DELETE and GET have faulty behavior in a Jax-RS Restful App - rest

I am learning how to implement Rest API through a tutorial project.
I am facing a rather strange behavior from a routine I perform in order to test the standard CRUD methods...
Here's a general description of the code architecture:
I am using a stub to emulate a database behavior using a static class which contains a HashMap<Long, Message> with Message being the entity I am manipulating,
This stub hashmap reference is in turn given to a class MessageService which does the logic of the CRUD method implementations,
The MessageService is instanciated in a class MessageRessource which is the Rest API containing all the #GET, #POST, etc... method implementations which call the MessageService instance methods.
I should point out that I added 2 hardcoded entries of Messages in the MessageService constructor which I put in the database stub HashMap
Now, here's the routine which leaves me confused:
Run app,
Do a GET on /messages: Shows 2 entries,
Do a POST with custom data: Data is added,
Do a GET on /messages: Shows 3 entries,
Do a DELETE on /messages/3: Deletes 3rd entry,
Do a GET on /messages: Shows 2 entries,
Do a DELETE on /messages/2: While debugging the app, the
messageService instance in MessageRessource has a hashmap of size 1 after the DELETE method is processed,
Do a GET on /messages: Shows 2 entries instead of 1.
My own thoughts on the problem:
If the constructor which contains the hardcoded data was the cause of
the problem, the GET method in step 4 shouldn't show 3 entries but
only 2.
Perhaps this has to do with the fact that no data is being returned
by the DELETE while the POST does return the added data?
For the code, please see the GitHub public project in the messenger App by AetosAkrivis
N.B : I know this isn't a real problem because I only need to remove the hardcoded Message entries in the constructor in order to be able to perform normally. But I am really curious about the reason of the malfunctioning of this routine.

You have assumed that the JAX-RS container will only create one instance of the service MessageRessource, but it can decide to clean instances or create multiple. Each time it is done the initialization, your static messages will be updated with 2 additional entries. Results are indeterminate
public class MessageRessource {
private MessageService messageService;
public MessageRessource() {
messageService = new MessageService();
public MessageService() {
messages.put(1L, new Message(1L,"Hi","Imad"));
messages.put(2L, new Message(2L,"Hello","Badr"));
P.S: Post your code instead of linking it


DI and inheritance

Another question appeared during my migration from an E3 application to a pure E4.
I got a Structure using inheritance as in the following pic.
There I have an invocation sequence going from the AbstractRootEditor to the FormRootEditor to the SashCompositeSubView to the TableSubView.
There I want to use my EMenuService, but it is null due to it can´t be injected.
The AbstractRootEditor is the only class connected to the Application Model (as a MPart created out of an MPartDescriptor).
I´d like to inject the EMenuService anyway in the AbstractSubView, otherwise I would´ve the need to carry the Service through all of my classes. But I don´t have an IEclipseContext there, due to my AbstractSubView is not connected with Application Model (Do I ?).
I there any chance to get the service injected in the AvstractSubView?
I noticed that injecting this in my AbstractSubView isn´t possible (?), so I´m trying to get it into my TableSubView.
After gregs comment i want to show some code:
in the AbstractRootEditor:
public final void createPartControl(Composite parent, #Active MPart mPart) {
ContextInjectionFactory.make(TableSubView.class, mPart.getContext());
First I got an Exception, saying that my TableSubView.class got an invalid constructor, so now the Constructor there is:
public TableSubView() {
as well as my Field-Injection:
#Inject EMenuService eMenuService
This is kind of not working, eMenuService is still null
If you create your objects using ContextInjectionFactory they will be injected. Use:
MyClass myClass = ContextInjectionFactory.make(MyClass.class, context);
where context is an IEclipseContext (so you have to do this for every class starting from one that is injected by Eclipse).
There is also a seconds version of ContextInjectionFactory.make which lets you provide two contexts the second one being a temporary context which can contain additional values.

Foreign Keys in Web API 2 - Best practices?

Basically I'm writing an API using Web API 2 and Entity Framework on the backend.
The thing I'm unsure about is what to do in regards to foreign keys on my models.
Say I got a person property with a foreign key to an order property.
Sometimes the client needs the person property, sometimes it does not. How should I go about this?
Should I create 2 methods:
/api/person/1 <-- returns person without order
/api/personwithorder/1 <-- returns person with order
Seems like an awful lot of methods in my opinion.
I know the queryable attribute exists as well which provides support for the client to use the $extend argument to include properties at will - however I would rather not use the queryable attribute if I can avoid it.
What are your suggestions?
Off the top of my head, here are some options.
Option 1
Multiple methods in API
public Person GetPerson() { ... }
public Person GetPersonWithOrders() { ... }
Option 2
Pass a flag to the method:
public Person GetPerson(bool getOrders) { ... }
Option 3
You could use OData to allow the caller to query the data.
To expand on DavidG's option 3 of using OData, here is how you'd do it:
Install-package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.OData
Create a PeopleController inheriting from ODataController
Configure the Web API OData model like so:
Define your Get method as returning an IQueryable<Person>
In your calling code, add the expand clause to the URL to specify the child object you would like to expose, like this: /api/People(1)?$expand=Orders
There's a little bit more to it around registering the OData route, but this is all standard configuration that you can find in any sample project.
OData is really very flexible and takes care of tonnes of issues about how you should build your URLs.

How to unit test code in the repository pattern?

How to test this scenario:
I have a user repository that (so far) only has one method: SaveUser.
"SaveUser" is suposed to receive a user as a parameter and save it to the DB using EF 6.
If the user is new (new user is defined by a "Email" that is not present in the database) the method is supposed to insert it, if its not, the method is supposed to only update it.
Technically if this method is called, all business validation are OK, only remaining the act of actually persisting the user
My problem here is: I don't actually want to create a new user or update one every time... this would lead to undesired side effects in the future (let's call it "paper trail")... How do i do it?
Here is the test code:
public void CreateOrUpdateUserTest1()
UserDTO dto = new UserDTO();
dto.UniqueId = new Guid("76BCB16B-4AD6-416B-BEF6-388D56217E76");
dto.Name = "CreateOrUpdateUserTest1";
dto.Email = "";
dto.Created = DateTime.Now;
GeneralRepository repository = new GeneralRepository();
//Now the user should be CREATED on the DB
dto.Name = "CreateOrUpdateUserTest";
//Now the user should be UPDATED on the DB
Your repository probably needs to invoke some methods of a third party library to actually persist the data. Unit-testing in such case could only make sense if you could mock the third party library and verify and the particular persistence methods are being correctly invoked by your repository. To achieve this, you need to refactor your code.
Otherwise, you can't unit-test this class, but also consider that maybe there is no need to. The third party library responsible for persistence is a different component, so testing if DB storage works correctly with your classes is rather a matter of Integration testing.

Why are static GWT fields not transferred to the client?

ConfigProperty.idPropertyMap is filled on the server side. (verified via log output)
Accessing it on the client side shows it's empty. :-( (verified via log output)
Is this some default behaviour? (I don't think so)
Is the problem maybe related to the inner class ConfigProperty.IdPropertyMap, java.util.HashMap usage, serialization or some field access modifier issue?
Thanks for your help
// the transfer object
public class ConfigProperty implements IsSerializable, Comparable {
static public class IdPropertyMap extends HashMap
implements IsSerializable
protected static IdPropertyMap idPropertyMap = new IdPropertyMap();
// the server service
public class ManagerServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements
public IdPropertyMap getConfigProps(String timeToken)
throws ConfiguratorException
added from below after some good answers (thanks!):
answer bottom line: static field sync is not implemented/supported currently. someone/me would have to file a feature request
just my perspective (an fallen-in-love newby to GWT :-)):
I understand pretty good (not perfect! ;-)) the possible implications of "global" variable syncing (a dependency graph or usage of annotations could be useful).
But from a new (otherwise experienced Java EE/web) user it looks like this:
you create some myapp.shared.dto.MyClass class (dto = data transfer objects)
you add some static fields in it that just represent collections of those objects (and maybe some other DTOs)
you can also do this on the client side and all the other static methods work as well
only thing not working is synchronization (which is not sooo bad in the first place)
BUT: some provided annotation, let's say #Transfer static Collection<MyClass> myObjList; would be handy, since I seem to know the impact and benefits that this would bring.
In my case it's rather simple since the client is more static, but would like to have this data without explicitely implementing it if the GWT framework could do it.
static variables are purely class variable It has nothing to do with individual instances. serialization applies only to object.
So ,your are getting always empty a ConfigProperty.idPropertyMap
The idea of RPC is not that you can act as though the client and the server are exactly the same JVM, but that they can share the objects that you pass over the wire. To send a static field over the wire, from the server to the client, the object stored in that field must be returned from the RPC method.
Static properties are not serialized and sent over the wire, because they do not belong to a single object, but to the class itself.
public class MyData implements Serializable {
protected String name;//sent over the wire, each MyData has its own name
protected String key;
protected static String masterKey;//All objects on the server or client
// share this, it cannot be sent over RPC. Instead, another RPC method
// could access it
Note, however, that it will only be that one instance which will be shared - if something else on the server changes that field, all clients which have asked for a copy will need to be updated

What gets send to the server with request factory

I have problem to understand what does Request factory send to server. I have a method
Request<NodeProxy> persist(NodeProxy node)
NodeProxy is an Object from tree like structure (has child nodes and one parent node, all of type NodeProxy). I'v change only one attribute in the node and called persists.
The question now is what gets send to the server?
In the dock here
there is:
"On the client side, RequestFactory keeps track of objects that have been modified and sends only changes to the server, which results in very lightweight network payloads."
In the same dock, in the chapter Entity Relationships, there is also this:
"RequestFactory automatically sends the whole object graph in a single request."
And I'm wondering how should I understand this.
My problem:
My tree structure can get quete big, lets say 50 nodes. The problem is that for update of one attribute the method
public IEntity find(Class<? extends IEntity> clazz, String id)
in the class
public class BaseEntityLocator extends Locator<IEntity, String>
gets called for each object in the graph which is not acceptable.
Thank you in advance.
The problem you're facing is that RequestFactory automatically edit()s proxies when getting properties, and there's a bug when constructing the request payload that makes the whole graph of proxies to be implicitly edited that way, even if you didn't call the getter yourself.
That bug has many repercussions, including false-positives in RequestContext's isChanged():
I have great hopes that this will be fixed in GWT 2.5 (due in the next weeks).