Attribute "ng-click" not allowed on element in netbeans - netbeans

I just love AngularJs. I write all my projects in netbeans and I would like to stick with netbeans. I searched over the net for a plugin that supports AngularJs in netbeans, with no luck.
There is a plugin, but it seems not to work, or I can not get it to work.
I am not looking for a full fledged plugin, if I could get rid of the warnings in the editor I would be satisfied.
My questions:
Does anyone know a working plugin for netbeans that supports AngularJs?
If not, a link to instructions how to make netbeans understand a custom attribute would also help/

you can prefix them with data- or x- ...


CSS autocomplete in Eclipse

I have already gone through several similar questions on SO and elsewhere; none of them provides an answer, not a working one anyway.
When I type <div class="..., why doesn't Eclipse provide me the autocomplete list of available CSS classes in the project? AutoComplete works in PHP code without a problem.
Solutions I have tried:
Trying CTRL + SPACE shortcut.
Checking Code Assist options in Preferences.
Installing Aptana plug-in.
I'm using Eclipse Luna (PDT).
I do not believe that what you are looking for, is supported. I see where you are coming from, however the official documentation does not seem to offer what you want to achieve.

Getting Bootstrap insight in Eclipse

I use Eclipse for my day-to-day development in ColdFusion, using the CFEclipse plugin. Since a lot of development now starts with Bootstrap, I'd like to use insight (Proposals I think they're called in Eclipse) in the interface so I don't have to type in the same classes all the time. Any idea where to start? I looked into the dictionary XML files for the CFEclipse plugin, but that seems like overkill. I just want to make a list of classnames that the editor can append from when I'm coding.

Can I write Eclipse plugins using Groovy?

Groovy seems to fix a lot of the things I dislike about Java, and I was wondering if it would be possible to actually write an Eclipse plugin in Groovy instead of Java.
Does anyone know if this is possible, and if so how to go about it?
I've just found a blog entry which says it's not officially supported but is actually possible.
Not yet tested to see if it works, but it seems promising:
Writing Eclipse plugins with Groovy, by Jörn Dinkla
#Peter, I do not think that the blog post you linked to is complete or if it will really work. It is pointing to the old version of Groovy-Eclipse, which is no longer supported and is out of date.
Yes. It is possible to create your own plugins in Groovy.
First, install the Groovy-Eclipse plugin from here:
Then you can create a new plugin project and add the Groovy Nature.
Remove the Groovy Libraries classpath container
Instead, add the org.codehause.groovy as a required bundle
Create your Groovy code as normal
Now, the tricky part is exporting the plugin using PDE. See this blog post for how to do that:
One important thing to note is that you will need at least one Java file in your project for PDE to compile anything, It can be a dummy, empty file (this is a bug that has not yet been fixed).
As an example, here is the codenarc Eclipse plugin that was written completely in Groovy:
You can also use JRuby, or Javascript ...
JAM Circle is a great example showing how to make great use of a scripting language in an Eclipse plugin, by allowing the end user to write his own actions and load them at runtime.
There's a proxy-like plugin that allows you to implement the plugin virtually in any language that supports JSR223 (javax.scripting)

Netbeans - How to extend HTML vocabulary

I've been using netbeans for a couple of years now, mainly on PHP / CakePHP projects.
Recently I've started using Coldfusion, which isn't directly supported. I've found, however, that if I use PHP as a project type, I can load the files and the HTML Renderer does an admirable job with the Coldfusion tags.
I want to make it better and help the renderer to understand some of the tags and, hopefully, thereby improve code indentation and syntax highlighting.
My question, then, is how can I access the HTML dictionary to extend the vocabulary?
NB: This isn't a 'which IDE' question so don't recommend them. I want to know if and how I can achieve this in NetBeans and only Netbeans.
Here are a few ideas. If you render it in HTML, you could probably add a custom name space to the HTML. If setup correctly it can help NetBeans realize that the tags are valid and shouldn't show as an error. It might not give you all the preview and WYSIWYG functionality, but it may be better than what you are getting now. I have only done this on other platforms, but I'm pretty sure NetBeans supports it.
Also I think that NetBeans will let you add CustomTags doing something like this:
Just to note, in terms of ColdFusion the other alternatives are NotePad++ with the CF plugin and IntelliJ now supports CF.
I really like Eclipse - the number of plugins available (SVN, Javascript, CSS, CodCollab, Flashbuilder etc.) is what makes it indispensable IMHO.
I am, however, looking forward to the new version of CFBuilder.
This answer on the same/similar question suggests that there is nothing out there for ColdFusion on netbeans : NetBeans as an editor for ColdFusion scripts?
If you want to build your own ColdFusion plugin for netbeans you need to look at plugin development; You could use the Dictionary project from cfeclipse as a basis for your plugin. See this Google Group thread for a bit more information

How can I get Intellij Community Edition to play nicely with GWT UiBinder?

First- I am not using the EAP version, which I understand has built-in support. This is not a viable option.
I am getting XML validation errors on simple things like HTML elements and ui:field="" attributes. What can i tell Idea to make it handle these things correctly? To my "Resources" settings, I already added the uibinder and client.ui XSD's, as well as gwt/DTD/xhtml.ent.
GWT is not supported in the Community Edition.