apple has rejected my iPhone app saying it must run on iPad as well - iphone

I've just submitted my app to review (for the App-Store), and apple has rejected my app, saying the following:
"On iPad, the application displays a
black screen and no content loads.
This review was conducted on iPad
running iOS 3.2.2 as well as iPhone 4
running iOS 4.1. A screenshot has been
attached for your reference. "
am i obligated to create an iPad version of my app? or maybe i've set some property "on" and made apple think i would like the app to work on iPad?
to be more clear,
i want my app to run on iPhone only.
is it possible? and if do, what need to be set (project properties? info.plist?) to mention that the app should run on iPhone only? so that apple will not test it on iPad...
appriciate your help.

Note - this historic QA is 5+ years old.
All issues mentioned in the QA are no longer relevant in iOS development! Enjoy
The problem is almost certainly that you (accidentally) made the app universal.
IF you made it universal, you MUST have both an iPad and iPhone version in there.
If you make the app normal, iPhone only, you do NOT have to (indeed, you can't) have an iPad version in there.
To be clear, Apple are talking about the "ACTUAL" iPad version. Of course, your iPhone app will run using the "blow up mode" on an iPad. Apple are not referring to the "blow up mode."
It is rather silly that in that particular form letter, they do not say something like: ,"You have almost certainly accidentally made your app universal instead of iPhone only" since that is the situation 100% of the time when that happens.
Good luck on waiting another 2 weeks :-/

You do not have to create a specific version of your app for the iPad, however all iPhone apps must also be able to run on the iPad. You might want to try searching google for resources on how to make your app iPad compatible.


Is developing an ipad app mandatory?

I was reading appstore review guideline and I am little confused on this lines:
iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
What does that mean? I have to develop for both iphone and ipad? I want to develop apps just for iphone for now...
It means that your apps should also run on iPad, but you don't have to develop iPad apps.
Just test it on iPad simulator, if it works it should be fine
The key phrase is "at iPhone resolution". In other words, the iPhone app must run successfully in iPhone emulation mode on the iPad. Just about every iPhone app will do that automatically, but they are just making sure that you've made sure.
Looks like new iOS apps might need to run on both.
Although just being able run instead of optimized for iPad is probably good enough.
Duplicate of:
Does all new apps have also to work on iPad to pass the appstore approval process?

Is it mandatory to submit iPad compatible app version

I am about to submit my iPhone app for review.
Was just going through the guidelines for approval on
2.10 iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
What does this mean?
I have not included any iPad feature so far.
Nor I have any graphics for iPad.
I am not intending to release it for iPad.
(not that I want to restrict it, but I never planned it, and I don't think its necessary as far as my app is concerned)
What should I do?
Is it mandatory to make it 'universal' app?
If yes, what should I ensure?
If no, what should I ensure to make sure 2.10 above is met as far as Apple requirements are concerned?
No. As the guidelines say, it must run at iPhone resolution and at 2X iPhone resolution. In other words, in iPad's compatibility mode.
What this means is that you should install your app on iPad and check there's nothing peculiar about it that might make it incompatible in that mode. What it means in practice is not to bother even doing that in most situations: you have to try really hard to make an iPhone app incompatible with iPad.
It is not mandatory to make it universal.
Try downloading and iphone only app and opening it up on an ipad.
It looks like this.
You just to make sure it launches and runs normally on an iPad

Force universal app to run iPhone version on iPad

I've had an iPhone product on iTunes for a while and have superseded it with a universal app which has been met with approval except from one customer who wants to run the iPhone version on his iPad as he preferred the larger inputs and working of the iPhone.
Is there any way to configure the app to run either as native iPad app or iPhone app on iPad at runtime? Seems an odd request but customer is quite insistant.
No way to do that, except making separates versions for iPhone and iPad.
Theoretically, you could have some setting that would load the iPhone storyboard on the iPad, but it would still display full screen, and not in compatibility mode, which is probably the way this particular user wants it
Assuming you are running some sort of source control, you could change the project to be "iPhone Only" and then test on the iPad, then later revert the changes made to make it a Universal app again

How can I publish an iPad app from an existing iPhone codebase?

I have a rock solid iPhone app and wanted to know how I could get an iPad app out through iTunes Connect.
What steps are required in Xcode (or AppCode) to compile the app iPad friendly?
What features (like gps) should I pull from the iPhone code base to prevent strange crashing on the iPad?
How do I link and publish the iPad app in iTunes Connect so users who search see my app with a + sign in the App Store (assuming this means it's iPhone and iPad friendly)?
And finally, what else should I look out for doing this from a single obj-c codebase?
There are two types of porting possible one is universal app (in which a plus sign is shown with your app in itunes) and the other is two device-specific application (in which two targets are created one for iphone and one for ipad and both get released as complete independent apps). Now it depends on you which modal you choose. Yet I ported my apps using the second option as I want user to buy each time for each of his device :). Anyways, solely depends on you, here's a good tutorial for this I haven't came across any such thing which can crash a similar app on the ipad but might there'd be some. Though there are somethings which I came across that the ipad (ipod too) doesn't have any vibrator available, as my iphone app was using vibration to give some indication, so if you're using it you might need to circumvent it with some alternatives plus your app should support the PortraitUpsideDown orientation. It's weird that APPLE rejected my third ipad app due to this after releasing my first two apps with the similar limitation :).

How can I test my iPad app on my actual iPad?

I am developing my first iPad app using the iOS SDK 4 and Xcode 3.2. I have written a simple Hello World and have been able to run it in the iPhone simulator. I would like to figure out:
How can I get an iPad simulator?
Is it possible to test my app on my actual iPad without signing up for a developers license for $99?
There are unoffical ways to get your app onto your device, you have to jailbreak it and install software called AppSync from cydia. This voids your warranty if Apple find out (restoring the device to it's original settings using the restore button in itunes means they can't tell, so jus trestore before you go to an Apple shop) and if they do find out it might prejudice them against you as a developer (but chances are very slim)
(I have no problem giving specific details as the US Government has said that jailbreaking is legal)
The SDK includes an iPad simulator. I don't have my Mac in front of me, but you should be able to choose which device to target when you launch the simulator. You can also switch between iPhone and iPad mode from within the simulator - check the Hardware menu.
Yes, you have to have a paid developer membership to deploy code to your device. That's the only official way.
If you have jailbroken, then install app sync from the repo. Just sync your app in iTunes without signing it. It will work easy as Pi!
This is yet another way to keep flash from getting to iPads, if you could put your own on the device without going through apple then you could also put someone else's. I think it should be allowed, but if something doesn't work on software that isn't officially released it shouldn't be supported by Apple.