iPhone rotation and full-screen video - iphone

I've encountered a strange issue, which I need help resolving. My app is always run in portrait mode - I explicitly want it to be that way. In one place in the app I have a UIWebView, which works just fine, as expected. This web view is not shown all the time but is dynamically added to the main view and removed based on user actions (i.e. it's only visible when I need it to).
Now, sometimes in this view I may have a youtube video. The WebView simply contains the <iframe> for the youtube embed. When a user clicks on the video preview frame in the webview, a full-screen video viewer is launched to play the video - which is just fine.
However if during the playback the user rotates the phone, the full-screen video player is rotated and the video is played in landscape mode. Now the video is stopped and the user presses "Done" button without rotating the phone back to portrait mode, the video player is closed and the user returns to my app - however now my layout is also rotated! Not just the video view, but the entire layout - with toolbar, navigation controller, etc.
I don't want any rotation! I just want everything in my app to remain in portrait mode! Moreover, now even if the phone is rotated back to portrait, the app stays in landscape mode.
Note that I only tested this in a simulator so far, as I currently don't have a physical phone to test. I created a simple (bad quality!) video (just filmed the simulator on my screen with an old phone camera) to demonstrate the issue - the video is here: http://shchuka.com/hosting/rotation_problem.mp4
Any ideas what I can do about it?

Add this in, or change it:
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation {
return (UIInterfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait);
That will prevent all rotation and the app will only work in portrait mode. You can place the return statement within IF statements to allow rotation under certain circumstances.

I sometimes add views to the appDelegate window when I want them to be above everything else, and an annoying side-effect has been that I have to explicitly call my own rotation code as there is no VC as such to deal with it. On the plus side, it might mean that it could be ideal for your needs -
[[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] window] addSubview:myWebView];
...depending on your app's orientation, etc, before you load the view in the first place, you might need to rotate the webView before displaying it.


iPhone Game Landscape Orientation Issue

I am trying to make a simple iPhone game and I need the game to be in landscape mode. I can get the initial view to be landscape, but if remove the initial view and replace it with a new view (going from Main Menu to Game Screen) the new view is now in portrait mode. Also, if I switchback to the first view (removing the game screen and then creating the new menu view) the view is still in portrait mode. I have the Info.plist file set up correctly to initialize with landscape right and I have the GameViewController.m file set up with the following code:
-(BOOL) shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:
return (interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight);
I have read many postings about people having troubles with setting up the landscape orientation, but they always seem to be about the initial load of the app (only displaying one view). I can't seem to find any solutions for this problem. Can someone help me?
You have stumbled on to
one of the most famous bugs on the platform!
Congratulations for spotting it! Here:
iPhone app in landscape mode, 2008 systems
be sure to read the paragraph that begins: "An important reminder of the ADDITIONAL well-known problem at hand here......." !!
It gives you the solution, which is used in all apps.
Make sure that all the view controllers that are visible on screen support the landscape orientation. I would recommend, in your shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation, to return UIInterfaceOrientationIsIsLandscape(interfaceOrientation); instead of your code. This will ensure that both landscape orientation will work. Can you share a bit more how you are switching from the main menu to the game screen?

iPhone, playing a movie in landscape but return to portrait when movie is complete

Total Objective-C/XCode N00b here but I am attempting something, which I assume is simple. I have an app that is written for the iPhone, I don't allow auto orientation and only have the main interface locked into portrait. When the user plays a video in the app I would like to allow them to auto rotate the device from portrait and watch it in landscape (should they choose to do so, I don't want to force this). Once the user presses "Done", I would like to force them back into portrait (even if they are holding the device in landscape) as the interface is only laid out in that orientation.
I've tried using the MPMoviePlayerController and MPMoviePlayerViewController and I am not sure which will give me the leverage/methods I need. I am basically just looking to allow shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation to return yes only when the MPMoviePlayerController view is visible.
Any help MUCH appreciated. Thanks.
I used this code example and it worked perfectly. I think you'll have to set the orientation in the super class.

Photo Picker app has same issue!

This is related to my previous thread, but opened a new one here as it involves Apple's own sample code.
Open the sample code and modify the app so it will display in landscape and add a textfield to the view.
Run the app and open the image picker, select an image and you will be returned to the previous screen in landscape as you would expect.
Now tap the text field and see the keyboard scroll into view....in portrait mode?
This happens on the iPad not the iPhone, what gives????
link text
I have found the answer on this forum :-)
"The keyboard will show up in the orientation of the statusbar, which doesn't always change with rotations for some reason. So if you want to display that view only in landscape set [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation = UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft; or whichever orientation you want to prefer in your viewWillAppear method."
Although why it does not do this on the iPhone ????

UIImagePickerController differences from iPhone and iPad woes

I have an app designed for iPhone that makes use of the UIImagePickerController.
The app run in landscape only up until the image picker comes into view in its default portrait.
Problem 1:
On the iPhone when I rotate the device to portrait to view the image library the image picker view seems to do a flip as if rotating from landscape to portrait?
Problem 2:
I get the dreaded warning Using two-stage rotation animation. To use the smoother single-stage animation, this application must remove two-stage method implementations.
Problem 3.
on the iPad when selecting an image the image picker is dismissed and the view is back in landscape but ...... if I then do anything that requires alert view or the keyboard they appear as if the device is in portrait? This does not happen on the iPhone???
I know problem 2 is a long running issue but please can anyone help with problems 1 & 3?
number 3 resolved :-)
"The keyboard will show up in the orientation of the statusbar, which doesn't always change with rotations for some reason. So if you want to display that view only in landscape set [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation = UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft; or whichever orientation you want to prefer in your viewWillAppear method."

Can you tell which image the iPad has displayed at app launch? (or, I'd like to know the orientation if possible)

There are a number of similar questions on this site about discovering the orientation of the device in applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions being problematic, but I've yet to find a working solution. The problem I have is that I am adding a full screen image (identical to the currently chosen Default-XXX.png being displayed by the OS to my main window. I do this in order to have an animation happen from the 'splash screen' to my first view controller's view.
Works great, except the device keeps telling me that it is portrait mode - meaning I can't match the image being displayed consistently, since I have different graphics for each orientation)
My understanding is that all apps default to portrait orientation until a rotation occurs inside the app (usually when presenting a viewController) but I'm not 100% convinced.
You should be able to solve this using a view controller. When the application has finished launching, present a view controller in the window. Override the shouldAutorotate… query so that the controller autorotates to portrait/landscape and when you receive one of the rotation callbacks, update the image in the view accordingly. The controller will start up in portrait, but if the device is in some other orientation, the rotation callback will immediately follow and you will get the correct image.
P.S. You might find the Orientation Zoo project helpful when debugging this.