Using variable names from a table in Matlab - matlab

I have written a small model in Matlab. This model analyses several supply nodes to meet the required amount of demand, in a demand node. Supply nodes are specified in a vector, in which for each timestep the available supply is given.
To meet the demand, supply nodes are analysed subsequently whether they can meet the demand, and the fluxes from the supply nodes to the demand node are updated accordingly. This analysis now uses a fixed order, which is defined by the script code. In pseudocode:
for timestep=1:end
if demand(timestep) > supply_1(timestep)
supply_1_demand(timestep) = supply_1(timestep)
supply_1_demand(timestep) = demand(timestep)
if remaining_demand(timestep) > supply_2(timestep)
supply_2_demand(timestep) = supply_2(timestep)
supply_2_demand(timestep) = demand(timestep)
# etcetera, etcetera
However, this order in which the supply nodes are analysed must be varied. I would like to read this order from a table, where the order of analysis is given by the order in which they are presented in the table. Thus, the table can look like this
1 supply_4
2 supply_1
3 supply_5
# etcetera
Is there a way of reading variable names from such a table? Preferably, this would be without using eval, as this is very slow (as I've heard), and the model will be extended to quite a lot of nodes and fluxes.

Maybe you can use structures:
supply.(varNames{1}) = 3; %%% set a variable by name
display(supply.(varNames{1})) %%% get value by name
ans =


Merge single cell data objects

I have count matrices from the rhapsody platform that I turn into a singlecellobject using the function SingleCellExperiment.
I have multiple samples running over 2 batches that I'm merging using the scMerge function (without correction).
when merging samples from the same dataset it only merges identical genes that are present in the single (non-merged) datasets which makes me to drop from 25k to 10k unique genes.
Is there a way to circumvent this issue? Or do you think it would not affect downstream analysis since these genes will anyways be dropped after merging the two badges with Harmony?
the code I used for merging is the following
sce_list_batch1 <- list((S1), (S2), (S3), (S4), (S5), (S6))
sce_batch1<- sce_cbind(sce_list_batch1, method = "intersect", exprs = c("counts"), colData_names = TRUE)
so I noticed it adds a batch correction by default. I have now added the piece cut_off_batch = 0 and it now includes all the genes

Split a Matlab table in several tables dynamically

I am working in MATLAB and I did not find yet a way to split a table T in different tables {T1,T2,T3,...} dynamically. What I mean with dynamic is that it must be done based on some conditions of the table T that are not known a priori. For now, I do it in a non-dynamic way with the following code (I hard-code the number of tables I want to have).
%% Separate data of table T in tables T1,T2,T3
starting_index = 1;
T1 = T(1:counter_simulations(1),:);
starting_index = counter_simulations(1)+1;
T2 = T(starting_index:starting_index+counter_simulations(2)-1,:);
starting_index = starting_index + counter_simulations(2);
T3 = T(starting_index:starting_index+counter_simulations(3)-1,:);
Any ideas on how to do it dynamically? I would like to do something like that:
for (i=1:number_of_tables_to_create)
T{i} = ...
EDIT: the variable counter_simulations is an array containing the number of rows I want to extract for each table. Example: counter_simulations(1)=200 will mean that the first table will be T1= T(1:200, :). If counter_simulations(2)=300 the first table will be T1= T(counter_simulations(1)+1:300, :) and so on.
I hope I was clear.
Should I use cell arrays instead of tables maybe?
For the example you give, where counter_simulations contains a list of the number of rows to take from T in each of the output tables, MATLAB's mat2cell function actually implements this behaviour directly:
T = mat2cell(T,counter_simulations);
While you haven't specified the contents of counter_simulations, it's clear that if sum(counter_simulations) > height(T) the example would fail. If sum(counter_simulations) < height(T) (and so your desired output doesn't contain the last row(s) of T) then you would need to add a final element to counter_simulations and then discard the resulting output table:
counter_simulations(end+1) = height(T) - sum(counter_simulations);
T = mat2cell(T,counter_simulations);
T(end) = [];
Whether this solution applies to all examples of
some conditions of the table T that are not known a priori
you ask for in the question depends on the range of conditions you actually mean; for a broad enough interpretation there will not be a general solution but you might be able to narrow it down if mat2cell performs too specific a job for your actual problem.

How to do recursive calculation in SPSS Modeler

If I want to compute a value that relies on the previous one (Recursive functions) how can I do it in SPSS ? Example:
Q0 = 0
Qn = Q(n-1) + Constant
If by "... the previous one ..." you mean the value of the same field (or a different field) for the previous record, you can use the #OFFSET(FIELD, EXPR) function.
The function allows you to access values from records other than the current one based on a relative reference.
After many research I couldn't find any way to do recursive function with SPSS Modeler. The only work around is to use R Transform node within SPSS. HTH.
Depending on what you need to do, you can either chain many derive nodes or refer to the previous value in a column after sorting them.
I started with creating a domain context for the stream data flow (iterations) with a simple csv source file with records keeping one field N (range from 1 to 100), just to limit the example. Then I connected this data source with a derive node that defines the variable field Q:
if not(#NULL(#OFFSET(N,1))) then #OFFSET(Q,1) + 2 else 0 endif
Here I used the value 2 for the Constant in the example above. I see this being a recursive function and it relies on the OFFSET just as Kenneth suggested above.

Titan - Cassandra: Process entire set of vertices of a given type without running out of memory

I'm new to Titan and looking for the best way to iterate over the entire set of vertices with a given label without running out of memory. I come from a strong SQL background so I am still working on switching my way of thinking away from SQL-type thinking. Let's say I have 1 million profile vertices. I would like to iterate over each one and perform some type of statistical analysis of the information linked to each profile. I don't really care how long the entire analysis process takes, but I need to iterate over all of the profiles. In SQL I would do SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE, using a scroll-sensitive result, fetch the next result, grab and process the info linked to that row, then fetch the next result. I also don't care if the result is real-time accurate as it is just for gathering general stats, so if a new profile is added during iteration and I miss it, that's ok.
Even if there is a way to grab all the values for a given property, that would probably work too because then I could go through that list and grab each vertex by its ID for example.
I believe titan does lazy loading so you should be able to just iterate over the whole graph:
GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> it = graph.traversal().V();
Vertex v =
//Do what you want here
Another option would be to use the range step so that you explicitly choose the range of vertices you need. For example:
List<Vertex> vertices = graph.traversal().V().range(0, 3).toList();
//Do what you want with your batch of vertices.
With regards to getting vertices of a specific type you can query vertices based on their internal properties. For example if you have and internal property "TYPE" which defined the type you are interested in. You can query for those vertices by:
graph.traversal().V().has("TYPE", "A"); //Gets vertices of type A
graph.traversal().V().has("TYPE", "B"); //Gets vertices of type B

How to join multiple Matlab tables stored in a structure

I have a multiple tables stored in a structure. I would like to merge all of them. The number of rows are not the same but the number of columns are the same. The common key is always in the first column.
For two tables it's easy to do the join but it's a little bit tricky with multiple ones. How can I achieve this.
Best thing I can think of is to poll your current workspace and see what variables currently exist. Then, for each variable, if it's a structure, concatenate this onto a larger structure. When you're done, you'll have one large structure that contains all of these combined. This will require the use of whos and unfortunately eval:
%// Larger structure initialization
largeStruct = [];
%// Get all variable names currently in workspace
vars = whos;
%// For each variable...
for ii = 1 : numel(vars)
%// If this is a structure, and if the variable is not any of
%// the current structure, the automatic variable answer and
%// the current variable storing our variable names...
if strcmpi(vars(ii).class, 'struct') && ~any(strcmpi(vars(ii).name, {'largeStruct', 'ans', 'vars'}))
%// Concatenate to the larger structure
largeStruct = eval(['[largeStruct ' vars(ii).name '];']);
BTW, using eval is considered bad practice. I had to use it because of your current state of the workspace. Consider using a single structure that stores all of these nested structures where the fields are the actual variable names themselves... something like stock.stockQuotes_070715, stock.stockQuotes_070815, etc. If you did it this way, we wouldn't have had to use eval to begin with.
I would poll the workspace, put all the datasets in a cell array, use cellfun to convert to tables, and then use a recursive outerjoin function like this:
tablecell = {Table1, Table2, Table3, ...}
tables = outerjoinmultiple(tablecell)
function table = outerjoinmultiple(tables)
if size(tables, 2) == 1
table = tables{1};
t2 = outerjoinmultiple(tables(2:end));
table = outerjoin(tables{1}, t2, 'MergeKeys', true);