How to join multiple Matlab tables stored in a structure - matlab

I have a multiple tables stored in a structure. I would like to merge all of them. The number of rows are not the same but the number of columns are the same. The common key is always in the first column.
For two tables it's easy to do the join but it's a little bit tricky with multiple ones. How can I achieve this.

Best thing I can think of is to poll your current workspace and see what variables currently exist. Then, for each variable, if it's a structure, concatenate this onto a larger structure. When you're done, you'll have one large structure that contains all of these combined. This will require the use of whos and unfortunately eval:
%// Larger structure initialization
largeStruct = [];
%// Get all variable names currently in workspace
vars = whos;
%// For each variable...
for ii = 1 : numel(vars)
%// If this is a structure, and if the variable is not any of
%// the current structure, the automatic variable answer and
%// the current variable storing our variable names...
if strcmpi(vars(ii).class, 'struct') && ~any(strcmpi(vars(ii).name, {'largeStruct', 'ans', 'vars'}))
%// Concatenate to the larger structure
largeStruct = eval(['[largeStruct ' vars(ii).name '];']);
BTW, using eval is considered bad practice. I had to use it because of your current state of the workspace. Consider using a single structure that stores all of these nested structures where the fields are the actual variable names themselves... something like stock.stockQuotes_070715, stock.stockQuotes_070815, etc. If you did it this way, we wouldn't have had to use eval to begin with.

I would poll the workspace, put all the datasets in a cell array, use cellfun to convert to tables, and then use a recursive outerjoin function like this:
tablecell = {Table1, Table2, Table3, ...}
tables = outerjoinmultiple(tablecell)
function table = outerjoinmultiple(tables)
if size(tables, 2) == 1
table = tables{1};
t2 = outerjoinmultiple(tables(2:end));
table = outerjoin(tables{1}, t2, 'MergeKeys', true);


Split a Matlab table in several tables dynamically

I am working in MATLAB and I did not find yet a way to split a table T in different tables {T1,T2,T3,...} dynamically. What I mean with dynamic is that it must be done based on some conditions of the table T that are not known a priori. For now, I do it in a non-dynamic way with the following code (I hard-code the number of tables I want to have).
%% Separate data of table T in tables T1,T2,T3
starting_index = 1;
T1 = T(1:counter_simulations(1),:);
starting_index = counter_simulations(1)+1;
T2 = T(starting_index:starting_index+counter_simulations(2)-1,:);
starting_index = starting_index + counter_simulations(2);
T3 = T(starting_index:starting_index+counter_simulations(3)-1,:);
Any ideas on how to do it dynamically? I would like to do something like that:
for (i=1:number_of_tables_to_create)
T{i} = ...
EDIT: the variable counter_simulations is an array containing the number of rows I want to extract for each table. Example: counter_simulations(1)=200 will mean that the first table will be T1= T(1:200, :). If counter_simulations(2)=300 the first table will be T1= T(counter_simulations(1)+1:300, :) and so on.
I hope I was clear.
Should I use cell arrays instead of tables maybe?
For the example you give, where counter_simulations contains a list of the number of rows to take from T in each of the output tables, MATLAB's mat2cell function actually implements this behaviour directly:
T = mat2cell(T,counter_simulations);
While you haven't specified the contents of counter_simulations, it's clear that if sum(counter_simulations) > height(T) the example would fail. If sum(counter_simulations) < height(T) (and so your desired output doesn't contain the last row(s) of T) then you would need to add a final element to counter_simulations and then discard the resulting output table:
counter_simulations(end+1) = height(T) - sum(counter_simulations);
T = mat2cell(T,counter_simulations);
T(end) = [];
Whether this solution applies to all examples of
some conditions of the table T that are not known a priori
you ask for in the question depends on the range of conditions you actually mean; for a broad enough interpretation there will not be a general solution but you might be able to narrow it down if mat2cell performs too specific a job for your actual problem.

Do MATLAB tables remove the need for dictionaries?

MATLAB tables let you index into any column/field using the row name, e.g., MyTable.FourthColumn('SecondRowName'). Compared to this, dictionaries (containers.Map) seem primitive, e.g., it serves the role of a 1-column table. It also has its own dedicated syntax, which slows down the thinking about how to code.
I'm beginning to think that I can forget the use of dictionaries. Are there typical situations for which that would not be advisable?
TL;DR: No. containers.Map has uses that cannot be replaced with a table. And I would not choose a table for a dictionary.
containers.Map and table have many differences worth noting. They each have their use. A third container we can use to create a dictionary is a struct.
To use a table as a dictionary, you'd define only one column, and specify row names:
T = table(data,'VariableNames',{'value'},'RowNames',names);
Here are some notable differences between these containers when used as a dictionary:
Speed: The struct has the fastest access by far (10x). containers.Map is about twice as fast as a table when used in an equivalent way (i.e. a single-column table with row names).
Keys: A struct is limited to keys that are valid variable names, the other two can use any string as a key. The containers.Map keys can be scalar numbers as well (floating-point or integer).
Data: They all can contain heterogeneous data (each value has a different type), but a table changes how you index if you do this (T.value(name) for homogeneous data, T.value{name} for heterogeneous data).
Syntax: To lookup the key, containers.Map provides the most straight-forward syntax: M(name). A table turned into a dictionary requires the pointless use of the column name: T.value(name). A struct, if the key is given by the contents of a variable, looks a little awkward: S.(name).
Construction: (See the code below.) containers.Map has the most straight-forward method for building a dictionary from given data. The struct is not meant for this purpose, and therefore it gets complicated.
Memory: This is hard to compare, as containers.Map is implemented in Java and therefore whos reports only 8 bytes (i.e. a pointer). A table can be more memory efficient than a struct, if the data is homogeneous (all values have the same type) and scalar, as in this case all values for one column are stored in a single array.
Other differences:
A table obviously can contain multiple columns, and has lots of interesting methods to manipulate data.
A stuct is actually a struct array, and can be indexed as S(i,j).(name). Of course name can be fixed, rather than a variable, leading to S(i,j).name. Of the three, this is the only built-in type, which is the reason it is so much more efficient.
Here is some code that shows the difference between these three containers for constructing a dictionary and looking up a value:
% Create names
names = cell(1,100);
for ii=1:numel(names)
names{ii} = char(randi(+'az',1,20));
name = names{1};
% Create data
values = rand(1,numel(names));
% Construct
M = containers.Map(names,values);
T = table(values.','VariableNames',{'value'},'RowNames',names);
S = num2cell(values);
S = [names;S];
S = struct(S{:});
% Lookup
% Timing lookup
Timing results (microseconds):
M: 16.672
T: 23.393
S: 2.609
You can go simpler, you can access structs using string field:
% define
mydata.('vec')=[2 4 1];
% get
value1=mydata.(select1); %method 1
value2=getfield(mydata,select2) %method 2

How can I programmatically group table column variables MATLAB?

If I create a table with:
t = table(magic(3));
I get a table with a Singular Variable Name
However if I:
a = magic(3);
T = array2table(a);
Then I get a table with Three Variable Names:
If I try to group the columns by sending it only one variable name for the table:
T.Properties.VariableNames = {'OneName'};
The VariableNames property must contain one name for each variable in the table.
In the second situation, there is an option to combine the columns into one column manually by highlighting the columns and right clicking on the mouse.
How can I programmatically group the three variables to become one Variable as in the first example if I already created the matrix a ?
*as in the first example if I already created the table a ?
I am using R2017b
Based on the comment below, I am asking how to do mergevars prior to R2018a.
In the above example, I would be able to group them into one variable with:
t = table(a);
In other words, I hoped to create multiple multicolumn variables. In other-other words, to do mergevars prior to R2018a.
Once the table T has been created with a variable name for each column, the column values could be extracted, and then assigned back to T:
b = T{:, 1:2};
c = T{:, 3};
T = table(b, c);

Matlab: data from cell matrix to struct. How can I to organize my data with keys?

Let me suppose I'm facing some data obtained a by SQL database query as below (of course my real case is bigger, thoudans of rows and many columns).
key_names header1 header2 header3
key1 a 1 bar
key2 b 2 foo
key3 c 3 bla
My goal is to organize data in Matlab (at work I must use it) in a smart and effecient way to get the following results:
Access data by key obtaining the whole row, like dataset(key, :)
Access data by key plus header getting back a single value dataset.header(key)
If possible, getting a whole column (for all keys).
First of all, I used the dataset class provided by the Statistic Toolbox because it has all these features, but I decided to move away because it is really slow (from what I got, basically it is a wrapper onto cell arrays): the bottleneck of my code was getting the data instead of performing computations. In fact, I read that is better trying to avoid it as much as possible.
The newer class table looks more efficient but still not very much: from what I have understood, it is the new version of dataset as explained in the official documentation.
I considered also using containers.Map but it looks not to have the access by both key and column.
Therefore, struct seems to be the best choice as it is really fast and it has all the features I'm looking for.
So here my questions:
Did someone face my same problem? Which way to organize data is the best one?
Let me suppose struct is the best. How can I efficiently create and fill a structure like this: mystruct.key.header?
I'd like to get something like this:
ans = a
Of course I could loop but there must be a better way. I documented in this good starting point but the struct is created empty:
fn1 = {'a', 'b', 'c'}; %first level
fn2 = {'d', 'e', 'f'}; %second level
s2 = cell2struct(cell(size(fn2(:))),fn2(:));
s = cell2struct(repmat({s2},size(fn1(:))),fn1(:))
In the cell2struct documentation all the examples do not rename all the levels. The deal help is a good way to fill the data (depending on the Matlab version as from 7.0 it was substituted with a new coding style) but I'm still missing how to combine the parts of creating the structure with the filling one.
Any suggestion or code example is really appreciated.
If you think, or sure, that structs are the best option for you, you can use table2struct. First, import all the data into Matlab as a table, and then convert it to a structure.
mystruct = table2struct(data);
to access your data you would use the following syntax:
if key is an array, then you need to collect all the values to a list using either a cell array:
values = {mystruct(key).header}
or different variables:
[v1, v2, v3] = mystruct(key).header
but the latter option is problematic if you are not sure hoe many outputs to expect.
I'm not sure what will be more convenient to you, but you can also convert to a scalar structure by setting 'ToScalar' argument to true.

Removing duplicate lines from a large dataset

Let's assume that I have a very large dataset that can not be fit into the memory, there are millions of records in the dataset and I want to remove duplicate rows (actually keeping one row from the duplicates)
What's the most efficient approach in terms of space and time complexity ?
What I thought :
1.Using bloom filter , I am not sure about how it's implemented , but I guess the side effect is having false-positives , in that case how can we find if it's REALLY a duplicate or not ?
2.Using hash values , in this case if we have a small number of duplicate values, the number of unique hash values would be large and again we may have problem with memory ,
Your solution 2: using hash value doesn't force a memory problem. You just have to partition the hash space into slices that fits into memory. More precisely:
Consider a hash table storing the set of records, each record is only represented by its index in the table. Say for example that such a hash table will be 4GB. Then you split your hash space in k=4 slice. Depending on the two last digits of the hash value, each record goes into one of the slice. So the algorithm would go roughly as follows:
let k = 2^M
for i from 0 to k-1:
t = new table
for each record r on the disk:
h = hashvalue(r)
if (the M last bit of h == i) {
insert r into t with respect to hash value h >> M
search t for duplicate and remove them
delete t from memory
The drawback is that you have to hash each record k times. The advantage is that is it can trivially be distributed.
Here is a prototype in Python:
# Fake huge database on the disks
records = ["askdjlsd", "kalsjdld", "alkjdslad", "askdjlsd"]*100
M = 2
mask = 2**(M+1)-1
class HashLink(object):
def __init__(self, idx):
self._idx = idx
self._hash = hash(records[idx]) # file access
def __hash__(self):
return self._hash >> M
# hashlink are equal if they link to equal objects
def __eq__(self, other):
return records[self._idx] == records[other._idx] # file access
def __repr__(self):
return str(records[self._idx])
to_be_deleted = list()
for i in range(2**M):
t = set()
for idx, rec in enumerate(records):
h = hash(rec)
if (h & mask == i):
if HashLink(idx) in t:
The result is:
>>> [records[idx] for idx in range(len(records)) if idx not in to_be_deleted]
['askdjlsd', 'kalsjdld', 'alkjdslad']
Since you need deletion of duplicate item, without sorting or indexing, you may end up scanning entire dataset for every delete, which is unbearably costly in terms of performance. Given that, you may think of some external sorting for this, or a database. If you don't care about ordering of output dataset. Create 'n' number of files which stores a subset of input dataset according to hash of the record or record's key. Get the hash and take modulo by 'n' and get the right output file to store the content. Since size of every output file is small now, your delete operation would be very fast; for output file you could use normal file, or a sqlite/ berkeley db. I would recommend sqlite/bdb though. In order to avoid scanning for every write to output file, you could have a front-end bloom filter for every output file. Bloom filter isn't that difficult. Lot of libraries are available. Calculating 'n' depends on your main memory, I would say. Go with pessimistic, huge value for 'n'. Once your work is done, concatenate all the output files into a single one.