In-memory query: DBSet vs ObjectSet - entity-framework

In-memory query performed by DBSet<T>.Local will also return newly added entities that haven't yet been saved to the database. Is there some functionality that would allow us to perform such an in-memory query on an ObjectSet ( BTW - I know we could use ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries to get similar results)?
Thank you

Local is just advanced wrapper (it is ObservableCollection with all its benefits) around functionality provided by ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries.


EfCore REST-API: For stateless application, should query always be AsNoTracking

REST is stateless and EfCore by default tack entities when queried. I believe EfCore performs better without-track.
In web-api, for any Http_Get, I am using dbContext.Set<TEntity>().AsNoTracking(); to get IQueryable instead of dbContext.Set<TEntity>().AsQueryable();.
However there are cases where I have to track entity, e.g. when updating disconnected entity.
Is it a good approach to query without-track for all Http_GET request?
Yes, it is a good approach to use .AsNoTracking() for read-only queries.
See this documentation entry:
No tracking queries are useful when the results are used in a read-only scenario. They're quicker to execute because there's no need to set up the change tracking information. If you don't need to update the entities retrieved from the database, then a no-tracking query should be used.

When is IEnumerable preferred over IQueryable in Entity Framework?

I understand how IEnumerable and IQueryable works. I just cannot imagine a situation where IEnumerable would be needed in entity framework when working with SQL database. I wonder if I can just discard IEnumerable in EF. Can you provide any useful example that shows IEnumerable could be more useful than IQueryable?
There are three situations that come to mind.
When EF cannot convert your query into a correct SQL statement - so you need to bring the results into memory to complete the computation.
When you need to perform operations that involve operators that do not convert to SQL.
When SQL server is slower at producing the computation than an in-memory calculation. Many times I have found that pulling all the data into memory is quicker than letting SQL to do it.
Provided a data source (as IQueryable) can be queried, then yes, use IQueryable - though you shouldn't be creating IQueryable instances or implementing it yourself, that's what EF is for. You will still need to use IEnumerable as method parameters or return types if you're using EF with external data-sources or other data that isn't queryable itself, such as JOINing an EF table with non-EF data.
For example, you'd have a return type as IEnumerable<T> if the data you're returning isn't queryable because you called AsEnumerable or ToList but you don't want to reveal implementation details - but I'd then prefer IReadOnlyList<T> in that case.

Efficient querying when using DTOs in Breeze

We are using DTOs server side, and have configured a dbcontext using fluent api in order to give breeze the metadata it needs. We map 1:1 to our real database entities, and each DTO contains a simple subset of the real database entity properties.
This works great, but now I need to figure out a way to make queries efficient - i.e. if the Breeze client queries for a single item I don't want to have to create a whole set of DTO objects before I can filter. i.e. I want to figure out a way to execute the filter/sort on the actual entities, but still return DTO objects.
I guess I need to figure out a way to intercept the query execution in order to query my real database entities and return a DTO instead of the real database entity.
Any ideas for how to best approach this?
Turns out that if you use projection in a link statement, e.g.
From PossibleCustomer As Customer
In Customers
Select New CustomerDto With {.Id = PossibleCustomer.Id,
.Name = PossibleCustomer.Name,
.Email = PossibleCustomer.Email}
.. then linq is smart enough to still optimize any queries to the database - i.e. if I query on the linq statement above to filter for a single item by Id, the database is hit with that query for just a single item and a single DTO is created. Pretty clever stuff. This only works if you do a direct projection in the linq statement - if you call off to a function to create your DTO then this won't work.
Just in case others are facing the same scenario, you might want to look at AutoMapper - it can create these projections for you using a model you create just once - avoids all those huge linq statements that are hard to read and validate. The automapper projections (assuming you stick to the simple stuff) still allow the linq to entities magic that ensures you don't have to do table scans when you create your DTOs.

How do I avoid large generated SQL queries in EF when using Include()

I'm using EF (dll version is 4.4) to query against a database. The database contains several tables with course information. When having a look what actually is sent to the db I see a massive, almost 1300 line SQL query (which I'm not going to paste here because of it's size). The query I'm running on the context looks like:
where plans.Code == planCode
select plans).SingleOrDefault();
I want to avoid having to go back to the server when collecting information from each of the related tables but with such a large query I'm wondering if there is there a better way of doing this?
A bit late but, as your data is only changing once a day, look at putting everything you need into an indexed view and place this view in your EF model.
You can usually add the .Include() after the where clause. This means that you're only pulling out information that matches what you want, see if that reduces your query any.
As you are performing an eager loading, so if you are choosing the required entities then its fine. Otherwise you can go with Lazy Loading, but as you specified that you don't want database round trip, so you can avoid it.
I would suggest, If this query is used multiple times then you can use compiled query. So that it will increase the performance.
Go through this link, if you want..
If you're using DbContext, you can use the .Local property on the context to look if your entity is already retrieved and therefore attached to the context.
If the query had run before and your root Plan entities are already attached based on Plan.Code == planId, presumably its sub-entities are also already attached since you did eager loading, so referring to them via the navigation properties won't hit the DB for them again during the lifetime of that context.
This article may be helpful in using .Local.
You may be able to get a slightly more concise SQL query by using projection rather than Include to pull back your referenced entities:
var planAggregate =
(from plan in entities.Plans
let program = plan.Program
let offers = program.Offers
let fees = program.Fees
where plan.Code == planCode
select new {
If you disable lazy loading on your context this kind of query will result in the navigation properties of your entities being populated with the entities which were included in your query.
(I've only tested this on EF.dll v5.0, but it should behave the same on EF.dll v4.4, which is just EF5 on .NET 4.0. When I tested using this pattern rather than Include on a similarly shaped query it cut about 70 lines off of 500 lines of SQL. Your mileage may vary.)

copy records from between two databases using EF

I need to copy data from one database to another with EF. E.g. I have the following table relations: Forms->FormVersions->FormLayouts... We have different forms in both databases and we want to collect them to one DB. Basically I want to load Form object recursively from one DB and save it to another DB with all his references. Also I need to change IDs of the object and related objects if there are exists objects with the same ID in the second database.
Until now I have following code:
Form form = null;
using (var context = new FormEntities())
form = (from f in context.Forms
join fv in context.FormVersions on f.ID equals fv.FormID
where f.ID == 56
select f).First();
var context1 = new FormEntities("name=FormEntities1");
context1.AddObject("Forms", form);
I'm receiving the error: "The EntityKey property can only be set when the current value of the property is null."
Can you help with implementation?
The simplest solution would be create copy of your Form (new object) and add that new object. Otherwise you can try:
Call context.Detach(form)
Set form's EntityKey to null
Call context1.AddObject(form)
I would first second E.J.'s answer. Assuming though that you are going to use Entity Framework, one of the main problem areas that you will face is relationship management. Your code should use the Include method to ensure that related objects are included in the results of a select operation. The join that you have will not have this effect.
Further, detaching an object will not automatically detach the related objects. You can detach them in the same way however the problem here is that as each object is detached, the relationships that it held to other objects within the context are broken.
Manually restoring the relationships may be an option for you however it may be worthwhile looking at EntityGraph. This framework allows you to define object graphs and then perform operations such as detach upon them. The entire graph is detached in a single operation with its relationships intact.
My experience with this framework has been in relation to RIA Services and Silverlight however I believe that these operations are also supported in .Net.
Edit1: I just checked the EntityGraph docs and see that DetachEntityGraph is in the RIA specific layer which unfortunately rules it out as an option for you.
Edit2: Alex Jame's answer to the following question is a solution to your problem. Don't load the objects into the context to begin with - use the notracking option. That way you don't need to detach them which is what causes the problem.
Entity Framework - Detach and keep related object graph
If you are only doing a few records, Ladislav's suggestion will probably work, but if you are moving lots of data, you should/could consider doing this move in a stored procedure. The entire operation can be done at the server, with no need to move objects from the db server, to your front end and then back again. A single SP call would do it all.
The performance will be a lot better which may or may not not matter in your case.