this image and validates it. If the image is validated, your app is ready for iPhone 5 - otherwise not. Once you have the right image, follow the steps outlined in this post:
How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution?
If you are having issues with the images being used INSIDE the app, and you want to support iPhone 5 and pre-iPhone 5 devices, use this:
Dealing with different size images in a xib for iPhone5 versus iPhone4?
For short: If you want to support iPhone 5 screen you must supply launch screen for the 4" screen otherwise your app would run on 3.5" on the 4" screen.
If you put the 4" launch image that one would be used on iPhone 5 and the 3.5" one on iPhone 4 (could be different).
Please see my detailed explanation here.

app compatibility with iphone 5 screen size [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to detect iPhone 5 (widescreen devices)?
Do any adjustments need to be made for an app started in development prior to the iphone 5 in order for them to work on the iphone 5's larger screen?
If so, what are these changes, or where can I find what to change? google hasn't been too helpful so far.
After adding the Default-568h#2x.png launch image, follow the steps outlined in this post:
How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution?
If you are having issues with the images being used INSIDE the app, and you want to support iPhone 5 and pre-iPhone 5 devices, use this:
Dealing with different size images in a xib for iPhone5 versus iPhone4?
You need to add a default launch images with 640x1136px named Default-568h#2x.png to support the iPhone 5 screen.
First, you have to have a 640x1136 launch image (with -568h#2x.png suffix) to make it compatible with the iPhone 5, but to fully make use of the larger screen, there are a many ways to do it. I find the easiest way to do it is to make two separate storyboards, making a new one for the iPhone 5, while maintaining the one you have already used for the iPhone 4S, 4, etc. Using two storyboards removes the necessity for AutoLayout; enabling AutoLayout, it is good to note, also removes iOS 5 compatibility. Use the code in this answer to get started.
Depending on how your app views are laid out, you may not need to make too many changes. If you have views that resize and are anchored correctly, such as scroll views or table views, they will expand to fill the additional space on the iPhone 5 screen. You need to add an additional launch image for the new screen size too.
the iphone 5's screen is taller so you'd need to have images with a resolution of 1136x640 also included in your images folder. (add -568h#2x at the end of image's filenames)
also, everytime you will adjust your sprites and everything else that goes on the screen, you will need to account for the iphone 5 separately, just like you account for the ipad and the iphone (non retina and retina).

Custom app background on launch image [ios 4 & 5]

my iOS application has the option to change the background image, there are 3 different background patterns available, and the user can select any of them.
The problem is the launch image, reading the iOS HIG it is supposed to be an image similar to the GUI (first 'window') of the application. Is it possible to load a different image depending on a user prefference (the background pattern selected)?
It is not possible to do so - you can only have one default.png, and you can't alter it programmatically before the app starts. I'd recommend simply creating a splash screen different from the app's background. Note that the iOS HIG is a Guideline not a requirement.
It is not possible. Default.png needs to be set when you compile.
You cannot change the Launch Image during app launch (or anytime during App execution). The way to handle this (realizing that you might be violating the HIG) is to present your own image directly after applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions, and leave the Launch Image as either an intermediate image or blank.