Elegant way to detect if GWT application is out of date and auto-refresh browser? - gwt

After many support cases we are realizing the biggest problem we have with our GWT-based application is that users are leaving it open for weeks at a time. This means when we do a hotfix every week or two the RPC stubs are out of sync and cause silent exceptions to be thrown making the site look "broken". Does anybody know of a way to auto-detect and avoid this issue? A few ideas I have had are...
On catching an RPC mismatch exception refresh the browser.
When loading the host page inject the version number in source control the build came from, have a status checker/timer that check that the number did not change. When it does reload.
Reload on an arbitrary timer (perhaps twice daily).
Any ideas?

I'd like to present a fourth option.
Create an RPC Proxy and UI Object proxy that all UI requests and RPC requests are routed through. This way whenever this proxy detects that something is out of date it can dynamically load the widget or change it's expected RPC models.
This is pretty how Vaadin does things and it works great. Vaadin is a UI toolkit built on GWT in case you're not aware. We have several long running production applications using this over the last couple of years and we have made some tweaks in their UI Def language (UIDL) to add version mismatch.
This diagram is a good representation of what they do and if you don't want to build something like this yourself I'd of course recommend moving to Vaadin.

Implement security that logs users out after an hour of idle time. Assuming your releases are overnight or on weekends, the users are logging in after the release. No need to refresh the app.
this is viable especially if your site eventually needs users to login.


How do you do continous deployment in an AJAX application with lots of client side interaction and local data?

We have an app that is written in PHP. The front end uses javascript heavily. Generally, for normal applications that require page reloads, continuous deployment is not really an issue, because:
The app can be deployed with build tags: myapp-4-3-2013-b1, myapp-4-3-2013-b2, etc.
When the user loads a page (we are using the front controller pattern), we can inject the buildtag and the files are loaded from the app directory with the correct build tag.
We do not need to keep the older builds around for too long because as the older requests finish, they will move to the newer build tags.
The issue with database and user data being incompatible is not very high as we move people to the newer builds after their requests finish (more on this later).
Now, the problem with our app is that it uses AJAX heavily for smooth page loads. In addition, because there is no page refresh at all when people navigate through the application, people can keep their unsaved data in a their current browser session and revisit it as long as the browser has not been refreshed.
This leads to bigger problems if we want to achieve continuous deployment:
We can keep the user's buildtag in their session (set when they make the first request) and only switch to newer buildtags after the logout and login again. This is obviously bad, because if things like the database schema changes or the format of files to be written to disk changes in a newer build, there is no way to reconcile this.
We force all new requests to a newer build tag, but there is a possibility we change client side javascript and will break a lot of things if we force everyone with a session onto the new build tags immediately.
Obviously, the above won't occur with every build we push and hopefully will not happen a lot, but we want to build a fool proof process so that every build which passes our tests can be deployed. At the same time, we want to make sure that every deployed and test passing build does not inadvertently break in clients with running sessions cause a whole bunch of problems.
I have done some investigation and what google does (at least in google groups) is that they push a message out to the clients to refresh the application (browser window). However, in their case, all unsaved client side data (like unsaved message, etc) would be lost.
Given that applications that uses AJAX and local data are very common these days, what are some more intelligent ways of handling this that will provide minimal disruption to users/clients?
Let me preface this that I haven't ever thought of continuous deployment before reading your post, but it does sound like quite a good idea! I've got a few examples where this would be nice.
My thoughts on solving your problem though would be to go for your first suggestion (which is cleaner), and get around the database schema changes like this:
Implement an API service layer in your application that handles the database or file access, which is outside of your build tag environment. For example, you'd have myapp-4-3-2013-b1, and db-services folders.
db-services would provide any interaction with the database with a series of versioned services. For example, registerNewUser2() or processOrder3().
When you needed to change the database schema, you'd provide a new version of that service and upgrade your build tag environment to look at the new version. You'd also provide a legacy service that handles the old schema to new schema upgrade.
For example, say you registered new users like this:
registerNewUser2(username, password, fullname) {
writeToDB(username, password, fullname);
And you needed to update the schema to add the user's date of birth:
registerNewUser3(username, password, fullname, dateofbirth) {
writeToDB(username, password, fullname, dateofbirth);
registerNewUser2(username, password, fullname) {
registerNewUser3(username, password, fullname, NULL);
The new build tag will be changed to call registerNewUser3(), while the previous build tag is still using registerNewUser2().
So the old build tag will continue to work, just that any new users registered will have a NULL date of birth. When an updated build tag is used, the date of birth is written to the database correctly.
You would need to update db-services immediately, as soon as you roll out the new build tag - or even before you roll out the build tag I guess.
Once you're sure that everyone is using the new version, you can just delete registerNewUser2() from the next version of db-services.
This will be quite complicated to make sure that you are correctly handling the conversion between old API and new API calls, but might be feasible if you're already handling continuous deployment.

Beginner GXT issues

We have a working web application, which has been developed with ExtJS for client side, and Struts, Spring, Hibernate for server side. now, we are considering to migrate to GXT (or may be GWT itself). The thing is I'm very new to GWT/GXT. and we are trying to decide whether we go down this road or not.
1) Until now, we have 2 domains for our web-app. one is that the application (Struts+...) have been deployed to, and the other is mainly a cookie-less custom CDN. The transfer between client and server is mostly XHR requests, sending/receiving JSON and/or JSONP. But with the new approach ahead of us, I began to understand that we are supposed to have only ONE domain, for the whole GXT application. Is it correct or I forgot to consider something here?
and if not, Is it possible that we deployed just part of the application (i.e. com.ourcompany.webapp.gxt.server.*) to the main server, and the contents that have been compiled and generated by the GWT compiler to the other CDN-like domain?
2) The other big issue we are facing is that the current application is consists of mostly 3 huge modules. One is responsible for "SignIn", the other is for "Webtop", and the third one is "Modules which each users has access to". The latter has been generated on the server due to "access rights" of each users, and obviously could be different from one user to the other.
The only thing I could find on this matter, which might be related is Code Splitting. Although I'm not totally sure if this would be the right solution for this.
We want that the application, on Start Up, checks whether user has been logged in or not. if not, loads the SignIn sets of javascript files (i.e webapp.signin.nocache.js), then after user has entered the correct username/password, unloads this signin file and loads webtop.nocache.js AND modules.nocache.js.
I would be really appreciated if you could help me out.
1) If your GWT app is loaded from a different domain than you have to face the same origin policy. You can not do a xhr to a different domain. You could use the ScriptTagProxy to get around this. But it does not feel very netural.
2) You can use CodeSplitting in order to automatically load a particular part of your application dynamically. All you have to do is to warp your splitt point into an async call.
A detailed compile report gives you a pretty good overview how well code splitting is working.
But CodeSplitting does not unload already loaded code. If its really importend to do so you have to redirect the user to another url in order to load the appropriate user depended module.
Once Javascript code has been loaded and executed its impossible to remove the code from the browsers memory.

Upgrading an app running on Lift Framework?

I've recently discovered the lift framework and have read that it's stateful.
Therefore, if I had a high-traffic site running on Lift - say something that was running a chat application that required users to be logged in - and I wanted to upgrade my app, would doing so kick everyone out of chat and make them have to log in again?
None of the previous answers are correct. Many of the artefacts held within the LiftSession are non-serilizable, so cant be stuffed into a database. You have two options for doing rollig upgrades of stateful applications:
1) Session bleeding. Basically you ween one of the deployments sessions away until their sessions have ended or X duration passes and then you remove the app from production whilst automatically rerouting traffic to another instance of Lift. Google around for rolling upgrades using HAProxy as this should help you from the cluster perspective.
2) If your state is fairly trivial (mostly primitive-style types: ints, strings etc) then you could think about using ContainerVar/MigratableSession and clustering the state using terracotta or similar. This comes with a range of limits though because it then uses the HTTPSession rather than LiftSession.
You might want to checkout chapter 15 of Lift in Action which details that latter solution in a fair amount of detail.
If you keep your state in memory and redeploy the web application, that state will be lost. You could save it to a database or a file before redeploying though and read it back from there.

Developing GWT without a net connection?

When I'm developing my gwt project without a network connection, is there a way to detect this? For example, I have a widget that has an Image in it, and the widget does not display until the Image url request times out (takes a long time, like 2 minutes?).
Also, whenever I refresh the page in hosted mode, it doesn't finish loading for about a minute, when no network connection - seems like gwt is trying to contact some external website and blocking on that until it times out too - making things really slow - any way to stop that too?
I'm using gwt-2.1.1, and I haven't encountered any problems when developing offline.
(Although I don't use external resources which are unavailable when there is no internet connection, so maybe you should try to pack the external resources into your project.)

Keeping iPhone application in sync with GWT application

I'm working on an iPhone application that should work in offline and online modes.
In it's online mode it's supposed to feed all the information the user enters to a webservice backed by GWT/GAE.
In it's offline mode it's supposed to store the information locally, and when connection is available sync it up to the web service.
Currently my plan is as follows:
Provide a connection between an app and a webservice using Protobuffers for efficient over-the-wire communication
Work with local DB using Core Data
Poll the network status, and when available sync the database and keep some sort of local-db-to-remote-db key synchronization.
The question is - am I in the right direction? Are the standard patterns for implementing this? Maybe someone can point me to an open-source application that works in a similar fashion?
I am really new to iPhone coding, and would be very glad to hear any suggestions.
I think you've blurring the questions together.
If you've got a question about making a GWT web interface, that's one question.
Questions about how to sync an iPhone to a web service are a different question. For that, you don't want to use GWT's RPCs for syncing, as you'd have to fake out the 'browser-side' of the serialization system in your iPhone code, which GWT normally provides for you.
about system design direction:
First if there is no REAL need do not create 2 different apps one GWT and other iPhone
create one but well written GWT app. It will work off line no problem and will manage your data using HTML feature -- offline application cache
If it a must to create 2 separate apps
than at least save yourself effort and do not write server twice as if you go with standard GWT aproach you will almost sertanly fail to talk to server from stand alone app (it is zipped JSON over HTTP with some tricky headers...) or will write things twise so look in to the RestLet library it well supported by the GAE.
About the way to keep sync with offline / online switching:
There are several aproaches to consider and all of them are not perfect. So when you conseder yours think of what youser expects... Do not be Microsoft Word do not try to outsmart the user.
If there at least one scenario in the use cases that demand user intervention to merge changes (And there will be - take it to the bank) - than you will have implement UI for this - than there is a good reason to use it often - user will get used to it. it better than it will see it in a while since he started to use the app because a need fro it is rare because you implemented a super duper merging logic that asks user only in very special cases... Don't do it.
balance the effort. Because the mess that a bug in such code will introduce to user is much more painful than the benefit all together.
so the HOW:
The one way is the Do-UnDo way.
While off line - keep the log of actions user did on data in timed order user did them
as soon as you connected - send to server and execute them. Same from server to client.
Will work fine in most cases as long as you are not writing a Photoshop kind of software with huge amounts of data per operation. Also referred as Action Pattern by the GangOfFour.
Another way is a source control way. - Versions and may be even locks. very application dependent. DBMS internally some times use it for transactions implementations.
And there is always an option to be Read Only when Ofline :-)
Wonder if you have considered using a Sync Framework to manage the synchronization. If that interests you can take a look at the open source project, OpenMobster's Sync service. You can do the following sync operations
one-way client
one-way device
Besides that, all modifications are automatically tracked and synced with the Cloud. You can have your app offline when network connection is down. It will track any changes and automatically in the background synchronize it with the cloud when the connection returns. It also provides synchronization like iCloud across multiple devices
Also, modifications in the Cloud are synched using Push notifications, so the data is always current even if it is stored locally.
Here is a link to the open source project: http://openmobster.googlecode.com
Here is a link to iPhone App Sync: http://code.google.com/p/openmobster/wiki/iPhoneSyncApp