Facebook like plugin showing error - facebook

I am using Facebook's "Like Box" social plugin, for which one can get the code here:
However, when I populate the field entitled "Facebook Page URL" with the URL for my Facebook page, I get an error message in place of where the "Like Box" preview should show up. The error message is:
"Could not retrieve id for the specified page. Please verify correct href was passed in."
I've entered the URL exactly as it appears in the address bar when one navigates to my Facebook profile in a browser. Does this have something to do with my privacy settings on Facebook??
Thanks in advance.

You can't add like box for a profile. Have you ever liked any profile on facebook??


Facebook says my Facebook page is not valid and it is

I keep getting this message when I try to add the Like Box to my blog:
The href parameter must reference a valid Facebook page, but "http://www.facebook.com/OneBrownGirl" is not a valid Facebook page.
Since I know my page is valid, what do I do?
This is not a Facebook Page. This is your Facebook Profile.
You can create a Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/create/
From the Facebook Like Box social plugin page: "The Like Box is a social plugin that enables Facebook Page owners to attract and gain Likes from their own website."
Like Box is for Facebook Pages. If you enter a URL value on the Like Box social plugin preview page and the URL does not render a Like Box then a WordPress plugin implementing the Like Box social plugin would be no different.
Facebook has separate profile badges which may be supported by other WordPress plugins.http://www.linkyiwu.com/
Just go to the facebook page you created, then click on setting and on the very bottom of the page you will see facebook page ID. pick the whatever iD for the page and paste where the

Facebook Like Box not working for Facebook profile URL

I've found that the Like Box app for Facebook will not recognise certain pages and profiles. I thought it might have a been a privacy issue buts its not. As it shows pages I have no affiliation with fine enough. But My own personal page and my clients page will show.
clients page is www.facebook.com/scottish.p.drumming
All I see is this error message:
There was an error fetching the like box for the specified page.
Igy is right, the like box can only be used on a facebook page and not on a facebook user profile.
One option would be to convert your user profile to a facebook page. This can be done following the steps on the link below:
When this is in place you can then visit the plugins page and get the code needed for your like box

Facebook App as Page Tab constantly gives an error

I am trying to add a Tab to a Facebook Fan Page.
I registered as a developer, and created an app.
In the upper part I filled out Display Name, Namespace, Contact Email and I selected Apps for Pages as my category.
In the integration part I selected the Page Tab section. Filled out the Page Tab Name, Page Tab URL, Secure Tab URL and selected a Page Tab Image.
Saved everything and noted the App-ID.
When I however logon to facebook using the fan-page-account and call up the URL https://www.facebook.com/dialog/pagetab?app_id=MY_APP_ID&next=www.facebook.com I constantly get an error stating: "An error occurred with DISPLAY_NAME_OF_MY_APP. Please try again later."
What am I doing wrong?
It seems that Facebook has made another change and has not informed anyone. Below is a new link that appears to work. Just replace APP-ID with your application ID.

Like Box will not accept the url for my FB Profile

Im trying to link my facebook profile to my website , but when I put the url into the like box it gives me a message "Could not retrieve ID for the specified page. Please verify correct href was passed in."How can I fix this ?
The Like Box does not work with personal profile page. You need to create a fan page or an app.

I want to open a facebook dialog in an iframe, instead of as a popup

The following code generates a link that when clicked will popup a facebook dialog, and once the user authenticates to facebook, they can share to their wall.
<a href="http://www.facebook.com/dialog/feed?app_id=<APP_ID>&message=<MESSAGE>&caption= <CAPTION>&link=<LINK>&display=popup&redirect_uri=<REDIRECT>" class="share-icon facebook popup" rel='Share via Facebook'></a>
I would like for the same dialog to be generated within my page using an iframe. I attempted to load it like this:
<iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/dialog/feed?app_id=<APP_ID>&message=<MESSAGE>&display=iframe&access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN&redirect_uri=<REDIRECT>&show_error=true&caption=<CAPTION>&link=<LINK>"/>
The popup works fine. But, when I try the Iframe, it loads the following error:
API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
Error Message: redirect_uri is not owned by the application.
Which of course seems wrong, because it's the same redirect_uri in both links.
The end result I want, is the share to be in page, and not be a popup. Any suggestions?
In the app settings (specifically Settings -> Basic -> Basic Info), is the domain of the redirect_uri specified in the "App Domain" field? In general, I get that error when I fail to do that.
(And as to why that might be happening, Facebook treats iframes much more strictly than new windows.)