Beginner GXT issues - gwt

We have a working web application, which has been developed with ExtJS for client side, and Struts, Spring, Hibernate for server side. now, we are considering to migrate to GXT (or may be GWT itself). The thing is I'm very new to GWT/GXT. and we are trying to decide whether we go down this road or not.
1) Until now, we have 2 domains for our web-app. one is that the application (Struts+...) have been deployed to, and the other is mainly a cookie-less custom CDN. The transfer between client and server is mostly XHR requests, sending/receiving JSON and/or JSONP. But with the new approach ahead of us, I began to understand that we are supposed to have only ONE domain, for the whole GXT application. Is it correct or I forgot to consider something here?
and if not, Is it possible that we deployed just part of the application (i.e. com.ourcompany.webapp.gxt.server.*) to the main server, and the contents that have been compiled and generated by the GWT compiler to the other CDN-like domain?
2) The other big issue we are facing is that the current application is consists of mostly 3 huge modules. One is responsible for "SignIn", the other is for "Webtop", and the third one is "Modules which each users has access to". The latter has been generated on the server due to "access rights" of each users, and obviously could be different from one user to the other.
The only thing I could find on this matter, which might be related is Code Splitting. Although I'm not totally sure if this would be the right solution for this.
We want that the application, on Start Up, checks whether user has been logged in or not. if not, loads the SignIn sets of javascript files (i.e webapp.signin.nocache.js), then after user has entered the correct username/password, unloads this signin file and loads webtop.nocache.js AND modules.nocache.js.
I would be really appreciated if you could help me out.

1) If your GWT app is loaded from a different domain than you have to face the same origin policy. You can not do a xhr to a different domain. You could use the ScriptTagProxy to get around this. But it does not feel very netural.
2) You can use CodeSplitting in order to automatically load a particular part of your application dynamically. All you have to do is to warp your splitt point into an async call.
A detailed compile report gives you a pretty good overview how well code splitting is working.
But CodeSplitting does not unload already loaded code. If its really importend to do so you have to redirect the user to another url in order to load the appropriate user depended module.
Once Javascript code has been loaded and executed its impossible to remove the code from the browsers memory.


How exactly does backend work from a developer perspective?

Theres a ton of videos and websites trying to explain backend vs frontend, but unfortunately none of them explains it in a way that you know how to develop a backend - driven website (at least I haven't found anything good).
So, I wanted to ensure that I understood it and kindly ask you to confirm or correct me on this topic.
I wanted to build Mini - Google. I have a Database containing 1000 stored websites.
Assumption #1:
Everytime I type something into the search bar, the autofill suggestions change. This means, everytime i type, another website / API gets called returning the current autofill suggestions. On a developer site, this means the website e.g. is a Python script which gets called with the current word typed in as a Parameter and is returning all suggestions as e.g. JSON:
// Client Side Script
function ontype(input):
suggestions = get("" + str(input))
Assumption #2:
This also means I could manually call the website containing the Python script, providing a random word and it would always return a JSON containing the autofill suggestions for that word.
Question #1:
If A#1 turns out true but A#2 turns out false, how could I prevent a user from randomly accessing the "API" while still returning results when called by a script?
Assumption #3:
After pressing enter, my website would be called. As reloads everytime searching for a new query (or going to page 2 etc.), I assume, instead of calling an API, when the server gets the client request, it first searches through its database, sorts the results and then returns a whole html as a static webpage:
// Server Side Script
function oncall():
query = getparam("q")
results = searchdatabase(query)
html = buildhtml(results)
return html
Question #2:
Often, I hear (or at least understand it this way) that database and webserver are 2 seperate servers. How would that work? Wouldn't that mean the database server needs to be accessible to the web too (of course it would have security layers etc., but technically it would)? How could I access the database server from the webserver?
Question #3:
Are there, on a technical basis, any other ways to build backend services?
That's it. I would also appreciate any recommendations like videos, websites or others to learn how to technically setup and / or secure backend servers.
Thanks in advance.
For your first question you can yes there is a way to prevent miss use.
What you can do is add identifier to api like Auth token to identify a user and every time a user access the api you can save the count on the server n whenever the count has exceeded a limit within a time span you can reject the call. And the limit can be set in such a way that it doesn't trouble the honest user and punishes the wrong one. There are even more complex and effective methods but this is the basic idea.
For question number to let me explain you a simple concept a database is a very efficient, resourcefull and expensive data storage solution we never want it to be used in a general sense as varible store or something. We always want to access the database in call get the data process the data update the data. So we do it data way and its not necessary you make sepreate server for data base. The thing is we mostly make databse to be accessible to various platforms android, ios, windows. So its better to add some abstraction and keep data base as a separte entity.
For the last, I am not well aware about what you meant by other but I am listing some backend teechnologies, some of these might be used in isolation some of these not some other tools as well.
Djnago rest

Elegant way to detect if GWT application is out of date and auto-refresh browser?

After many support cases we are realizing the biggest problem we have with our GWT-based application is that users are leaving it open for weeks at a time. This means when we do a hotfix every week or two the RPC stubs are out of sync and cause silent exceptions to be thrown making the site look "broken". Does anybody know of a way to auto-detect and avoid this issue? A few ideas I have had are...
On catching an RPC mismatch exception refresh the browser.
When loading the host page inject the version number in source control the build came from, have a status checker/timer that check that the number did not change. When it does reload.
Reload on an arbitrary timer (perhaps twice daily).
Any ideas?
I'd like to present a fourth option.
Create an RPC Proxy and UI Object proxy that all UI requests and RPC requests are routed through. This way whenever this proxy detects that something is out of date it can dynamically load the widget or change it's expected RPC models.
This is pretty how Vaadin does things and it works great. Vaadin is a UI toolkit built on GWT in case you're not aware. We have several long running production applications using this over the last couple of years and we have made some tweaks in their UI Def language (UIDL) to add version mismatch.
This diagram is a good representation of what they do and if you don't want to build something like this yourself I'd of course recommend moving to Vaadin.
Implement security that logs users out after an hour of idle time. Assuming your releases are overnight or on weekends, the users are logging in after the release. No need to refresh the app.
this is viable especially if your site eventually needs users to login.

Recreate a site from a tcpdump?

It's a long story, but I am trying to save an internal website from the pointy hair bosses who see no value from it anymore and will be flicking the switch at some point in the future. I feel the information contained is important and future generations will want to use it. No, it's not some adult site, but since it's some big corp, I can't say any more.
The problem is, the site is a mess of ASP and Flash that only works under IE7 and is buggy under IE8 and 32bit only even. All the urls are session style and are gibberish. The flash objects itself pull extra information with GET request to ASP objects. It's really poorly designed for scraping. :)
So my idea is to do a tcpdump as I navigate the entire site. Then somehow dump the result of every GET into a sql database. Then with a little messing with the host file, redirect every request to some cgi script that will look for a matching get request in the database and return the data. So the entire site will be located in an SQL database in URL/Data keypairs. Flat file may also work.
In theory, I think this is the only way to go about this. The only problem I see is if they do some client side ActiveX/Flash stuff that generates session URLs that will be different each time.
Anyway, I know Perl, and the idea seems simple with the right modules, so I think I can do most of the work in that, but I am open to any other ideas before I get started. Maybe this exist already?
Thanks for any input.
To capture I wouldn't use tcpdump, but either the crawler itself or a webproxy that can be tweaked to save everything, e.g. Fiddler, Squid, or mod_proxy.

GWT Server side entry point

I followed these instructions
There appears to be no entry point function for the server? How do I run background threads or code not related to the rpc services that the server exports?
For example, what if some embedded database needs to be updated every 5 minutes. So then a background thread would fetch this new data to do the updating
GWT is client-side technology and has nothing to do with server-side. You can use any servers-side technology with it. If you use java/servlets then you can optionally use GWT-RPC, which is nice, but not required.
Web applications are based around request-reply paradigm: when there is a request, they handle it and send back the reply. Servlets are designed around this paradigm. They are used at some of the largest sites and are not just a toy (as you noted in other comment).
When you need something to run periodically, then this is usually the job for Job Schedulers. I'd recommend Quartz, which has great documentation. There is also an example how to initialize it in servlet environment.
thats not how web applications are supposed to work. Read
If you want to run some processing when request comes and potentially include some dynamic parts, you can just make your pages to be JSP or servlets. GWT does not need to be used in HTML files. Just the page served by server need to be HTML. So something like server side entry point is either JSP or servlet. Otherwise you need to use PRC. But if you needed to run RPC for every page loaded, you could consider this tip of embedding RPC in the base response.

Connectedness & HATEOAS

It is said that in a well defined RESTful system, the clients only need to know the root URI or few well known URIs and the client shall discover all other links through these initial URIs. I do understand the benefits (decoupled clients) from this approach but the downside for me is that the client needs to discover the links each time it tries access something i.e given the following hierarchy of resources:
If we follow the "Client only need to know the root URI" approach, then a client shall only be aware of the root URI i.e. /collection1 above and the rest of URIs should be discovered by the clients through hypermedia links. I find this cumbersome because each time a client needs to do a GET, say on sub1sub1sub1sub1, should the client first do a GET on /collection1 and the follow link defined in the returned representation and then do several more GETs on sub resources to reach the desired resource? or is my understanding about connectedness completely wrong?
Best regards,
You will run into this mismatch when you try and build a REST api that does not match the flow of the user agent that is consuming the API.
Consider when you run a client application, the user is always presented with some initial screen. If you match the content and options on this screen with the root representation then the available links and desired transitions will match nicely. As the user selects options on the screen, you can transition to other representations and the client UI should be updated to reflect the new representation.
If you try and model your REST API as some kind of linked data repository and your client UI as an independent set of transitions then you will find HATEOAS quite painful.
Yes, it's right that the client application should traverse the links, but once it's discovered a resource, there's nothing wrong with keeping a reference to that resource and using it for a longer time than one request. If your client has the possibility of remembering things permanently, it can do so.
consider how a web browser keeps its bookmarks. You probably have maybe ten or a hundred bookmarks in the browser, and you probably found some of these deep in a hierarchy of pages, but the browser dutifully remembers them without requiring remembering the path it took to find them.
A more rich client application could remember the URI of sub1sub1sub1sub1 and reuse it if it still works. It's likely that it still represents the same thing (it ought to). If it no longer exists or fails for any other client reason (4xx) you could retrace your steps to see if you can find a suitable replacement.
And of course what Darrel Miller said :-)
I don't think that that's the strict requirement. From how I understand it, it is legal for a client to access resources directly and start from there. The important thing is that you do not do this for state transitions, i.e. do not automatically proceed with /foo2 after operating on /foo1 and so forth. Retrieving /products/1234 initially to edit it seems perfectly fine. The server could always return, say, a redirect to /shop/products/1234 to remain backwards compatible (which is desirable for search engines, bookmarks and external links as well).