What gets send to the server with request factory - gwt

I have problem to understand what does Request factory send to server. I have a method
Request<NodeProxy> persist(NodeProxy node)
NodeProxy is an Object from tree like structure (has child nodes and one parent node, all of type NodeProxy). I'v change only one attribute in the node and called persists.
The question now is what gets send to the server?
In the dock here https://developers.google.com/web-toolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideRequestFactory
there is:
"On the client side, RequestFactory keeps track of objects that have been modified and sends only changes to the server, which results in very lightweight network payloads."
In the same dock, in the chapter Entity Relationships, there is also this:
"RequestFactory automatically sends the whole object graph in a single request."
And I'm wondering how should I understand this.
My problem:
My tree structure can get quete big, lets say 50 nodes. The problem is that for update of one attribute the method
public IEntity find(Class<? extends IEntity> clazz, String id)
in the class
public class BaseEntityLocator extends Locator<IEntity, String>
gets called for each object in the graph which is not acceptable.
Thank you in advance.

The problem you're facing is that RequestFactory automatically edit()s proxies when getting properties, and there's a bug when constructing the request payload that makes the whole graph of proxies to be implicitly edited that way, even if you didn't call the getter yourself.
That bug has many repercussions, including false-positives in RequestContext's isChanged(): http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5952
I have great hopes that this will be fixed in GWT 2.5 (due in the next weeks).


DELETE and GET have faulty behavior in a Jax-RS Restful App

I am learning how to implement Rest API through a tutorial project.
I am facing a rather strange behavior from a routine I perform in order to test the standard CRUD methods...
Here's a general description of the code architecture:
I am using a stub to emulate a database behavior using a static class which contains a HashMap<Long, Message> with Message being the entity I am manipulating,
This stub hashmap reference is in turn given to a class MessageService which does the logic of the CRUD method implementations,
The MessageService is instanciated in a class MessageRessource which is the Rest API containing all the #GET, #POST, etc... method implementations which call the MessageService instance methods.
I should point out that I added 2 hardcoded entries of Messages in the MessageService constructor which I put in the database stub HashMap
Now, here's the routine which leaves me confused:
Run app,
Do a GET on /messages: Shows 2 entries,
Do a POST with custom data: Data is added,
Do a GET on /messages: Shows 3 entries,
Do a DELETE on /messages/3: Deletes 3rd entry,
Do a GET on /messages: Shows 2 entries,
Do a DELETE on /messages/2: While debugging the app, the
messageService instance in MessageRessource has a hashmap of size 1 after the DELETE method is processed,
Do a GET on /messages: Shows 2 entries instead of 1.
My own thoughts on the problem:
If the constructor which contains the hardcoded data was the cause of
the problem, the GET method in step 4 shouldn't show 3 entries but
only 2.
Perhaps this has to do with the fact that no data is being returned
by the DELETE while the POST does return the added data?
For the code, please see the GitHub public project in the messenger App by AetosAkrivis
N.B : I know this isn't a real problem because I only need to remove the hardcoded Message entries in the constructor in order to be able to perform normally. But I am really curious about the reason of the malfunctioning of this routine.
You have assumed that the JAX-RS container will only create one instance of the service MessageRessource, but it can decide to clean instances or create multiple. Each time it is done the initialization, your static messages will be updated with 2 additional entries. Results are indeterminate
public class MessageRessource {
private MessageService messageService;
public MessageRessource() {
messageService = new MessageService();
public MessageService() {
messages.put(1L, new Message(1L,"Hi","Imad"));
messages.put(2L, new Message(2L,"Hello","Badr"));
P.S: Post your code instead of linking it

SyncVar without NetworkServer.Spawn

I have a somewhat complex tree of objects that is generated and configured at runtime. Since the information required to do this is available to both the server and the client, I would like to have both sides generate the objects independently and then link the networked parts up for syncing afterwards.
That is to say, I need a way to make SyncVar work for an object that exists on the server and client but was not originally spawned via NetworkServer.Spawn. Is there a way to manually configure NetworkIdentity such that the Unity networking system understands that something is the same object?
I have the ability to uniquely identify these objects across the network myself, I just need a way to communicate that to Unity. NetworkIdentity.netId is readonly, so that's not an option.
If you make all the initialisation done purely by the server and then pushed to the clients you remove the need to sync afterwards. This also would remove the need to deal with duplicate information (which would ultimately be wasted CPU time at client end).
However, if you are wanting to have clients create the data as well, then I would suggest you have them send appropriate messages to the server with their data, the server can then create the objects for them.
Setup message handlers with NetworkServer.RegisterHandler on the server instance for each type of message you need it to handle,
public enum netMessages{
hello = 101,
goodbye = 102,
action = 103,
NetworkServer.RegisterHandler((short)netMessages.hello, new NetworkMessageDelegate(hdl_hello));
NetworkServer.RegisterHandler((short)netMessages.goodbye, new NetworkMessageDelegate(hdl_goodbye));
private void hdl_hello (NetworkMessage msg){
nmgs_hello m = msg.ReadMessage<nmgs_hello>();
and use the Send method of NetworkClient to send messages to the server.
You will also need to define message classes based on MessageBase for the actual messages.
public class nmsg_hello : MessageBase {
public int x;
public float welcomeness;
NOTE: Make sure you don't base any of your network messages off each other, seems to be bug/feature in Unity (at least the last time I tried it) where it doesn't work if your message is derived from anything other than MessageBase as it's immediate ancestor.

Storing a complex detached object graph in EF6

I have the current scenario:
I'm using EF6 Code first, and have created a data-model something like this:
public class MainObject{
..some properties
IList<SubObject> SubObjects{get;set;}
public class SubObject{
..some properties
IList<SubSubObject> SubSubObjects{get;set;}
public class SubObject{
..some properties
IList<SubObject> SubObjects{get;set;}
So basically I have a main object, that has 0 to many subobjects, and there is a many to many relationship between the subobject and the subsubobjects.
I am creating a MVC application, so my normal program flow is that the user request a page that basically uses a MainObject as it's data model. Then the user interacts with the page and changes, adds or removes subobjects and subsubobjects as he wishes, and then clicks save. On save, the objectgraph is sent back to the controller and it looks correct according to the changes done by the user on the client side. Now my problem is the following:
How to store this back into the database in a good fashion.
I need to attach my object back into the context, but I have no clue which objects are new, modified or deleted.
I have written some code that partially works now, but it's getting so ugly that I really don't want to go down that path. Would it be possible somehow to fetch the relevant object graph from the database, and have EF compare the two graphs toward eachother, and then save the relevant changes to the database?
Any help to make this smoother would be greatly appreciated.
I ended up using GraphDiff to solve this for me, and it works just great! This really should be built into EF, but untill it does, this is a great substitute.
To solve the example given in my question above, this will make sure that the detached graph gets saved properly (given I have a MainObject I want to save called main):
context.UpdateGraph(main, map =>map
.AssociatedCollection( m => m.SubObjects, with => with
.AssociatedCollection( s => s.SubSubObjects)

GWT: Is it OK to edit the same proxy multiple times?

I'm using GWT 2.4 with RequestFactory but not still everything is clear for me.
In this article author wrote about situation when we used an entity proxy with one instance of RequestContext and want to reuse (edit()) this entity proxy with other instance of RequestContext:
It cannot be edited because it has already a requestContext assigned.
If you want to change it you must retrieve instance of this entity
from server again
But I'm getting no exceptions when I execute this code:
RequestContext newRequest1 = factory.myRequest();
RequestContext newRequest2 = factory.myRequest();
The problems (exception) described by autor pop up when I run this version:
RequestContext newRequest1 = factory.myRequest();
MyProxy edited = newRequest1.edit(proxy);
RequestContext newRequest2 = factory.myRequest();
So it seems that only editable copy returned by edit() is directly related with RequestContext instance.
In that case is there something wrong in approoach in which I keep one instance of (uneditable/frozen) proxy in my edit view and each time user clicks "edit" button I edit() it with new fresh RequestContext? Or should I obtain fresh instance of proxy each time too?
Getting new instance of proxy seems a bit awkward for me but I guess reusing one proxy instance may cause some issues related to sending delta of changes to server?
So to rephrase the question: it a good practice to reuse single instance of proxy with multiple RequestContexts?
There's no problem editing the same proxy twice (or more), as long as there's only a single editable instance at a time (your first code snippet should throw; if it's not then it's a bug; it could work if you don't keep references on both the RequestContext and the edited proxy).
Note that RequestFactory sends only the modified properties to the server, but it does so by diff'ing with the non-editable instance passed to edit(); so you should try to use the most recent instance as possible to keep your server-side/persisted data as close to your client-side data as possible (could seem obvious, but can lead to some surprises in practice: if you see foo on the client but have bar on the server, you'll keep the bar on the server-side until you modify the property on the client-side to something other than foo)

Entity Framework Generic Repository Context

I am building an ASP.NET 4.0 MVC 2 app with a generic repository based on this blog post.
I'm not sure how to deal with the lifetime of ObjectContext -- here is a typical method from my repository class:
public T GetSingle<T>(Func<T, bool> predicate) where T : class
using (MyDbEntities dbEntities = new MyDbEntities())
return dbEntities.CreateObjectSet<T>().Single(predicate);
MyDbEntities is the ObjectContext generated by Entity Framework 4.
Is it ok to call .CreateObjectSet() and create/dispose MyDbEntities per every HTTP request? If not, how can I preserve this object?
If another method returns an IEnumerable<MyObject> using similar code, will this cause undefined behavior if I try to perform CRUD operations outside the scope of that method?
Yes, it is ok to create a new object context on each request (and in turn a call to CreateObjectSet). In fact, it's preferred. And like any object that implements IDisposable, you should be a good citizen and dispose it (which you're code above is doing). Some people use IoC to control the lifetime of their object context scoped to the http request but either way, it's short lived.
For the second part of your question, I think you're asking if another method performs a CRUD operation with a different instance of the data context (let me know if I'm misinterpreting). If that's the case, you'll need to attach it to the new data context that will perform the actual database update. This is a fine thing to do. Also, acceptable would be the use the Unit of Work pattern as well.