Facebook says my Facebook page is not valid and it is - facebook

I keep getting this message when I try to add the Like Box to my blog:
The href parameter must reference a valid Facebook page, but "http://www.facebook.com/OneBrownGirl" is not a valid Facebook page.
Since I know my page is valid, what do I do?

This is not a Facebook Page. This is your Facebook Profile.
You can create a Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/create/

From the Facebook Like Box social plugin page: "The Like Box is a social plugin that enables Facebook Page owners to attract and gain Likes from their own website."
Like Box is for Facebook Pages. If you enter a URL value on the Like Box social plugin preview page and the URL does not render a Like Box then a WordPress plugin implementing the Like Box social plugin would be no different.
Facebook has separate profile badges which may be supported by other WordPress plugins.http://www.linkyiwu.com/

Just go to the facebook page you created, then click on setting and on the very bottom of the page you will see facebook page ID. pick the whatever iD for the page and paste where the


Facebook Like Button: Unify a Url & a Facebook Page

In Facebook docs it says:
Can I link the Like button to my Facebook page?
Yes. Simply specify the URL of your Facebook page in
the href parameter of the button.
My problem is that I don't want the Facebook page to be the target of the 'like'.
So currently, the like button on my site attributes the likes to the root domain 'http://example.com/', which is what I want.
This has got many more likes than the facebook page 'http://facebook.com/examplecompage'
Is there a way to make the likes on my facebook page contribute towards the root domain likes?
That is not possible, since they are treated as 2 different objects.
And just to clarify, the documentation on the Facebook developer site is referring to the Like button that you create to be displayed on your site, not the Like button you get on Facebook automatically when you create a page.

Facebook Like Box not working for Facebook profile URL

I've found that the Like Box app for Facebook will not recognise certain pages and profiles. I thought it might have a been a privacy issue buts its not. As it shows pages I have no affiliation with fine enough. But My own personal page and my clients page will show.
clients page is www.facebook.com/scottish.p.drumming
All I see is this error message:
There was an error fetching the like box for the specified page.
Igy is right, the like box can only be used on a facebook page and not on a facebook user profile.
One option would be to convert your user profile to a facebook page. This can be done following the steps on the link below:
When this is in place you can then visit the plugins page and get the code needed for your like box

Add Facebook App to Facebook Page

I created a facebook application in the developers.facebook.com. Then on the basic page under how it integrates with Facebook I select Page Tab. I supplied the information because I'm hosting the page and now I want to display it on my Facebook page.
How can I actually display this application on my facebook page?
Adding as an answer for future reference:
Check http://developers.facebook.com/docs/appsonfacebook/pagetabs and make sure you've added all the fields necessary for the 'Add Page Tab' dialog to work; most likely the dialog will fail with Error 191 if you've included a redirect_uri field with a URL other than the one in your Page Tab Url or Site Url

Like button likes Facebook Auto Created Page rather than my Own Facebook Fanpage

I have an Official Facebook page I've setup for my new company.
I have a like button on my website with the appropriate meta tags related to that website.
But when Someone clicks the "like" button, it "likes" a page on facebook that facebook has automatically created thats not related to my own Facebook Fan Page using the META tags into from my webpage. I am using the iframe code for the like button.
How can I stop this happening? Thanks so much.
On the site you have chosen the Style of your "like" Button you have to put in the Url of your company Facebook page again, if you don't do this you'll get a like-Button for a Facebook page.

Sharing an app that is on a facebook fan page

I have a facebook application that i have added to a facebook fan page, this application has an URL like http://facebook.com/fanPage?sk=app_id. Now i if copy this link and try and share it on the facebook fan page it uses the description/image from the page and not from the application like it want.
Is there any way to change this? The correct meta tags are in place.
yes there is a way, but not directly. facebook always fetches the meta tags of the top page, as your app runs in an iframe its not fetched.
but you can submit a wallpost (as user or as a fanpage) via the api and give alle information you want. (like image, video, description, title, ....)
see http://www.fbrell.com/fb.ui/feed for an example.
An other variant:
You add a canvas app beside your facebook app. (see the app settings) on this page you add the meta tags for the wallposts, and a javascript which redirects to the fanpage like
top.location.href = 'http://www.facebook.com/mypage?sk=app_id'
when ever you want to share you use the canvas app url. Facebooks greper ignores the javascript redirects but read the meta tags. A user clicking the wallpost is automaticly redirected to the fanpage - tab.