Eclipse sharing project option? - eclipse

I just opened my eclipse and was presented with following error:
SVN: '0x00000000: Open Project' operation finished with error: 0x00000000: Unable connect to 'my_project' project.
Please check that SVN meta-information exists and its format is supported by the current SVN plug-in version.
If so, it is possible that project working copy is relocated outside plug-in control.
At the current moment project will be automatically disconnected from source control.
0x00000000: Unable connect to 'my_project' project.
Please check that SVN meta-information exists and its format is supported by the current SVN plug-in version.
If so, it is possible that project working copy is relocated outside plug-in control.
At the current moment project will be automatically disconnected from source control.
I wanted to reconnect the project to SVN and I searched web and found the possible solution is to:
right click on project - > team -> share project
And follow the prompts:
I had 2 options cvs ? svn ? -> I selected svn and clicked next.
select the repository location (use existing repository location). I selected one n clicked next.
However, in the 2 step, it says on the top:
The wizard will help you to share your files with the SVN respository for the first time. Your project will automatically be imported into the SVN repository.
Has anyone tried this to reconnect to SVN repository? I am afraid that is does not starts checking in the project into the location and overwrite the code in repository.
I would only go with the sharing project option if someone is certain that this will not overwrite or check in anything into the repository but only reconnect it.

I tried the same thing. On step 2, it should say:
Project is already configured with SVN repository information.
It will not overwrite or check in anything in this case. Just reconnects.
Your case seems different since it says sharing for the first time. I think it may overwrite.

I had the same issue when I upgraded Eclipse to Juno.
I used Tortoise to upgrade my working copy to SVN 1.7 and then used "Share Project..." in Eclipse and it worked for all my projects.


Eclipse subversion chan't checkout existing project

I had a working kepler eclipse on Ubuntu 13.04, x86_64.
Subversion svn, version 1.7.8.
I had several projects in my workspace.
The actual storage was set up on disk as:
where the different projects where checked out of the subversion repository separately, even though "top" was in the repository, as was top/ProjA, top/ProjB, etc.
I then moved the whole mess to a backup directory and checked out the repository fresh so that each of the project directories were proper subversion subdirectories under top, which is now checked out as a proper subversion directory.
I then copied in the .metadata, .settings, and .project files & directories into the new structure and started eclipse. I get the following message:
SVN: '0x00000000: Open Project' operation finished with error: 0x00000000: Unable connect to 'perl' project.
Please check that SVN meta-information exists and its format is supported by the current SVN plug-in version.
If so, it is possible that project working copy is relocated outside plug-in control.
At the current moment project will be automatically disconnected from source control.
0x00000000: Unable connect to 'perl' project.
Please check that SVN meta-information exists and its format is supported by the current SVN plug-in version.
If so, it is possible that project working copy is relocated outside plug-in control.
At the current moment project will be automatically disconnected from source control.
Which is expected, because the old directory structure had the svn info in each of the project directories, and now it's located higher up in the tree.
However, when I try to reconnect the project (right-click project, Team->Share Project) to the repository, the Share Project Wizard correctly finds the repository path, selects Simple Mode to connect to the correct URL, but I get the message:
Share Project
The Project "perl" already exists in repository and has some content.
To connect the local project to the specified location, the repository
folder content should be checked out. Please consider that applying
local changes can cause resource conflicts..."
Do you wish to proceed?
I click "Yes", and get:
Share project was failed.
svn: E200030: CANTOPEN
Any idea on how to proceed?
Team SVN Connector: SVNKit 1.7.9
Subversion svn, version 1.7.8.
I have this kind of problem. In my case, it seems projects are disconnected if there are some latency to access the file (eg network).
After some investigations, the subversive plugin is no more a production tool, and is no more supported....

Reconnecting a project to SVN in Eclipse

I have a project that has been versioned by SVN for months, but now all of a sudden it seems that Eclipse does not recognize the project as being under version control. In the team menu, I only have Apply Patch... and Share Project...
I tried Share Project as suggested elsewhere, but Eclipse doesn't recognize the project as being under version control.
All the svn dirs exist.
Interestingly, I tried sharing the project to a different repository and I got an error saying that the project was already a working copy for another URL.
Any ideas?
There are a few things that you can try.
If the project is in synch with SVN, probably the easiest way is to delete it and check it out anew.
Otherwise, you can try to delete the project from your workspace (not from disk!) and to re-import it into the workspace.
If that does not work, you can try to use the SVN command line tools, e.g. svn commit, to synchronize your local project with the SVN repository (and check it out anew using Eclipse).
In case the SVN command line tools do not work, there might to be an actual problem with the SVN files. In this case, you could back up your project (with unsynched changes), check out the project from SVN, and use an offline-diff-tool such as diff or meld to carry the changes over to the newly checked-out project.
Try following: Rigth click -> Team->'share projectS' (plural, in singular does not work) in your disconnected project
I cannot reproduce it now in my PC but there appears a option to reconnect to svn -or to connect using svn information that exists in project-. (Just do as you were going to put a new project in svn, it will see the svn info and will asks you to use it)
I hate that problems....
Team > Share project works fine. The disadvantage is SVN supports to share projects one by one rather than many projects at a time.
4 years too late, but for anyone who faces this problem :
If while disconnecting from SVN, the meta-data was erased :
Right click on the project ->
Team -> Share Project -> SVN ->
Use existing repository location -> Next ->
Browse to your project's trunk folder -> OK -> Next ->
Here you will get a commit comment box. Just press Finish ->
A warning sign is displayed in a popup window saying "The project xxx already exists in the repository and has some content. Do you wish to proceed?" ->
Click yes ->
A window will popup showing the progress of prepare commit ->
After completion you will get the actual commit window showing all the resources as modified ->
Click CANCEL here ->
It will connect your local project to SVN and also will not commit anything.
I had better luck with the singular version of 'share project'. Had to manually add 'trunk' to the suggested repository path.

Subeclipse, how to share project with existing trunk

i have a java project already versioned with tortoiseSVN. I just installed subeclipse in eclipse and i would like to manage my file with it.
When i try to share my project (right click on it > Team > share > svn) , i choose "Use existing repository location" and select my repository.
My repository have a common structure trunk/tags/branches. But in subeclipse it said that :
The folder indicated by the URL cannot
already exist
So if i choose the trunk folder (where my source code is) subeclipse display an error because this folder already exist.
How can i handle my existing repository with subeclipse without creating new folders ?
Found a solution ! There were un problem beteween the versions of tortoise and subeclipse. I have updated the both to their last version available and every thing works great !

Using mercurial in eclipse with linked source

I have an android project in my eclipse workspace. However, it uses source imported from another location - I dragged the folder onto the project and selected "Link to files and folders". The sources itself exists in a mercurial repo but the project does not. How can I get eclipse to give me a team menu for mercurial sources, is it possible? (I have installed MercurialEclipse plugin) The only thing I can see it offers me is when I right click the project to create a new mercurial repo which is not what I want.
Thanks in advance
The normal solution would be to reference your second set of source as a subrepo.
But since May 2010, issue 11871 shows that subrepos aren't properly recognized by the MercurialEclipse plugin.
Its target resolution is for MercurialEclipse1.9. We are currently at MercurialEclipse1.7.1.
So the other solution would be to make a separate project, referencing directly (and only) your second set of sources, and setup a "project dependency" between your first project and your second Eclipse project.
That second project would include a second Mercurial repo and could be shared easily with MercurialEclipse.

Associating existing Eclipse project with existing SVN repository

I have an eclipse project on my hard disk, which is a fairly recent check out from an SVN repository. I've imported this project into my Eclipse workspace, and now want to associate it with the SVN repository.
How do I do this? The only options I seem to have under Right-click -> Team is "Share Project", which only seems to allow me to do an initial import.
Edit: Motivation - It's a largish repository, and I don't really want to have to import the whole thing over the network.
Edit 2: There are (for some reason) no .svn dirs in the project. So maybe a fresh import from svn is the only option
Team->Share project is exactly what you need to do. Select SVN from the list, then click "Next". Subclipse will notice the presence of .svn directories that will ask you to confirm that the information is correct, and associate the project with subclipse.
I just wanted to add that if you don't see Team -> Share project, it's likely you have to remove the project from the workspace before importing it back in. This is what happened to me, and I had to remove and readd it to the workspace for it to fix itself. (This happened when moving from dramatically different Eclipse versions + plugins using the same workspace.)
subclipse not showing "share project" option on project context menu in eclipse
I'm asked this question very frequently, if it's smart to use "Share project..." if a eclipse project has been disconnected from it SVN counterpart in the repository. So, I append my answer to this thread.
The SVN-Team option "Share project ..." is totally fine for projects that exist in SVN and in your Eclipse workspace, even if the Eclipse project is missing the hidden .svn configuration. You can still connect them. Eclipse SVN-implementation (Subclipse/Subversive) will verify if the provided SVN http(s) source is populated. If yes, all existing files will be copied and linked (checked out in SVN terms) to your very personal Eclipse workspace.
Word of caution:
Do a backup if you depend on you local files. The SVN implementation may vary its behaviour with every release.
If you have multiple projects encapsulated within each other, make sure you point the SVN path to the correct local path.
I came across the same issue. I checked out using Tortoise client and then tried to import the projects in Eclipse using import wizard. Eclipse did not recognize the svn location. I tried share option as mentioned in the above posts and it tried to commit these projects into SVN. But my issue was a version mismatch. I selected svn 1.8 version in eclipse (I was using 1.7 in eclipse and 1.8.8 in tortoise) and then re imported the projects. It resolved with no issues.
I am using Tortoise SVN client. You can alternativley check out the required project from SVN in some folder. You can see a .SVN folder inside the project. Copy the .SVN folder into the workspace folder. Now remove the project from eclipse and import the same again into eclipse. You can see now the project is now associated with svn
In case of SVN servers you have to creating a central repository with all projects. The contents of the repository can be uploaded with the Team/Share command; in case of the Subversive client it automatically runs a commit after the import, so you can upload your files.
This step cannot be circumvented in any way using a centralized version management system such as SVN.
Try this- Close the project then open it. It links with svn automatically,if project was checked out from valid svn path.