How to detect tapping on the gray (dimmed) background in UISearchDisplayController - iphone

I am working on a iOS project where I want to implement a search functionality. I'm using UISearchBar and UISearchDisplayController and I would like to make UISearchBar implicitly hidden. When user taps on the UIBarButtonItem, the search bar will appear and "becomeFirstResponder", whereas when user clicks on the Cancel button in the search bar, it should disappear.
The appearing is working correctly, but I have a problem with disappearing. I managed to hide the search bar when user taps on the Cancel button (searchBarCancelButtonClicked method), but I'm unable to hide the search bar when the grey (dimmed) background in UISearchDisplayController is tapped. As far as I know, there is no method to detect this event, so it is necessary to apply some hack. Do you know any, or what is the best way to detect tapping on the gray background?

So I've finally worked it out. Apart from the searchBarCancelButtonClicked:(UISearchBar *)searchBar, it is also necessary to hide the search bar in searchDisplayControllerDidEndSearch:(UISearchDisplayController *)controller. It looks this callback is called even when the gray (dimmed) background is tapped, so it can be easily used for hiding the search bar.

UISearchDisplayController usually consists of a UISegmentedControl, the UIResultsTable and the keyboard. The results table is where you want to detect this touch to dismiss. With that being known, maybe you can add a transparent UIButton to that view that dismisses first responder, or Maybe you can add a UIGestureRecognizer on a transparent view that achieves the same effect? Just thinking off the top and have not tried this myself, if it works for you im glad !


How can I highlight the BarButton in navigation bar without tapping it?

Typically, the UIBarButtonItem will be highlighted when we tap it.
However, I intend to show the users that the action is automatically done for them when the view is loaded after 4 sec.
So I want to highlight the Button without tapping it.
How can I achieve that?
For a UIVIew object such as a UIButton, you can either use the following code Glow category on UIView that adds support for making views glow or use this example.
If you are using the first one, you can just call startGlowing and stopGlowing. When you call startGlowing, the view will start to pulse with a soft light, this effect is removed when stopGlowing is called. Check this.
For UIBarButtonItem, you might have to use the solution provided here.

UISearchBar: how can I stop it resizing when clicked?

I have a UISearchBar (with UISearchDisplayController) as title view of UINavigationBar. There are also two buttons on either side of the searchbar within the navbar.
When clicking on UISearchBar, it becomes wider and covers the button on the right of it.
How can I stop it from becoming wider?
Things tried but didn't work -->
The widened search bar then becomes the original size if the device is rotated.
So, tried calling [searchBar setNeedsLayout] in -searchBarTextDidBeginEditing
All different auto-resizing mask options in IB
Edit: Didn't mention, but this is on iPhone (as we can put searchbar inside toolbar in iPad..)
Actually, taking hint from this answer if the search bar is put in UIView of desired size then this is set as title view of NavBar, it doesn't go wider !
But... Since you can't make cancel button to show/not show as you wish, I realized it's not so useful.
(As seen in this question/answer etc)

Can I add an action to the Navigation Bar's title view?

I have a vision for something that I want to achieve, but I don't know if it is possible. Basically, I want my navigation bar's title (the one that is colored and formatted all pretty) to act as a button. I want to be able to press the nav bar title text, and be able to respond to that as a normal action.
Is this possible? I have tried a number of things, and have gotten the blank area to respond to touch as a button, but I can't get the button and the pretty text to be there together.
Create an UIButton with a transparent image and put it over the navigation controller

UIButton disabled when covered (or semi covered) by a view

I have a view that holds some UIButtons. Another view covers and hides the buttons. When the top view slides off to reveal the buttons (with an animation).. the UI draws the buttons grayed out until the top view no longer covers or overlaps the buttons at all.. causing an undesirable flicker from gray to the normal button color (white).
is there a way to keep the UIButton from rendering itself disabled while covered or semi covered by another view?
I dont think that its correct that a button is disabled while covered. What is happening is that when its covered, touch events are prevented from getting to the button, so the button cant get pressed. If the button is only partially covered, touch events to that part that are not covered can be received by the button and the button can be depressed. If you really wanted the button to work while it was covered (maybe you can relayer your views so the button is in front of the view instead of behind it?) you could hack your view and void its hit testing so it doesnt capture the touches.
Well, in lieu of actually finding the correct answer, I simply swapped out the buttons with UIImageViews and attached UITapGestureRecognizers to them... this solved the problem.

iPhone UIActionSheet with UISwitch and UITextField

I'm just looking for advice with this as I have no idea where to start but I think a UIActionSheet is probably best.
What I'd like to have is a pop up window (in my head I picture it as being translucent and dark gray). It will not take up the whole screen and the view underneath will still be visible.
In the pop up section there will be a textfield (with several lines) and underneath this there will be a number of UISwitches.
The pop up will be scrollable and will end with OK/Cancel buttons at the bottom.
Like I said, I really have no idea where to start with this but any advice is more than welcome!
A UIActionSheet is probably not what you are after in this case (although you may want a similar look and feel). Think of an action sheet as a traditional modal OK/cancel/Yes/No type dialog box:
Use the UIActionSheet class to present the user with a set of alternatives for how to proceed with a given task.
From the sound it of it, you need to create a UIView in InterfaceBuilder with a semi-transparent background and various child controls (UISwitches and UITextFields). You create your view using the XIB you have configured and add it as a subview of your UIViewController's view. If you want to mimic the animation you get from an action sheet, you can do that with an AnimationBlock.