Killing iOS app upon user request - iphone

So here is the issue I am facing. Certain portions of the application I am building open some c network sockets that allow connections to various servers/services. However, if the application goes to sleep, these socket connections are lost, and error out when trying to reload them. So what I want to do is basically notify the user when the app launches again, that the application needs to be restarted. The main question is, can I present them with a button that will kill the app by using exit(0) without my app getting rejected?
Apple says that the user should be in control of when the app is killed, and in this case I see that they are, but I am not sure of Apple's opinion on this. Has anyone else used this? Have you been rejected for this? Thanks in advance for any advice!
Thank you everyone for your advice. I am trying to take everything into consideration, but because the app needs to be submitted ASAP, I just need to know, if we can not get another solution, if the above proposed solution, will get rejected or not.

Your application delegate receives notifications when significant events affect the life of the application. Rather than ask your user to recreate a session, you should attempt to discontinue network operations and then resume them at the appropriate times in the application's lifecycle automatically.
You can gracefully kill network sockets (amongst other things) in any number of places as the application prepares to exit or enter the background via callbacks in your application delegate:
Potentially reconstruct sockets in:

Have you tried not allowing the app to run in the background? Then it will be killed whenever the user exits to the home screen. This might be a bit aggressive, but would solve the problem. From Apple's opting out of background execution:
"If you do not want your application to remain in the background when
it is quit, you can explicitly opt out of the background execution
model by adding the UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend key to your
application’s Info.plist file and setting its value to YES.
When an application opts out, it cycles between the not running,
inactive, and active states and never enters the background or
suspended states.
When the user taps the Home button to quit the application, the
applicationWillTerminate: method of the application delegate is called
and the application has approximately five seconds to clean up and
exit before it is terminated and moved back to the not running state."
See also: How to prevent my app from running in the background on the iPhone

The documentation is pretty explicit about this, "There is no API provided for gracefully terminating an iOS application." See Technical Q&A QA1561
How do I programmatically quit my iOS application?.
To be blunt, terminating an app to cleanup a socket is just like dealing with memory management by forcing an app to exit instead of calling release.

What about bringing up a modal view controller telling the user to quit the application? You could make this view controller without any dismiss button, so the user is obligated to kill the app.


Could iOS Kill an App in the Background?

While the device is powered on, is it possible for iOS to automatically terminate my app (calling applicationWillTerminate:) while it's in the background?
I'm also curious what happens in two other cases, three in total:
Device is powered on
Device is powered off
Device loses battery
I'm asking because I want to know how often applicationWillTerminate: is likely to get called. I want to know this because that's where I'm registering for remote notifications. And if there's a failure sending the device token to the server, I want to know how likely it is that that method will get called again (i.e., retry sending the device token to the server).
If your application supports multitasking (the default for anything linked against iOS 4.0+), this method will almost never be called. The documentation says it may be called in cases where the application is running in the background and the system wants to terminate. However, in my experience, I've only ever seen this actually called when running a music app that's actively playing music in the background and the system is jettisoning everything. In cases where I have background tasks running (not music, but short-term background tasks), I've seen the app terminated without this method being called.
I wouldn't ever rely on this being called and try and do all the clean-up you need to do in your delegate methods for transitioning into the background and your background task completion blocks (which do get executed for at least a few seconds before the app gets jettisoned).
Not only can iOS terminate your app automatically, but the user can kill it manually. In fact, the only time the user can kill your app is when it's in the background. Furthermore, when your app is "in the background" it's more likely to be suspended than actually running, so don't count on doing a lot of processing when you're not the foreground app.
As for how likely it is that you'll get -applicationWillTerminate:, that'll depend on the user and how they're using their device. You should handle it appropriately when you get it, and go about your business otherwise.
When memory is running low, iOS can shut down your app, calling applicationWillTerminate.
The docs say this about the method:
... However, this method may be called in situations where the application is running in the background (not suspended) and the system needs to terminate it for some reason.
Check out iOS Developer Library : iOS App Programming Guide : App Termination.

programmatically prevent app from running in background iOS

I have an app that will run in the background but there is one case where I do not want that to happen, can I achieve this programmatically?
I know I can opt out by changing this plist value but what about at run time?
Add the variable UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend (Application does not run in background) to your applications plist and assign the value YES.
You can close the app by calling exit(0) in applicationDidEnterBackground.
You can't use exit(0) b/c apple does not allow you to close the app without user knowing it.
From Technical Q&A QA1561 How do I programmatically quit my iPhone application?.
There is no API provided for gracefully terminating an iPhone
application. Under the iPhone OS, the
user presses the Home button to close
applications. Should your application
have conditions in which it cannot
provide its intended function, the
recommended approach is to display an
alert for the user that indicates the
nature of the problem and possible
actions the user could take - turning
on WiFi, enabling Location Services,
etc. Allow the user to terminate the
application at their own discretion.
Calling exit() is discouraged, and not informing the user that the app is going to terminate is also discouraged. So you need to get the OS to kill your app (as it normally would do over a long enough period of operation) while simultaneously informing the user. One way of doing this, while using only legal APIs, is to dirty absolutely as many memory pages as possible (malloc and bzero), then call Safari with a URL to a hoggish website explaining why the app is going to quit. Safari will require enough memory to display the website that your app will be terminated by the OS, just as the user is being properly informed.
Sleeping until the OS kill timer kills your app will also kill your app, but this non-responsive delay will lock up the UI, which isn't a good user experience.

Running apps in background?

Is it possible to keep a socket connection alive in background, to be able to push new data and alert users at all times?
The answer to this question is a definitive yes. If you are in the background state, then you can keep a connection open and process messages from a server.
Unfortunately the complexity here is that you don't have a lot of control over the state your application is in:
foreground - The user has tapped your icon and the app is running with the UI visible.
suspended - The user was previously running your app in the foreground, but suspended it by hitting the home button or receiving a call. Basically your app is 'freeze dried' and will remain inactive until it is resumed by the user (starting where it left off) or it is terminated by the OS (see below).
background - The app was previously running in the foreground but has moved to the background state as a result of something the user has done. Normally your app will move to the suspended state in this case, but there are things you can do as the developer to prevent the instant 'freeze dry' and go into the background instead (see below). Your app will also be in the background state if it is woken up for a significant change event.
terminated - Your app has been unloaded from memory and the next time it starts will be from scratch. This is what happens when you double click the home button and then tap the x next to your app icon. It moves the app from the suspended state into the terminated state. This will also happen if the OS decides it needs room for more recently running apps and your app has been suspended for a long time.
So obviously the trick here is how do I stay in the background state as a long as possible. There are a couple of ways to do this:
Beg for more time - You can get up to 10 minutes of additional background processing when your app is closed if you ask for it.
Use UIBackgroundMode - You can declare youself a voip, audio or location app by adding the corresponding UIBackgroundMode value to the pList. There are special requirements for these types of apps which you can check out here.
So these approaches are not without their own problems (getting approved on the store being one of them) and as such I tend to agree with the other answers that using push notifications is probably your best approach for notifying your users. With the notification improvements in iOS5 this is going to be the best user experience going forward.
You can keep a socket connection alive (or do whatever else you want) in the background for about 15 minutes after your app closes. There are also more specialized background processing modes (specifically, audio, voip, and location) which Apple supports if your app fits into one of their supported categories. See here.
If you want to keep sending the user notifications indefinitely, you want to use the Apple Push Notification Service. This allows your app to continue to receive notifications when it's not running, and it conserves resources since there's only one connection to the APN service at a time.
You can definitely alert users with local and push notifications.
And as far as I know, you can keep a connection open only for limited time.
Look here for more details.

Changing the device language when application is in background

I am running my iPod touch application and then go in background and change the device language from Settings application and try to bring that application on foreground. My application gets restarted and I do not land on the screen where I left the application when I went into the background.
Is this because a KILL signal is sent by settings application when language was changed? Is it the desired behavior?
I wasn't aware the switching the language would cause apps to be terminated, but that's not shocking. It's a very straightforward way to get what the user wants. Your problem isn't the language change, though. The problem is that you're not responding correctly to a notification of termination. You can be terminated at any time when you're in the background, and it's your job to deal with it.
Your application delegate should implement applicationWillTerminate: (or you can observe UIApplicationWillTerminateNotification wherever it is convenient). When you receive this, you should save off sufficient information to get yourself back to where you were when you restart. As much as possible, you should make it look to the user that you did not terminate. The easiest place to save state is usually in NSUserDefaults, but you can use any mechanism you like.
Handling application restart is one of those things that separates excellent iOS applications from "good enough."

How to load the initial view every time an app launches?

I am fairly new to iphone app development. I am creating an app that has multiple views. Initially it starts with a view for authentication and then load views according to user interaction. When I build and run the app - the first time it shows the "Default.png" screen and then shows the first view where I do my authentication process (typing in userid,password and do a web service) and then after the credentials are verified it takes me to the next view. When I close the app at this state in the simulator and reopen it again, I am seeing the same state in which I closed my app. But here is what I want. When I relaunch the app I should be able to show the "DEfault.png" and screen and then show my initial authentication view. Can you please help me out on this ? Thanks
It sounds like the problem you are trying to solve is that your authenticated session may time out while the app is suspended and you need to log in again.
Although the proposed solution (setting UIApplicationExistsOnSuspend to true) would work I think you should consider a different approach.
Apple recommends that you do everything you can to make it look like the phone supports multitasking. That is why, by default, your app will suspend and resume instead of exit and relaunch. In your case, though, you may need to re-login to resume the session. I offer you a couple of alternate solutions:
Cache the credentials (ie username and password) and silently use them to resume the session when needed. If the back-end supports this.
Detect when the session has become stale and bring in a view to inform the user that the session has expired and ask them to log in again. This would also address the issue if the user keeps the app active past the timeout of the session.
Both of these approaches should improve perceived app performance and integrate better into the Apple usability guidelines.
That's because iOS 4 apps are supposed to support multitasking. You can change the app so it doesn't: In Info.plist, set UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend to true (i.e. <key> UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend</key><true/>) — make sure it's a boolean and not a string. Note that this will probably make startup slower, since the app has to be launched again.
The other way is to handle applicationDidEnterBackground: in your app delegate and do two things:
Reset your view hierarchy (you can do this on next launch, but doing it earlier might help to free more memory)
Show "Default.png" in a full-screen view — iOS takes a screenshot of your app after it's hidden which it uses to animate the app back in.