Get Netbeans to Auto-suggest Zend Framework components - zend-framework

I've recently installed ZF, and haven't had any issues using it, however when I'm working in Netbeans, I'd like for it to recognize and suggest ZF components. For example, when I type:
$config = new Zend_
I want it to auto-complete or suggest:
Or when I try to use:
I'd like for Netbeans to auto-suggest getInstance and recognize documentation for it. I figure it has something to do with including the library inside the application, but I'm not sure where exactly to set this? I have the library set for include_path inside php.ini, and the components work as expected in the browser, so no issues there.

In Netbeans menu go Tools > Options > PHP under General tab Global Include Path section click Add Folder. Add Zend folder from your library, confirm everything. Let Netbeans finish scanning and you're done.


eclipse custom project plugin

I have already read many articles but never succeeded to do what I need.
I would like to make a plugin for eclipse.
this plugin should add new wizard category to the 'File->New->Project',
this category should have 3 items under it, lets say 'X', 'Y', 'Z'.
when pressing each of them, no matter which,
a new 'Create a Java Project' window open.
after entering the 'name' for the project,
a new Folder needs to be create at the project manager at the same chosen 'name'.
this folder must have all other items inside, just like creating a new normal java project.
also should be a new package under the 'src' folder, package name is 'X' ('Y', or 'Z')..
and inside the package should be a java file (with my own default template), its name should be 'name'.jave.
is it possible to make such plugin to eclipse?
even not making the plugin with eclipse itself.
will really appreciate your answer,
Yes, it is possible. You will have to learn how to make Eclipse plugins though. Start with some basic tutorial like this or this. Then when you know the basics, you can look into the newWizard extension point that you want to use.
You can do this in any editor, even a text editor if you want. But you will have a huge advantage by doing this in Eclipse since there are editors and tools to help you out.

Attribute "ng-click" not allowed on element in netbeans

I just love AngularJs. I write all my projects in netbeans and I would like to stick with netbeans. I searched over the net for a plugin that supports AngularJs in netbeans, with no luck.
There is a plugin, but it seems not to work, or I can not get it to work.
I am not looking for a full fledged plugin, if I could get rid of the warnings in the editor I would be satisfied.
My questions:
Does anyone know a working plugin for netbeans that supports AngularJs?
If not, a link to instructions how to make netbeans understand a custom attribute would also help/
you can prefix them with data- or x- ...

how to add my own templates to eclipse in play! framework editor

I've noticed that the play plugin for eclipse adds a play editor,
along with several useful templates
I'd like to add my own ones, but I couldn't find the way to do it
I go to window, preferences, web, html files, templates and I can add
templates to eclipse html editor, but I couldn't find a similar option
for play editor
Check out the source code for the play plugin :
You might want to fork it and add your templates to that file. That is what I would do. But I do not have enough Eclipse development knowledge to help you further than point the direction.
I had a lok at the source, it seems like the template editor tags are defined here
looks like there's no support for creating your own templates thru eclipse...

Mongo autocomplete in Zend Studio

Does anyone know how to get auto complete for MongoDB to work in Zend Studio 8. What would actually be an ideal solution is how to add autocomplete for any binary library not in the form of php files.
I.E. I know how to add a folder of php classes to the include path to get autocompletion, but mongo is a php plugin and not a collection of class files. Possible there is a way to generate php files for Zend to use.
Any help would be appreciated.
At first you go here to see that there's a guy who has written a "reflector" of php classes which dumps the contents of a class to a file with phpdoc comments. Also there's a link to sources where mongo.php is present as an example.
You can put that mongo.php into a folder and then in Zend Studio right-click a project, select "properties", go into "php include path -> libraries", click "add external source folder" and point to the folder with the mongo.php.
Voila, zend studio has autocompleting enabled now for MongoDB classes!
Don't know whether that mongo.php is up to date, but I'm using it without a problem.
I've put its code here just for a case.
Probably a bit late answer, but it would be better than nothing ;)

Easy way to add a context action to Eclipse

I'm trying to add a very simple action to the context menu of Eclipse: clicking with right button over a folder object, this action should call an external tool (configured in the "External Tools") using the path of the folder as the only parameter.
I've found a tutorial on how to add a context menu, but it's more complex than what I need -- I don't really want to create a plugin, I don't even want to create classes to do what I want. My only purpose is to call an external tool.
How can I do it?
If you want to extend Eclipse with functionality such as editing context menu's, the only way to go is by writing a plug-in. However, this can be very light-weight and targeted to your needs, so the tutorial you found might be a good way to do it.
Check out StartExplorer. It's very handy. It's the equivalent of the IntelliJ "Neighborhood" plugin.
It comes with the basics of explore, command shell, open, and copy path for Windows, Mac and Linux. It also supports custom commands. And can be installed through a normal Eclipse repository.