Django paginator and raw SQL - django-pagination

I'm having trouble using djangoś paginator function. In this question i can't find the solution: Django: Paginator + raw SQL query
With Table.object.all() i have no trouble, but with raw sql i receive the error object of type 'RawQuerySet' has no len()
I tried also
num = len(list(ads))
paginator = Paginator(num, 2)
and i receive object of type 'int' has no len(). I tried to print num and it contains the correct number so i don't understand why paginator doesn't like it. Hope someone can help.

Found the solution here:
that means:
paginator = Paginator((list(ads)), 10)


Alternative of SQL LEN() Function in Realm

Is there anything similar to SQL LEN() Function in realm? How can I retrieve something like
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE LEN(CustomerName) = 10;
Using realm in swift, I tried
realm.objects(Customers.self).filter("LEN(CustomerName) == 3")
got this error
Unable to parse function name 'LEN:' into supported selector (LEN:)
Realm does not yet support filtering based on the length of a string property. If this is something you'd like to use, please file an enhancement request on Realm Cocoa's GitHub page.
Maybe you are looking for #count property,
realm.objects(Customers.self).filter("CustomerName.#count == 3")
Check this collection query properties.

Laravel Eloquent query similar to findorfail

I would like to look up and return an object referenced by a different column to that of id.
As far as I know there isn't another method similar to Task::findOrFail($id) but that can reference another field. For example:
Task::findOrFail('column_name' = 'column_data');
I'm currently using
Task::where('tid' , '=', $tid)->first();
Is this possible?
Maybe you can use the firstOrFail() function of Laravel.
Task::where('column_name', '=' ,'column_data')->firstOrFail();

FindBy property in TYPO3 Extbase MVC is not working

I'm unable to run the FindBy magic function property in Extbase MVC
$title=array(0 =>'Books Day');
$each_event is returning an object of type TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\QueryResult .
How do I make this work?
I also tried passing in a string to findByTitle and findByOne. Both don;t work! :(
I'm using TYPO3 6.1 and extension builder.
The last part of those magic functions always needs to be a field in the database. So "title" must be in your model. You might have a field "one" for your object, but I guess you meant findOneByTitle?
The object type QueryResult is correct. You can turn it into an array for debugging purpose for example:
$foo = $query->execute()->toArray();
By the way: check wether your eventRepository is null or not and you could try this to see if it works at all:
$result = $this->myRepository->findAll();
Reference to the QueryResult.
As said in the documentation, it returns a QueryResultInterface|array.
As a consequence you have to loop over the result like this:
foreach($each_event as $single_event) {
If you are sure that it returns only one single value you could also access it by the index 0:

Zend db table find just like fetchRow

I´m using find() to retrieve a value from the database, but It returns an array with the objects, I would like that it return to me just the object like fetchRow returns, is there any change or similar thing to do?
Thanks, and best regard´s.
Well, It was so simple, for those that are in doubt, the solution is:
$db = new News();
$row = $db->find($id)->current();
That´s it, thanks.

Zend Framework how to echo value of SUM query

I created a query for the zend framework, in which I try to retrieve the sum of a column, in this case the column named 'time'. This is the query I use:
$this->timequery = $this->db_tasks->fetchAll($this->db_tasks->select()->from('tasks', 'SUM(time)')->where('projectnumber =' . $this->value_project));
$this->view->sumtime = $this->timequery;
Echoing the query tells me this is right. But I can't echo the result properly. Currently I'm using:
echo $this->sumtime['SUM(time)'];
Returning the following error:
Catchable fatal error: Object of class Zend_Db_Table_Row could not be converted to string in C:\xampp\htdocs\BManagement\application\views\scripts\tasks\index.phtml on line 46
Line 46 being the line with the echo in my view.
I've been searching now for two days on how to figure this out, or achieve the same result in a different way. Tried to serialize the value, but that didn't work either.
Is there somebody who knows how to achieve the total sum of a database column?
Any help is greatly appriciated!
note: Pretty new to zend framework...
Zend_Db has some nice utility methods like fetchAll (which you're using) to fetch different types of data:
fetchAll - for a set of rows
fetchRow - for a single row
fetchOne - for a single cell
Most simply:
$sum = $db->fetchOne('SELECT SUM(time) FROM tasks WHERE project_number = ?', $this->value_project);
You can use Zend_Db_Select with these methods too, like in your question:
//note that the SUM(time) part is passed as a Zend_Db expression, as it is not a column
$select = $this->db_tasks->select()
->from('tasks', new Zend_Db_Expr('SUM(time)'))
->where('projectnumber =' . $this->value_project);
$this->timequery = $this->db_tasks->fetchOne($select);
This works because the Zend_Db_Select object implements a toString method, to produce SQL.
$timequery= $timequeriestb->select(Zend_Db_Table::SELECT_WITH_FROM_PART)
->columns('SUM(time) AS Totaltime')
->where('projectnumber ='. $this->value_project));
The SQL you want is probably:
SELECT SUM(time) AS time_sum FROM tasks ...
Not sure how to do this in Zend. Then:
echo $this->sumtime['time_sum'];