Find sublist using pattern match - scala

I need to find sublist using pattern match, how can I do it?
val list1 = List(2, 3)
val list2 = List(1, "2", list1, "r")
val list3 = list2 match {
case // insert match statement here
case _ => "failed"
assertEquals(list1, list3)
I cannot change given code, I may insert code only here
case // insert match statement here
it is school task (not from work)

You don't want a match, you want a find:
list2.find(_ == list1)
will give you a Some(List(2, 3)) (or a None if it can't be found). To match your code exactly, you'd:
list2.find(_ == list1).getOrElse("failed")
though using Option rather than a possible string is a better way to handle error conditions.
If you really want to use a match, you have to do it recursively:
final def findOrFailed(xs: List[Any], what: Any): Any = xs match {
case x :: rest => if (x == what) x else findOrFailed(rest,what)
case _ => "failed"
(Again, I'd prefer an option, but I've given the string version here.)

Here you go. Just .find for the first list. As you were not clear on which sublist you are looking for I just assumed the first one. Otherwise, you'd have to adjust the predicate used for the find-call.
val list1 = List(2, 3)
val list2 = List(1, "2", list1, "r")
val list3 = list2.find(_.isInstanceOf[List[_]]) match {
case Some(listFound) => listFound
case _ => "failed"
assertEquals(list1, list3) // true
Another "solution":
The question is not clear enough. With a match statement, as Rex pointed out, you're not going to get far. To satisfy only the minimal example above (which may be all the homework requires), you may match the exact list. I.e. you can hardcode that you want exactly the third element of the list. In that case, you can write something like this:
case x :: y :: mylist :: rest => mylist
This makes next to no sense, but solves the required assert, so at best is an exercise to the usage of :: for constructing lists.


Second Element of a List

From the Book programming in Scala I got the following line of code:
val second: List[ Int] => Int = { case x :: y :: _ => y }
//warning: match may not be exhaustive.
It states that this function will return the second element of a list of integers if the list is not empty or nil. Stil this part is a bit awkward to me:
case x :: y :: _
How does this ecxactly work? Does this mathches any list with at least 2 Elements and than return the second? If so can somebody still explain the syntax? I understood that :: is invoked on the right operand. So it could be written as
Still I than don't get why this would return 2
val second: List[ Int] => Int = { case x :: y :: _ => y }
var x = List(1,2)
second(x) //returns 2
In the REPL, you can type:
scala> val list = "a" :: "b" :: Nil
list: List[String] = List(a, b)
which is to be read from right to left, and means take the end of a List (Nil), prepend String "b" and to this List ("b" :: Nil) prepend String a, a :: ("b" :: Nil) but you don't need the parens, so it can be written "a" :: "b" :: Nil.
In pattern matching you will more often see:
... list match {
case Nil => // ...
case x :: xs => // ...
to distinguish between empty list, and nonempty, where xs might be a rest of list, but matches Nil too, if the whole list is ("b" :: Nil) for example, then x="b" and xs=Nil.
But if list= "a" :: "b" :: Nil, then x="a" and xs=(b :: Nil).
In your example, the deconstruction is just one more step, and instead of a name like xs, the joker sign _ is used, indicating, that the name is probably not used and doesn't play a role.
The value second is of function type, it takes List[Int] and returns Int.
If the list has first element ("x"), and a second element ("y"), and whatever comes next (we don't care about it), we simply return the element "y" (which is the second element of the list).
In any other case, the function is not defined. You can check that:
scala> val second: PartialFunction[List[Int], Int] = {
| case x :: y :: _ => y
| }
second: PartialFunction[List[Int],Int] = <function1>
scala> second.isDefinedAt(List(1,2,3))
res18: Boolean = true
scala> second.isDefinedAt(List(1,2))
res19: Boolean = true
scala> second.isDefinedAt(List(0))
res20: Boolean = false
First of all. When you think about pattern matching you should think about matching a structure.
The first part of the case statement describes a structure. This structure may describe one or more things (variables) which are useful to deriving your result.
In your example, you are interested in deriving the second element of a list. A shorthand to build a list in Scala is to use :: method (also called cons). :: can also be used to describe a structure in case statement. At this time, you shouldn't think about evaluation of the :: method in first part of case. May be that's why you are saying about evaluation of _.::(y).::(x). The :: cons operator help us describe the structure of the list in terms of its elements. In this case, the first element (x) , the second element (y) and the rest of it (_ wildcard). We are interested in a structure that is a list with at least 2 elements and the third can be anything - a Nil to indicate end of list or another element - hence the wildcard.
The second part of the case statement, uses the second element to derive the result (y).
More on List and Consing
List in Scala is similar to a LinkedList. You know about the first element called head and start of the rest of the list. When traversing the linked list you stop if the rest of the list is Nil. This :: cons operator helps us visualise the structure of the linked list. Although Scala compile would actually be calling :: methods evaluating from right to left as you described _.::(y).::(x)
As an aside, you might have already noticed that the Scala compiler might be complain that your match isn't exhaustive. This means that this second method would work for list of any size. Because there isn't any case statement to describe list with zero or one element. Also, as mentioned in comments of previous answers, if you aren't interested in first element you can describe it as a wildcard _.
case _ :: y :: _ => y
I hope this helped.
If you see the structure of list in scala its head::tail, first element is treated as head and all remaining ones as tail(Nil will be the last element of tail). whenever you do x::y::_, x will match the head of the list and remaining will be tail and again y will match the head of the next list(tail of first list)
val l = List(1,2,3,4,5)
you can see this list in differnt ways:
and so on
So try matching the pattern. In your question y will give the second element

Scala collect function

Let's say I want to print duplicates in a list with their count. So I have 3 options as shown below:
def dups(dup:List[Int]) = {
println(dup.groupBy(identity).collect { case (x,ys) if ys.lengthCompare(1) > 0 => (x,ys.size) }.toSeq)
println(dup.groupBy(identity).collect { case (x, List(_, _, _*)) => x }.map(x => (x, dup.count(y => x == y))))
println( => (a, dup.count((b:Int) => a == b )) ).filter( (pair: (Int,Int) ) => { pair._2 > 1 } ))
-> For option 2, is there any way to name the list parameter so that it can be used to append the size of the list just like I did in option 1 using ys.size?
-> For option 1, is there any way to avoid the last call to toSeq to return a List?
-> which one of the 3 choices is more efficient by using the least amount of loops?
As an example input: List(1,1,1,2,3,4,5,5,6,100,101,101,102)
Should print: List((1,3), (5,2), (101,2))
Based on #lutzh answer below the best way would be to do the following:
val list: List[(Int, Int)] = dup.groupBy(identity).collect({ case (x, ys # List(_, _, _*)) => (x, ys.size) })(breakOut)
val list2: List[(Int, Int)] = dup.groupBy(identity).collect { case (x, ys) if ys.lengthCompare(1) > 0 => (x, ys.size) }(breakOut)
For option 1 is there any way to avoid the last call to toSeq to
return a List?
collect takes a CanBuildFrom, so if you assign it to something of the desired type you can use breakOut:
import collection.breakOut
val dups: List[(Int,Int)] =
.collect({ case (x,ys) if ys.size > 1 => (x,ys.size)} )(breakOut)
collect will create a new collection (just like map), using a Builder. Usually the return type is determined by the origin type. With breakOut you basically ignore the origin type and look for a builder for the result type. So when collect creates the resulting collection, it will already create the "right" type, and you don't have to traverse the result again to convert it.
For option 2, is there any way to name the list parameter so that it
can be used to append the size of the list just like I did in option 1
using ys.size?
Yes, you can bind it to a variable with #
val dups: List[(Int,Int)] =
.collect({ case (x, ys # List(_, _, _*)) => (x, ys.size) } )(breakOut)
which one of the 3 choices is more efficient?
Calling dup.count on a match seems inefficient, as dup needs to be traversed again then, I'd avoid that.
My guess would be that the guard (if lengthCompare(1) > 0) takes a few cycles less than the List(,,_*) pattern, but I haven't measured. And am not planning to.
Disclaimer: There may be a completely different (and more efficient) way of doing it that I can't think of right now. I'm only answering your specific questions.

Scala lists and splitting

I have a homework assignment that's having us use a list and splitting it into two parts with the elements in the first part are no greater than p, and the elements in the second part are greater than p. so it's like a quick sort, except we can't use any sorting. I really need some tips on how to go about this. I know I'm using cases, but I'm not familiar with how the list class works in scala. below is what I have so far, but in not sure how to go about the splitting of the 2 lists.
def split(p:Int, xs:List[Int]): List[Int] = {
xs match {
case Nil => (Nil, Nil)
case head :: tail =>
First off, you want split to return a pair of lists, so the return type needs to be (List[Int], List[Int]). However, working with pairs and lists together can often mean decomposing return values frequently. You may want to have an auxiliary function do the heavy lifting for you.
For instance, your auxiliary function might be given two lists, initially empty, and build up the contents until the first list is empty. The result would then be the pair of lists.
The next thing you have to decide in your recursive function design is, "What is the key decision?" In your case, it is "value no greater than p". That leads to the following code:
def split(p:Int, xs: List[Int]): (List[Int], List[Int]) = {
def splitAux(r: List[Int], ngt: List[Int], gt: List[Int]): (List[Int], List[Int]) =
r match {
case Nil => (ngt, gt)
case head :: rest if head <= p =>
splitAux(rest, head :: ngt, gt)
case head :: rest if head > p =>
splitAux(rest, ngt, head :: gt)
val (ngt, gt) = splitAux(xs, List(), List())
(ngt.reverse, gt.reverse)
The reversing step isn't strictly necessary, but probably is least surprising. Similarly, the second guard predicate makes explicit the path being taken.
However, there is a much simpler way: use builtin functionality.
def split(p:Int, xs: List[Int]): (List[Int], List[Int]) = {
(xs.filter(_ <= p), xs.filter(_ > p))
filter extracts only those items meeting the criterion. This solution walks the list twice, but since you have the reverse step in the previous solution, you are doing that anyway.

Scala - finding a specific tuple in a list

Let's say we have this list of tuples:
val data = List(('a', List(1, 0)), ('b', List(1, 1)), ('c', List(0)))
The list has this signature:
List[(Char, List[Int])]
My task is to get the "List[Int]" element from a tuple inside "data" whose key is, for instance, letter "b". If I implement a method like "findIntList(data, 'b')", then I expect List(1, 1) as a result. I have tried the following approaches:
data.foreach { elem => if (elem._1 == char) return elem._2 }
data.find(x=> x._1 == ch)
for (elem <- data) yield elem match {case (x, y: List[Bit]) => if (x == char) y}
for (x <- data) yield if (x._1 == char) x._2
With all the approaches (except Approach 1, where I employ an explicit "return"), I get either a List[Option] or List[Any] and I don't know how to extract the "List[Int]" out of it.
One of many ways:
toMap converts a list of 2-tuples into a Map from the first element of the tuples to the second. get gives you the value for the given key and returns an Option, thus you need another get to actually get the list.
Or you can use:
data.find(_._1 == 'b').get._2
Note: Only use get on Option when you can guarantee that you'll have a Some and not a None. See for how to use Option idiomatic.
Update: Explanation of the result types you see with your different approaches
Approach 2: find returns an Option[List[Int]] because it can not guarantee that a matching element gets found.
Approach 3: here you basically do a map, i.e. you apply a function to each element of your collection. For the element you are looking for the function returns your List[Int] for all other elements it contains the value () which is the Unit value, roughly equivalent to void in Java, but an actual type. Since the only common super type of ´List[Int]´ and ´Unit´ is ´Any´ you get a ´List[Any]´ as the result.
Approach 4 is basically the same as #3
Another way is
Or with one intermediate step this is even nicer:
val m = data.toMap
where apply is used implicitly, i.e., the last line is equivalent to
There are multiple ways of doing it. One more way:
scala> def listInt(ls:List[(Char, List[Int])],ch:Char) = ls filter (a => a._1 == ch) match {
| case Nil => List[Int]()
| case x ::xs => x._2
| }
listInt: (ls: List[(Char, List[Int])], ch: Char)List[Int]
scala> listInt(data, 'b')
res66: List[Int] = List(1, 1)
You can try something like(when you are sure it exists) simply by adding type information.
val char = 'b'
data.collect{case (x,y:List[Int]) if x == char => y}.head
or use headOption if your not sure the character exists
data.collect{case (x,y:List[Int]) if x == char => y}.headOption
You can also solve this using pattern matching. Keep in mind you need to make it recursive though. The solution should look something like this;
def findTupleValue(tupleList: List[(Char, List[Int])], char: Char): List[Int] = tupleList match {
case (k, list) :: _ if char == k => list
case _ :: theRest => findTupleValue(theRest, char)
What this will do is walk your tuple list recursively. Check whether the head element matches your condition (the key you are looking for) and then returns it. Or continues with the remainder of the list.

Extract elements from one list that aren't in another

Simply, I have two lists and I need to extract the new elements added to one of them.
I have the following
val x = List(1,2,3)
val y = List(1,2,4)
val existing :List[Int]= => {
if (!y.exists(yInstance =>
yInstance == xInstance))
Result :existing: List[AnyVal] = List((), (), 3)
I need to remove all other elements except the numbers with the minimum cost.
Pick a suitable data structure, and life becomes a lot easier.
scala> x.toSet -- y
res1: scala.collection.immutable.Set[Int] = Set(3)
Also beware that:
if (condition) expr1
Is shorthand for:
if (condition) expr1 else ()
Using the result of this, which will usually have the static type Any or AnyVal is almost always an error. It's only appropriate for side-effects:
if (condition) buffer += 1
if (condition) sys.error("boom!")
retronym's solution is okay IF you don't have repeated elements that and you don't care about the order. However you don't indicate that this is so.
Hence it's probably going to be most efficient to convert y to a set (not x). We'll only need to traverse the list once and will have fast O(log(n)) access to the set.
All you need is
x filterNot y.toSet
// res1: List[Int] = List(3)
also, there's a built-in method that is even easier:
x diff y
(I had a look at the implementation; it looks pretty efficient, using a HashMap to count ocurrences.)
The easy way is to use filter instead so there's nothing to remove;
val existing :List[Int] =
x.filter(xInstance => !y.exists(yInstance => yInstance == xInstance))
val existing = x.filter(d => !y.exists(_ == d))
existing: List[Int] = List(3)