UIImagePickerController differences from iPhone and iPad woes - iphone

I have an app designed for iPhone that makes use of the UIImagePickerController.
The app run in landscape only up until the image picker comes into view in its default portrait.
Problem 1:
On the iPhone when I rotate the device to portrait to view the image library the image picker view seems to do a flip as if rotating from landscape to portrait?
Problem 2:
I get the dreaded warning Using two-stage rotation animation. To use the smoother single-stage animation, this application must remove two-stage method implementations.
Problem 3.
on the iPad when selecting an image the image picker is dismissed and the view is back in landscape but ...... if I then do anything that requires alert view or the keyboard they appear as if the device is in portrait? This does not happen on the iPhone???
I know problem 2 is a long running issue but please can anyone help with problems 1 & 3?

number 3 resolved :-)
"The keyboard will show up in the orientation of the statusbar, which doesn't always change with rotations for some reason. So if you want to display that view only in landscape set [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation = UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft; or whichever orientation you want to prefer in your viewWillAppear method."


iPhone App on iPad not responding to touch at first start

If my iPhone App (not universal) starts in landscape mode on my iPad (3rd gen) it does not respond to any touch until I either press the 1x/2x Button or change the orientation. After that it works as normal.
If I start it on my iPhone 5 in landscape mode, it works like a charm.
shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation gives a YES in every View, so I think that's not the problem here.
The first View is a tabbar-view.
I have the same problem too on my iPad mini with iOS6.0.1.
What I do to solve the problem is to set the Supported interface orientations to all off in the info.plist.
Next, add the Supported interface orientations (iPad) in info.plist and only add the Potrait (bottom home button) in it.
It should make no difference to the apps orientation provided that you set it properly in the view controller.
Also, make sure you set a correct initial interface orientation.
It then solves my problem.
The above answers are a bit difficult, especially when using Xamarin. This answer does work:
from another question:
iphone app doesn't respond after starting in landscape orientation on iPad
The comment of Daniel Sandland did solve it for me:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:NO withAnimation:UIStatusBarAnimationNone];
in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions,
(the C# variant for Xamarin)
I think this can be the problem of positioning of UI controls present on your screen.
The controls might be having auto positioning parameters (in XIB) may have been set in such way that the controls goes out of screen.
Try to correct resizing parameters in XIB.

Forcing keyboard and sub-view orientation on iOS (iPad / iPhone)

We are just putting user input into our game so the user can enter email address etc. The entire game is Gl with no iOS UI at all. The EAGLView does not change orientation, it is always in portrait, however the game is in landscape and we handle this with a camera transform.
We want to bring up the iOS keyboard and overlay a UITextView for the text input. The UITextView is a subview of the EAGLView. Obviously it, and the keyboard, shows up in portrait as the EAGLView is in portrait.
Without having to change the EAGLView to landscape is there any way I can force the UITextView and the keyboard to show up in landscape orientation?
If I do change the orientation of the EAGLView to landscape to get this working, is there any hit on performance? I have read several times that orienting a GL view in anything other than the default portrait view will give a performance hit, although I can't find any solid evidence of this.
We think we have come up with a solution for this. We are doing two things, one for the keyboard and the other for the UITextView.
For the keyboard we are setting the status bar orientation. The keyboard follows when set.
[UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation = UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight;
And to get the UITextView to orient correctly we apply a transform to subviews of our EAGLView, which in this case is only the UITextView, as follows.
CGAffineTransform aTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(M_PI / 2);
[glView UpdateSubViewTransforms:aTransform];
This literally adds a 90 degree rotation to the view.
This has been tested on iPad & iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3, and on iPhone 3G with iOS 3.13.

Photo Picker app has same issue!

This is related to my previous thread, but opened a new one here as it involves Apple's own sample code.
Open the sample code and modify the app so it will display in landscape and add a textfield to the view.
Run the app and open the image picker, select an image and you will be returned to the previous screen in landscape as you would expect.
Now tap the text field and see the keyboard scroll into view....in portrait mode?
This happens on the iPad not the iPhone, what gives????
link text
I have found the answer on this forum :-)
"The keyboard will show up in the orientation of the statusbar, which doesn't always change with rotations for some reason. So if you want to display that view only in landscape set [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation = UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft; or whichever orientation you want to prefer in your viewWillAppear method."
Although why it does not do this on the iPhone ????

iphone - programmatically rotate system keyboard to landscape when device is in portrait orientation

I would like to do this because the keyboard buttons are slightly bigger in landscape mode than portrait and I will have older users using my app.
Does anybody know a way to do it??
The keyboard will show up in the orientation of the statusbar, which doesn't always change with rotations for some reason. So if you want to display that view only in landscape set [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation = UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft; or whichever orientation you want to prefer in your viewWillAppear method.

UIDEVICE orientation

hello all i have my splash screen which i want to show in landscape mode and all other screen in potrait mode. My root view controller is acting as a splash screen i am writing this code in viewdidload method
[[UIDevice currentDevice] setOrientation:UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight];
But this code is not working and shows me that UIdevice may not respond to setorentation please guide me that how could i change the orentation for only first splash screen and also other screen should be in potrait mode
UIDeviceOrientation refers to the physical orientation of the device whereas UIInterfaceOrientation refers to the orientation of the user interface. You can't change the physical orientation of the device, but you can change how the status bar is displayed via [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation
Can't you just have a splash screen that is displayed sideways?
The user will interpret that as a "landscape" splash and adjust accordingly, whether or not your application actually thinks it is. Just make sure to return NO in shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: so it doesn't rotate away when the user turns it.
But a warning: it's probably worthwhile to tweak your splash screen so it is in the portrait orientation, since it may be annoying to suggest to the user that your app likes landscape, and then switch to portrait as soon as it actually starts.
If you really want to, though, you can use setStatusBarOrientation:animated: on the UIApplication to force the orientation.